Linux 用戶 quote 配置 說明


一. Linux 配額(Quota)說明


在 Linux 系統中,因爲是多人多任務的環境,因此會有多人共同使用一個硬盤空間的狀況發生,爲了合理使用這些空間,管理員須要控制用戶對磁盤空間的使用,這個就是Linux 下的配額管理。 node





1.1 Quota 經常使用在以下幾種狀況

1)  針對 WWW server ,例如:每一個人的網頁空間的容量限制。ide

2)  針對 mail server,例如:每一個人的郵件空間限制。測試

3)  針對 file server,例如:每一個人最大的可用網絡硬盤空間。ui


1.2 Quota 的2個注意事項

(1)僅針對整個 partition:this

quota針對『整個 partition』進行限制, 例如:若是/dev/hda5 是掛載在 /dave 目錄下,那麼在 /dave 目錄下的全部目錄都會受到限制。spa



不是全部在 Linux 上面的帳號均可以設定 quota,例如 root 就不能設定quota 。



1.3 Quota 的三種限制類型

(1)soft limit:

這是最低限制容量的意思,用戶在寬限期間以內,他的容量能夠超過 soft ,但必須要寬限時間以內將磁盤容量下降到 soft 的容量限制之下。


(2)hard limit:

這是『絕對不能超過』的容量。一般hard limit 會比 soft limit 爲高,例如網絡驅動器空間爲 30 MB ,那麼 hard limit 就設定爲 30MB ,可是爲了讓使用者有必定的警惕心,因此當使用空間超過 25 MB 時,例如使用者使用了 27 MB 的空間時,那麼系統就會警告用戶, 讓使用者能夠在『寬限時間內』將他的檔案量下降至 25 MB ( 亦便是 soft limit )以內。也就是說, soft 到 hard 之間的容量其實就是寬限的容量,能夠達到針對使用者的『警示』做用。



寬限時間就是當使用者使用的空間超過了 soft limit ,卻尚未到達 hard limit 時,那麼在這個『寬限時間』以內,就必須要請用戶將使用的磁盤容量下降到 soft limit 之下。而當用戶將磁盤容量使用狀況超過 soft limit 時,『寬限時間』就會自動被啓動,而在用戶將容量下降到 softlimit 之下,那麼寬限時間就會自動的取消。


1.4 Quota 的安裝包



[root@rhce /]# rpm -q quota


[root@rhce /]#


1.5 Quota 相關的命令


與Quota 相關的幾個命令以下。


1.5.1 啓用quota:quotaon

[root@rhce /]# quotaon

Bad number of arguments.

quotaon: Usage:

       quotaon [-guvp] [-F quotaformat] [-x state] -a

       quotaon [-guvp] [-F quotaformat] [-x state] filesys ...


-a, --all                turn quotas on for all filesystems

-f, --off                turn quotas off

-u, --user               operate on user quotas

-g, --group              operate on group quotas

-p, --print-state        print whether quotas are on or off

-x, --xfs-command=cmd    perform XFS quota command

-F, --format=formatname  operate on specific quota format

-v, --verbose            print more messages

-h, --help               display this help text and exit

-V, --version            display version information andexit

[root@rhce /]#



1.5.2 關閉quota:quotaoff

[root@rhce /]# quotaoff

Bad number of arguments.

quotaoff: Usage:

       quotaoff [-guvp] [-F quotaformat] [-x state] -a

       quotaoff [-guvp] [-F quotaformat] [-x state] filesys ...


-a, --all                turn quotas off for allfilesystems

-f, --off                turn quotas off

-u, --user               operate on user quotas

-g, --group              operate on group quotas

-p, --print-state        print whether quotas are on or off

-x, --xfs-command=cmd    perform XFS quota command

-F, --format=formatname  operate on specific quota format

-v, --verbose            print more messages

-h, --help               display this help text and exit

-V, --version            display version information andexit


1.5.3 配額發送警告:warnquota

[root@rhce /]# warnquota -h

warnquota: Usage:

 warnquota [-ugsid] [-F quotaformat] [-c configfile] [-q quotatabfile][-a adminsfile]


