你們好,我又回來了! 以前的幾期咱們已經簡單瞭解了pandas的基礎操做,可是隻要涉及到數據,最多見的就是String(字符串)類型,因此不少時候咱們其實都在和字符串打交道,因此今天,我會把我本身總結的,有關字符串的經常使用方法分享給你們,但願可以幫到各位小夥伴~python
latitude = '37.24N' longitude = '-115.81W' 'Coordinates {0},{1}'.format(latitude,longitude) >>> 'Coordinates 37.24N,-115.81W'
f'Coordinates {latitude},{longitude}' >>>'Coordinates 37.24N,-115.81W'
'{0},{1},{2}'.format(*('abc')) >>>'a,b,c'
coord = {"latitude":latitude,"longitude":longitude} 'Coordinates {latitude},{longitude}'.format(**coord) >>>'Coordinates 37.24N,-115.81W'
class Point: def __init__(self,x,y): self.x,self.y = x,y def __str__(self): return 'Point({self.x},{self.y})'.format(self = self) def __repr__(self): return f'Point({self.x},{self.y})'
test_point = Point(4,2) test_point >>> Point(4,2)
str(Point(4,2)) >>>'Point(4,2)'
" repr() shows the quote {!r}, while str() doesn't:{!s} ".format('a1','a2') >>> " repr() shows the quote 'a1', while str() doesn't:a2 "
'{:<30}'.format('left aligned') >>>'left aligned '
'{:>30}'.format('right aligned') >>>' right aligned'
'{:^30}'.format('centerd') >>>' centerd '
'{:*^30}'.format('centerd') >>>'***********centerd************'
"int:{0:d}, hex:{0:x}, oct:{0:o}, bin:{0:b}".format(42) >>>'int:42, hex:2a, oct:52, bin:101010'
'{:,}'.format(12345677) >>>'12,345,677'
points = 19 total = 22 'Correct answers: {:.2%}'.format(points/total) >>>'Correct answers: 86.36%'
import datetime as dt f"{dt.datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d}" >>>'2019-03-27'
f"{dt.datetime.now():%d_%m_%Y}" >>>'27_03_2019'
today = dt.datetime.today().strftime("%d_%m_%Y") today
"this is a test".split() >>>['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
'do'*2 >>>'dodo'
orig_string ='Hello' orig_string+',World' >>>'Hello,World'
full_sentence = orig_string+',World' full_sentence >>>'Hello,World'
strings = ['do','re','mi'] ', '.join(strings) >>>'do, re, mi'
'z' not in 'abc' >>> True
ord('a'), ord('#') >>> (97, 35)
chr(97) >>>'a'
s = "foodbar" s[2:5] >>>'odb'
s[:4] + s[4:] >>>'foodbar'
s[:4] + s[4:] == s >>>True
t=s[:] id(s) >>>1547542895336
id(t) >>>1547542895336
s is t >>>True
s[0:6:2] >>>'fob'
s[5:0:-2] >>>'ado'
s = 'tomorrow is monday' reverse_s = s[::-1] reverse_s >>>'yadnom si worromot'
s.capitalize() >>>'Tomorrow is monday'
s.upper() >>>'TOMORROW IS MONDAY'
s.title() >>>'Tomorrow Is Monday'
s.count('o') >>> 4
"foobar".startswith('foo') >>>True
"foobar".endswith('ar') >>>True
"foobar".endswith('oob',0,4) >>>True
"foobar".endswith('oob',2,4) >>>False
"My name is yo, I work at SG".find('yo') >>>11
# If can't find the string, return -1 "My name is ya, I work at Gener".find('gent') >>>-1
# Check a string if consists of alphanumeric characters "abc123".isalnum() >>>True
"abc%123".isalnum() >>>False
"abcABC".isalpha() >>>True
"abcABC1".isalpha() >>>False
'123'.isdigit() >>>True
'123abc'.isdigit() >>>False
'abc'.islower() >>>True
"This Is A Title".istitle() >>>True
"This is a title".istitle() >>>False
'ABC'.isupper() >>>True
'ABC1%'.isupper() >>>True
'foo'.center(10) >>>' foo '
' foo bar baz '.strip() >>>'foo bar baz'
' foo bar baz '.lstrip() >>>'foo bar baz '
' foo bar baz '.rstrip() >>>' foo bar baz'
"foo abc foo def fo ljk ".replace('foo','yao') >>>'yao abc yao def fo ljk '
'www.realpython.com'.strip('w.moc') >>>'realpython'
'www.realpython.com'.strip('w.com') >>>'realpython'
'www.realpython.com'.strip('w.ncom') >>>'realpyth'
', '.join(['foo','bar','baz','qux']) >>>'foo, bar, baz, qux'
list('corge') >>>['c', 'o', 'r', 'g', 'e']
':'.join('corge') >>>'c:o:r:g:e'
'www.foo'.partition('.') >>>('www', '.', 'foo')
'foo@@bar@@baz'.partition('@@') >>>('foo', '@@', 'bar@@baz')
'foo@@bar@@baz'.rpartition('@@') >>>('foo@@bar', '@@', 'baz')
'foo.bar'.partition('@@') >>>('foo.bar', '', '')
# By default , rsplit split a string with white space 'foo bar adf yao'.rsplit() >>>['foo', 'bar', 'adf', 'yao']
'foo.bar.adf.ert'.split('.') >>>['foo', 'bar', 'adf', 'ert']
'foo\nbar\nadfa\nlko'.splitlines() >>>['foo', 'bar', 'adfa', 'lko']