項目的完整代碼在 C2j-Compilerjava
e -> t . t -> t . * f
這時候經過狀態節點0輸入t跳轉到這個節點,可是這時候狀態機沒法分清是根據推導式1作reduce仍是根據推導式2作shift操做,這種狀況就稱之爲shift / reduce矛盾。算法
在以前的LL(1)語法分析過程當中,有一個FOLLOW set,也就是指的是,對某個非終結符,根據語法推導表達式構建出的全部能夠跟在該非終結符後面的終結符集合,咱們稱做該非終結符的FOLLOW set.數據結構
FOLLOW(s) = {EOI} FOLLOW(e) = {EOI, },+} FOLLOW(t) = {EOI, }, + , * } FOLLOW(f) = {EOI, }, +, * }
也就是說若是當前的輸入字符屬於e的FOLLOW SET,那麼就能夠根據第一個推導式作reduce操做app
若是構建的狀態機,出現reduce / shift矛盾的節點均可以根據上面的原則處理的話,那麼這種語法,咱們稱之爲SLR(1)語法。ide
可是若是當前的輸入字符,既屬於第一個推導式的FLLOW SET,又是第二個推導式 . 右邊的符號,這樣shift /reduce矛盾就難以解決了。學習
這種能合法的跟在某個非終結符後面的符號集合,咱們稱之爲look ahead set, 它是FOLLOW set的子集。
在給出LookAhead Set的算法前要先明確兩個個概念:
對一個給定的非終結符,經過一系列語法推導後,能出如今推導最左端的全部終結符的集合,統稱爲該非終結符的FIRST SET
在前面的陳述後,爲了可以解決shift/reduce矛盾,就須要一個lookAhead Set,固然在構建LookAhead Set前,就須要先有First Set
First Set構建都在FirstSetBuilder類裏實現
public void buildFirstSets() { while (runFirstSetPass) { runFirstSetPass = false; Iterator<Symbols> it = symbolArray.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Symbols symbol = it.next(); addSymbolFirstSet(symbol); } } ConsoleDebugColor.outlnPurple("First sets :"); debugPrintAllFirstSet(); ConsoleDebugColor.outlnPurple("First sets end"); } private void addSymbolFirstSet(Symbols symbol) { if (Token.isTerminal(symbol.value)) { if (!symbol.firstSet.contains(symbol.value)) { symbol.firstSet.add(symbol.value); } return ; } ArrayList<int[]> productions = symbol.productions; for (int[] rightSize : productions) { if (rightSize.length == 0) { continue; } if (Token.isTerminal(rightSize[0]) && !symbol.firstSet.contains(rightSize[0])) { runFirstSetPass = true; symbol.firstSet.add(rightSize[0]); } else if (!Token.isTerminal(rightSize[0])) { int pos = 0; Symbols curSymbol; do { curSymbol = symbolMap.get(rightSize[pos]); if (!symbol.firstSet.containsAll(curSymbol.firstSet)) { runFirstSetPass = true; for (int j = 0; j < curSymbol.firstSet.size(); j++) { if (!symbol.firstSet.contains(curSymbol.firstSet.get(j))) { symbol.firstSet.add(curSymbol.firstSet.get(j)); } } } pos++; } while (pos < rightSize.length && curSymbol.isNullable); } } }
[S -> a .r B, C] r -> r1
r是一個非終結符,a, B是0個或多個終結符或非終結符的集合。
在自動機進入r -> r1所在的節點時,若是採起的是reduce操做,那麼自動機的節點將會退回[S -> a .r B, C]這個推導式所在的節點,因此要正確的進行reduce操做就要保證當前的輸入字符,必須屬於FIRST(B)
因此推導式2的look ahead集合就是FIRST(B),若是B是空,那麼2的look ahead集合就等於C, 若是B是nullable的,那麼推導式2的look ahead集合就是FIRST(B) ∪ C
計算LookAhead set在每個production的方法裏
public ArrayList<Integer> computeFirstSetOfBetaAndc() { ArrayList<Integer> set = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = dotPos + 1; i < right.size(); i++) { set.add(right.get(i)); } ProductionManager manager = ProductionManager.getInstance(); ArrayList<Integer> firstSet = new ArrayList<>(); if (set.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < set.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Integer> lookAhead = manager.getFirstSetBuilder().getFirstSet(set.get(i)); for (int s : lookAhead) { if (!firstSet.contains(s)) { firstSet.add(s); } } if (!manager.getFirstSetBuilder().isSymbolNullable(set.get(i))) { break; } if (i == lookAhead.size() - 1) { //beta is composed by nulleable terms firstSet.addAll(this.lookAhead); } } } else { firstSet.addAll(lookAhead); } return firstSet; }
居然計算了Lookahead Set,那麼在計算閉包時,每一個節點裏的推導式都要加上LookAhead Set以便以後求語法分析表