-u, --user                      warn users

-g, --group                     warn groups

-s, --human-readable            send information in more humanfriendly units

-i, --no-autofs                 avoid autofs mountpoints

-d, --no-details                do not send quota informationitself

-F, --format=formatname         use quotafiles of specific format

-c, --config=config-file        non-default config file

-q, --quota-tab=quotatab-file   non-default quotatab

-a, --admins-file=admins-file   non-default admins file

-h, --help                      display this help messageand exit

-v, --version                   display version informationand exit


Bugs to

[root@rhce /]#


1.5.4 編輯配額屬性:edquota

[root@rhce /]# edquota

edquota: Usage:

       edquota [-rm] [-u] [-F formatname] [-p username] [-f filesystem]username ...

        edquota [-rm] -g [-F formatname] [-pgroupname] [-f filesystem] groupname ...

       edquota [-rm] [-u|g] [-F formatname] [-f filesystem] -t

       edquota [-rm] [-u|g] [-F formatname] [-f filesystem] -Tusername|groupname ...


-u, --user                    edit user data

-g, --group                   edit group data

-r, --remote                  edit remote quota (via RPC)

-m, --no-mixed-pathnames      trim leading slashes from NFSv4mountpoints

-F, --format=formatname       edit quotas of a specific format

-p, --prototype=name          copy data from a prototype user/group

   --always-resolve          alwaystry to resolve name, even if it is

                              composed only ofdigits

-f, --filesystem=filesystem   edit data only on a specific filesystem

-t, --edit-period             edit grace period

-T, --edit-times              edit grace time of a user/group

-h, --help                    display this help text andexit

-V, --version                 display version informationand exit


Bugs to:

[root@rhce /]#


1.5.5 顯示配額信息:repquota

[root@rhce /]# repquota -h

repquota: Utility for reporting quotas.


repquota [-vugsi] [-c|C] [-t|n] [-Fquotaformat] (-a | mntpoint)


-v, --verbose               display also users/groups withoutany usage

-u, --user                  display information aboutusers

-g, --group                 display information aboutgroups

-s, --human-readable        show numbers in human friendly units(MB, GB, ...)

-t, --truncate-names        truncate names to 8 characters

-p, --raw-grace             print grace time in seconds sinceepoch

-n, --no-names              do not translate uid/gid to name

-i, --no-autofs             avoid autofs mountpoints

-c, --batch-translation     translate big number of ids at once

-C, --no-batch-translation  translate ids one by one

-F, --format=formatname     report information for specific format

-h, --help                  display this help message andexit

-V, --version               display version information andexit


Bugs to

[root@rhce /]#


1.5.6 檢查並修復quota 配置文件:quotacheck

#quotacheck –cvug/tmp


[root@rhce ~]# quotacheck -h

Utility for checking and repairing quotafiles.

quotacheck [-gucbfinvdmMR] [-F<quota-format>] filesystem|-a


-u, --user                check user files

-g, --group               check group files

-c, --create-files        create new quota files

-b, --backup              create backups of old quota files

-f, --force               force check even if quotas areenabled

-i, --interactive         interactive mode

-n, --use-first-dquot     use the first copy of duplicated structure

-v, --verbose             print more information

-d, --debug               print even more messages

-m, --no-remount          do not remount filesystem read-only

-M, --try-remount         try remounting filesystem read-only,

                          continue even if itfails

-R, --exclude-root        exclude root when checking allfilesystems

-F, --format=formatname   check quota files of specific format

-a, --all                 check all filesystems

-h, --help                display this message and exit

-V, --version             display version information andexit


Bugs to

[root@rhce ~]#


[root@rhce ~]#  quotacheck -cvug /dave

quotacheck: Your kernel probably supportsjournaled quota but you are not using it. Consider switching to journaled quotato avoid running quotacheck after an unclean shutdown.

quotacheck: Scanning /dev/sdc1 [/dave] done

quotacheck: Cannot stat old user quotafile: No such file or directory

quotacheck: Cannot stat old group quotafile: No such file or directory

quotacheck: Cannot stat old user quotafile: No such file or directory

quotacheck: Cannot stat old group quota file:No such file or directory

quotacheck: Checked 3 directories and 2files

quotacheck: Old file not found.


1.5.7 直接設置配額:setquota

[root@rhce ~]# setquota -h

setquota: Usage:

 setquota [-u|-g] [-rm] [-F quotaformat] <user|group>

       <block-softlimit> <block-hardlimit> <inode-softlimit><inode-hardlimit> -a|<filesystem>...

 setquota [-u|-g] [-rm] [-F quotaformat] <-p protouser|protogroup><user|group> -a|<filesystem>...

 setquota [-u|-g] [-rm] [-F quotaformat] -b [-c] -a|<filesystem>...

 setquota [-u|-g] [-F quotaformat] -t <blockgrace><inodegrace> -a|<filesystem>...

 setquota [-u|-g] [-F quotaformat] <user|group> -T<blockgrace> <inodegrace> -a|<filesystem>...


