咱們能夠進入Visual Studio Tools使用Developer Command Prompt進行操做.ui
witadmin /?
The following is the list of commands that are available. Type 'witadmin [command] /?' or 'witadmin help [command]' and press Enter to view help for a specific command. changefield deactivatelinktype deletefield deletelinktype destroygloballist destroywi destroywitd exportagileprocessconfig exportcategories exportcommonprocessconfig exportgloballist exportglobalworkflow exportlinktype exportprocessconfig exportwitd help importagileprocessconfig importcategories importcommonprocessconfig importgloballist importglobalworkflow importlinktype importprocessconfig importwitd indexfield listfields listgloballist listlinktypes listwitd reactivatelinktype rebuildcache renamewitd
witadmin importwitd /?
This command imports a work item type XML definition file into a team project on a Team Foundation Server. If a work item type with the same name already exists, the new work item type definition will overwrite the existing definition. If the work item type does not already exist, a new work item type will be created. Usage: witadmin importwitd /collection:collectionurl [/p:project] /f:filename [/e:encoding] [/v] /collection Specifies the Team Foundation project collection. Use a fully specified URL such as http://servername:8080/tfs/Collection0. /p Specifies the team project in which the new work item type is imported. This is required, except when the validation-only option is used. /f Specifies the work item type XML definition file to import. /e Specifies the name of the .NET Framework 2.0 encoding used to import the XML file. For example, /e:utf-7 will use Unicode (UTF-7) encoding. Encoding is automatically detected whenever possible. If the encoding cannot be detected, UTF-8 is used. /v Validates the XML definitions for the work item type, link type, or global workflow without importing them.