最近參與了cocos creator的研究,開發小遊戲,結果被一個事件坑得不行不行的。如今終於解決了,分享給你們。node
6.節點是否被觸控到,touch start事件能夠確定被觸摸到,可是一個節點觸摸到必須等待其結束,另外一個節點才能響應touch事件code
7.判斷是否框選中,根據座標計算相互交叉便是選中。就是說我從觸控起點->觸控終點 構成的矩形區域,與節點的矩形存在重疊,就是被框選。本例中,採用比較粗略的算法實現,根據橫座標的範圍是否包含子節點的橫座標判斷是否選中。component
cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { // foo: { // default: null, // The default value will be used only when the component attaching // to a node for the first time // url: cc.Texture2D, // optional, default is typeof default // serializable: true, // optional, default is true // visible: true, // optional, default is true // displayName: 'Foo', // optional // readonly: false, // optional, default is false // }, // ... poker:{ default:null, type:cc.Node }, cardMask:{ default:null, type: cc.Prefab } }, // use this for initialization onLoad: function () { //牌 this.cards = this.poker.children; //牌初始位置 this.cardInitY = this.cards[0].y; //觸摸選擇到的牌 this.touchedCards = []; //選中的牌 this.selectedCards = []; console.info(this.cards); }, start: function () { // this.cards = this.poker.children; // console.info(this.cards); this.addTouchEvent(); }, /** * 添加事件 */ addTouchEvent:function(){ //父節點監聽touch事件(直接子節點必須註冊一樣的事件方能觸發) this.poker.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, function (event) { console.log('poker TOUCH_START'); //牌 var card = event.target; //起始觸摸位置(和第一張card同樣,相對於poker的位置) this.touchStartLocation = this.cards[0].convertTouchToNodeSpace(event); console.log('touch start Location:'+ JSON.stringify(this.touchStartLocation)); //計算牌位置 var index = 0; for(var i=0;i<this.cards.length;i++){ var c = this.cards[i]; if(c.name == card.name){ index = i; break; } } //暫存第一次觸摸到的牌 var touchedCard = { index:index, card:card }; this.firstTouchedCard = touchedCard; //暫存 this.pushTouchedCards(touchedCard.index,touchedCard.card); }, this); //父節點監聽touch事件(直接子節點必須註冊一樣的事件方能觸發) this.poker.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, function (event) { console.log('poker TOUCH_MOVE'); //先清除原先觸摸到的牌 this.clearTouchedCards(); //保存第一張牌 this.pushTouchedCards(this.firstTouchedCard.index,this.firstTouchedCard.card); //觸摸點轉換爲card節點座標 var nodeLocation = this.cards[0].convertTouchToNodeSpace(event); console.log('touch nodeLocation:'+ JSON.stringify(nodeLocation)); var x = nodeLocation.x; var y = nodeLocation.y; //找到當前選中的牌 var currentCard = null; for(var i=0;i< this.cards.length;i++){ var card = this.cards[i]; var cardX = card.x; var cardY = card.y; console.log('card x='+cardX+',y='+cardY); //某張牌範圍包括了鼠標位置,選中此牌與觸摸開頭的全部牌 var cardWidth = i==5 ? card.width:19; var cardHeight = card.height; if(cardX<=x && x <= cardX+cardWidth && cardY<=y && y<= cardY+cardHeight){ currentCard = card; //暫存觸摸到的牌 this.pushTouchedCards(i,card); break; } } //添加開頭與此牌直接的全部牌 var startTouchLocation = this.touchStartLocation; for(var i=0;i< this.cards.length;i++){ var card = this.cards[i]; var cardX = card.x; //框選的範圍包括了的牌 var min,max; if(startTouchLocation.x < nodeLocation.x){ min = startTouchLocation.x; max = nodeLocation.x; }else{ min = nodeLocation.x; max = startTouchLocation.x; } console.log('min='+min+', max='+max); if(min <= cardX && cardX <= max){ //暫存觸摸到的牌 this.pushTouchedCards(i,card); } } }, this); //父節點監聽touch事件(直接子節點必須註冊一樣的事件方能觸發) this.poker.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, function (event) { console.log('poker TOUCH_END'); this.doSelectCard(); }, this); //父節點監聽touch事件(直接子節點必須註冊一樣的事件方能觸發) this.poker.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, function (event) { console.log('poker TOUCH_CANCEL'); this.doSelectCard(); }, this); //給全部的牌註冊事件,會自動冒泡到poker節點 for(var i=0;i< this.cards.length;i++){ var cards = this.cards; //閉包傳遞i值 (function(i){ var card = cards[i]; card.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, function (event) { console.log('card TOUCH_START'); }, card); card.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_MOVE, function (event) { console.log('card TOUCH_MOVE'); }, card); card.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_END, function (event) { console.log('card TOUCH_END'); }, card); card.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_CANCEL, function (event) { console.log('card TOUCH_CANCEL'); }, card); })(i) } }, /** * 暫存觸摸到的牌 */ pushTouchedCards:function(index,card){ //構造牌對象 var cardObj = { index:index, name:card.name, isSelected:card.y==this.cardInitY?false:true //高度不同,表示選中 }; //防止重複添加 var existCard = this.touchedCards.find(function(obj){ if(obj.name == card.name){ return obj; }else{ return null; } }); if(!existCard){ //添加暫存 this.touchedCards.push(cardObj); //包含提示 this.addCardMask(card); } }, /** * 清除原先暫存的觸摸到的牌 */ clearTouchedCards:function(){ for(var i=0;i<this.touchedCards.length;i++){ var cardIndex = this.touchedCards[i].index; var card = this.cards[cardIndex]; card.removeChild(card.children[0]); } this.touchedCards = []; }, /** * 選擇牌 */ doSelectCard:function(){ this.selectedCards = []; console.log(this.touchedCards); //改變牌狀態 for(var i = 0; i< this.touchedCards.length;i++){ var cardObj = this.touchedCards[i]; var card = this.cards[cardObj.index]; if(cardObj.isSelected){ //若是是選中改成不選中 card.y = card.y - 30; }else{ //不選中改成選中狀態 card.y = card.y + 30; } } //重置 this.clearTouchedCards(); //顯示選中的牌 this.showSelectedCards(); }, /** * 包含牌遮罩 */ addCardMask:function(card){ var cardMask = cc.instantiate(this.cardMask); cardMask.setPosition(cc.p(0, 0)); card.addChild(cardMask); }, /** * 顯示選中的牌 */ showSelectedCards:function(){ this.selectedCards = []; for(var i=0;i< this.cards.length;i++){ var card = this.cards[i]; var isSelected = card.y==this.cardInitY?false:true; if(isSelected){ this.selectedCards.push(card.name); } } //輸出 console.info("selected cards is: "+ JSON.stringify(this.selectedCards)); }, // called every frame, uncomment this function to activate update callback // update: function (dt) { // }, });