-u, --user                 set limits for user

-g, --group                set limits for group

-a, --all                  set limits for allfilesystems

   --always-resolve       always tryto resolve name, even if is

                           composed only ofdigits

-F, --format=formatname    operate on specific quota format

-p, --prototype=protoname  copy limits from user/group

-b, --batch                read limits from standard input

-c, --continue-batch       continue in input processing in case ofan error

-r, --remote               set remote quota (via RPC)

-m, --no-mixed-pathnames      trim leading slashes from NFSv4mountpoints

-t, --edit-period          edit grace period

-T, --edit-times           edit grace times for user/group

-h, --help                 display this help text andexit

-V, --version              display version information andexit


Bugs to:

[root@rhce ~]#


二. 配額使用示例


2.1 建立分區並mount到目錄


[root@rhce /]# fdisk /dev/sdc

Device contains neither a valid DOSpartition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel

Building a new DOS disklabel with diskidentifier 0x1e051117.

Changes will remain in memory only, untilyou decide to write them.

After that, of course, the previous contentwon't be recoverable.


Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partitiontable 4 will be corrected by w(rite)


WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated.It's strongly recommended to

        switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to

        sectors (command 'u').


Command (m for help): n

Command action

  e   extended

  p   primary partition (1-4)


Partition number (1-4): 1

First cylinder (1-652, default 1):

Using default value 1

Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G}(1-652, default 652):

Using default value 652


Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!


Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Syncing disks.


[root@rhce /]# fdisk -l


Disk /dev/sdc: 5368 MB, 5368709120 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 652 cylinders

Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes /512 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512bytes

Disk identifier: 0x1e051117


  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks  Id  System

/dev/sdc1               1         652    5237158+  83  Linux


[root@rhce /]# mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdc1

mke2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)

Filesystem label=

OS type: Linux

Block size=4096 (log=2)

Fragment size=4096 (log=2)

Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks

327680 inodes, 1309289 blocks

65464 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the superuser

First data block=0

Maximum filesystem blocks=1342177280

40 block groups

32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments pergroup

8192 inodes per group

Superblock backups stored on blocks:

       32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736


Writing inode tables: done                            

Creating journal (32768 blocks): done

Writing superblocks and filesystemaccounting information: done


This filesystem will be automaticallychecked every 30 mounts or

180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

[root@rhce /]#

[root@rhce /]# mount/dev/sdc1 /dave

[root@rhce /]# vim /etc/fstab

/dev/sdc1         /dave           ext3                      defaults        0 0


咱們這裏將/dev/sdc1 映射到了目錄/dave.


2.2 建立2個測試用戶


[root@rhce /]# groupadd grp01

[root@rhce /]# groupadd grp02

[root@rhce /]# cat /etc/group|grep grp0*



[root@rhce /]#


[root@rhce /]# useradd dave01 -g grp01

[root@rhce /]# useradd dave02 -g grp02


[root@rhce /]# passwd dave01

Changing password for user dave01.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: it is too short

BAD PASSWORD: is too simple

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updatedsuccessfully.

[root@rhce /]# passwd dave02

Changing password for user dave02.

New password:

BAD PASSWORD: it is too short

BAD PASSWORD: is too simple

Retype new password:

passwd: all authentication tokens updatedsuccessfully.

[root@rhce /]#


2.3 修改分區表啓用配額限制


[root@rhce ~]# cat /etc/fstab                                                                


tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0                  

devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0                  

sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0                  

proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0                  

/dev/sdc1               /dave                   ext3    defaults,usrquota,grpquot        0 0

[root@rhce ~]#                                                                               



/etc/fstab 文件的第四個字段是裝載文件系統是使用的選項:







2.4 從新Remount 分區


[root@rhce ~]# mount

/dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw)

proc on /proc type proc (rw)

sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)

devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)

tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs(rw,rootcontext="system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0")

/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext4 (rw)

none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc typebinfmt_misc (rw)

none on /sys/kernel/config type configfs(rw)

sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs typerpc_pipefs (rw)

gvfs-fuse-daemon on /root/.gvfs typefuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev)

/dev/sdc1 on /dave typeext3 (rw)




[root@rhce ~]# mount -oremount /dave

[root@rhce ~]# mount

/dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw)

proc on /proc type proc (rw)

sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)

devpts on /dev/pts type devpts(rw,gid=5,mode=620)

tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs(rw,rootcontext="system_u:object_r:tmpfs_t:s0")

/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext4 (rw)

none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc typebinfmt_misc (rw)

none on /sys/kernel/config type configfs(rw)

sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs typerpc_pipefs (rw)

gvfs-fuse-daemon on /root/.gvfs typefuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev)

/dev/sdc1 on /dave typeext3 (rw,usrquota,grpquota)

[root@rhce ~]#


2.5 啓動並配置文件大小配額限制



[root@rhce ~]# quotacheck/dave

quotacheck: Cannot create new quotafile/dave/ Permission denied

quotacheck: Cannot initialize IO on newquotafile: Permission denied



[root@rhce ~]# getenforce


[root@rhce ~]# setenforce 0

[root@rhce ~]# getenforce


[root@rhce ~]#



[root@rhce ~]# quotaon -vug /dave

/dev/sdc1 [/dave]: group quotas turned on

/dev/sdc1 [/dave]: user quotas turned on

[root@rhce ~]#



[root@rhce dave]# pwd


[root@rhce dave]# ll

total 32

-rw-------. 1 root root  6144 Jun 22 09:28

-rw-------. 1 root root  6144 Jun 22 09:28 aquota.user

drwx------. 2 root root 16384 Jun 22 05:00lost+found

[root@rhce dave]#





[root@rhce dave]# edquota -u dave01

Disk quotas for user dave01 (uid 503):

 Filesystem                  blocks       soft       hard     inodes    soft     hard

 /dev/sdc1                        0      10240      20480          0        0       0





3.hard: 硬限制,單位爲字節。






[root@rhce dave]# repquota /dave

*** Report for user quotas on device/dev/sdc1

Block grace time: 7days;Inode grace time: 7days

                        Block limits                File limits

User            used    soft   hard  grace    used soft  hard  grace


root     --  141436       0      0              4     0    0      





[root@rhce dave]#





[dave01@rhce ~]$ dd if=/dev/zeroof=/dave/tf01 bs=1M count=5

5+0 records in

5+0 records out

5242880 bytes (5.2 MB) copied, 0.0445553 s,118 MB/s


--建立10M的文件,超過soft 的配額限制,有警告:

[dave01@rhce ~]$ dd if=/dev/zeroof=/dave/tf01 bs=1M count=10

sdc1: warning, user blockquota exceeded.

10+0 records in

10+0 records out

10485760 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.0232663 s,451 MB/s



[dave01@rhce ~]$ dd if=/dev/zeroof=/dave/tf02 bs=1M count=10

sdc1: write failed, userblock limit reached.

dd: writing `/dave/tf02':Disk quota exceeded

10+0 records in

9+0 records out

10448896 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.049051 s,213 MB/s

[dave01@rhce ~]$



[root@rhce dave]# repquota /dave

*** Report for user quotas on device/dev/sdc1

Block grace time: 7days;Inode grace time: 7days

                        Block limits                File limits

User            used    soft   hard  grace    used soft  hard  grace


root     --  141432       0      0              3     0    0      

dave01    +-  20480   10240   20480 6days       3     0    0      





2.6 配置文件個數的配額限制




[root@rhce dave]# edquota -u dave02

Disk quotas for user dave02 (uid 504):

 Filesystem                  blocks       soft       hard    inodes     soft     hard

 /dev/sdc1                        0          0          0         0       20      30







[root@rhce ~]# chown dave02.grp02 /dave





[dave02@rhce ~]$ cd /dave

[dave02@rhce dave]$ ls  aquota.user lost+found  tf01  tf02

[dave02@rhce dave]$


[dave02@rhce dave]$ for i in $(seq 1 22);

> do echo 「dave02file$i」;

> touch dave02file$i;

> done





















sdc1: warning, user filequota exceeded.



[dave02@rhce dave]$






[dave02@rhce dave]$ for i in $(seq 23 33);

> do echo 「dave02file$i」;

> touch dave02file$i;

> done









sdc1: write failed, userfile limit reached.

touch: cannot touch`dave02file30': Disk quota exceeded


touch: cannot touch `dave02file31': Diskquota exceeded


touch: cannot touch `dave02file32': Diskquota exceeded


touch: cannot touch `dave02file33': Diskquota exceeded

[dave02@rhce dave]$







[root@rhce ~]# repquota /dave

*** Report for user quotas on device/dev/sdc1

Block grace time: 7days;Inode grace time: 7days

                        Block limits                File limits

User            used    soft   hard  grace    used soft  hard  grace


root     --  141432       0      0              3     0    0      

dave01   +-   20476   10240  20480  6days       2    0     0      

dave02   -+       4       0      0             30    20    30 6days



2.7 更改寬限時間



[root@rhce ~]# repquota /dave

*** Report for user quotas on device/dev/sdc1

Block grace time: 7days;Inode grace time: 7days


這個時間,咱們可使用edquota 來修改。


[root@rhce ~]# edquota -h

edquota: Usage:

       edquota [-rm] [-u] [-F formatname] [-p username] [-f filesystem]username ...

       edquota [-rm] -g [-F formatname] [-p groupname] [-f filesystem]groupname ...

       edquota [-rm] [-u|g] [-F formatname] [-f filesystem] -t

       edquota [-rm] [-u|g] [-F formatname] [-f filesystem] -Tusername|groupname ...


-u, --user                    edit user data

-g, --group                   edit group data

-r, --remote                  edit remote quota (via RPC)

-m, --no-mixed-pathnames      trim leading slashes from NFSv4mountpoints

-F, --format=formatname       edit quotas of a specific format

-p, --prototype=name          copy data from a prototype user/group

   --always-resolve          alwaystry to resolve name, even if it is

                              composed only of digits

-f, --filesystem=filesystem   edit data only on a specific filesystem

-t, --edit-period             edit grace period

-T, --edit-times              edit grace time of a user/group

-h, --help                    display this help text andexit

-V, --version                 display version informationand exit


2.7.1 按用戶來設置寬限時間



[root@rhce ~]# edquota-T dave01

Times to enforce softlimit for user dave01(uid 503):

Time units may be: days, hours, minutes, orseconds

 Filesystem                        block grace               inodegrace

 /dev/sdc1                         601938seconds                  unset




[root@rhce ~]# edquota -T dave01

Times to enforce softlimit for user dave01(uid 503):

Time units may be: days,hours, minutes, or seconds

 Filesystem                        block grace               inodegrace

 /dev/sdc1                          10days                unset


咱們改爲10天。 上面有時間的單位。



[root@rhce ~]# repquota /dave

*** Report for user quotas on device/dev/sdc1

Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time:7days

                        Block limits                File limits

User            used    soft   hard  grace    used soft  hard  grace


root     --  141432       0      0              3     0    0      

dave01   +-   20476   10240  20480 10days       2    0     0      

dave02   -+       4       0      0             30    20   30  6days



[root@rhce ~]# edquota -T dave02

Times to enforce softlimit for user dave02(uid 504):

Time units may be: days, hours, minutes, orseconds

 Filesystem                        block grace               inodegrace

 /dev/sdc1                                unset               12days


[root@rhce ~]# repquota/dave

*** Report for user quotas on device/dev/sdc1

Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time:7days

                        Block limits                File limits

User            used    soft   hard  grace    used soft  hard  grace


root     --  141432       0      0              3     0    0      

dave01   +-   20476   10240  20480  9days       2    0     0      

dave02   -+       4       0      0             30    20   30 12days



2.7.2 按組來設置寬限時間


咱們的dave02 用戶對應的組是grp02.


-Tg 爭對組

T 爭對用戶



[root@rhce ~]# edquota -Tg grp02

Times to enforce softlimit for group grp02(gid 504):

Time units may be: days,hours, minutes, or seconds

 Filesystem                        block grace               inodegrace

 /dev/sdc1                                unset                  unset





[root@rhce ~]# edquota -Tg grp02

Times to enforce softlimit for group grp02(gid 504):

Time units may be: days, hours, minutes, orseconds

 Filesystem                        block grace               inodegrace

 /dev/sdc1                                unset                 10days






若是咱們想修改組的寬限時間,就必須先設置組的soft和hard limit。 只有這2個屬性設置之後,才能夠設置寬限時間。


[root@rhce dave]# edquota-g grp02

Disk quotas for group grp02 (gid 504):

 Filesystem                   blocks       soft       hard    inodes     soft     hard

 /dev/sdc1                        4          0          0         30        20        30







2.8 關閉配額

[root@rhce dave]# quotaoff -a


--關閉quota以後,在清空/etc/fstab 文件中有關配額的限制。


最後remount 磁盤。













Skype:    tianlesoftware