private void makeClosure() { ConsoleDebugColor.outlnPurple("==== state begin make closure sets ===="); Stack<Production> productionStack = new Stack<>(); for (Production production : productions) { productionStack.push(production); } while (!productionStack.isEmpty()) { Production production = productionStack.pop(); ConsoleDebugColor.outlnPurple("production on top of stack is : "); production.debugPrint(); production.debugPrintBeta(); if (Token.isTerminal(production.getDotSymbol())) { ConsoleDebugColor.outlnPurple("Symbol after dot is not non-terminal, ignore and process next item"); continue; } int symbol = production.getDotSymbol(); ArrayList<Production> closures = productionManager.getProduction(symbol); ArrayList<Integer> lookAhead = production.computeFirstSetOfBetaAndc(); Iterator<Production> it = closures.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Production oldProduct = it.next(); Production newProduct = oldProduct.cloneSelf(); newProduct.addLookAheadSet(lookAhead); if (!closureSet.contains(newProduct)) { closureSet.add(newProduct); productionStack.push(newProduct); removeRedundantProduction(newProduct); } else { ConsoleDebugColor.outlnPurple("the production is already exist!"); } } } debugPrintClosure(); ConsoleDebugColor.outlnPurple("==== make closure sets end ===="); }
1. [t -> . t * f, {* EOI}] 2. [t -> .t * f {EOI}]
private void removeRedundantProduction(Production product) { boolean removeHappended = true; while (removeHappended) { removeHappended = false; Iterator it = closureSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Production item = (Production) it.next(); if (product.isCover(item)) { removeHappended = true; closureSet.remove(item); break; } } } }
到如今咱們已經算出了LookAhead Set,已經能夠正確的計算語法分析表了,可是還有一個問題就是,如今的自動機節點過多,很是影響效率,因此下面的任務就是壓縮有限狀態自動機
在咱們以前構造的LR(1)有限自動機裏,若是根據C語言的推導式,應該會產生600多個狀態節點,可是是由於以前在構造狀態節點時,若是相同的推導式可是它的lookAhead Sets不同,就認爲這是兩個不同的產生式。
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return checkProductionEqual(obj, false); } public boolean checkProductionEqual(Object obj, boolean isPartial) { ProductionsStateNode node = (ProductionsStateNode) obj; if (node.productions.size() != this.productions.size()) { return false; } int equalCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < node.productions.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.productions.size(); j++) { if (!isPartial) { if (node.productions.get(i).equals(this.productions.get(j))) { equalCount++; break; } } else { if (node.productions.get(i).productionEquals(this.productions.get(j))) { equalCount++; break; } } } } return equalCount == node.productions.size(); }
因此對這些推導式相同可是LookAhead Sets不一樣的節點,就能夠進行合併,以達到壓縮節點數量的目的
public void addTransition(ProductionsStateNode from, ProductionsStateNode to, int on) { /* Compress the finite state machine nodes */ if (isTransitionTableCompressed) { from = getAndMergeSimilarStates(from); to = getAndMergeSimilarStates(to); } HashMap<Integer, ProductionsStateNode> map = transitionMap.get(from); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<>(); } map.put(on, to); transitionMap.put(from, map); }
private ProductionsStateNode getAndMergeSimilarStates(ProductionsStateNode node) { Iterator<ProductionsStateNode> it = stateList.iterator(); ProductionsStateNode currentNode = null, returnNode = node; while (it.hasNext()) { currentNode = it.next(); if (!currentNode.equals(node) && currentNode.checkProductionEqual(node, true)) { if (currentNode.stateNum < node.stateNum) { currentNode.stateMerge(node); returnNode = currentNode; } else { node.stateMerge(currentNode); returnNode = node; } break; } } if (!compressedStateList.contains(returnNode)) { compressedStateList.add(returnNode); } return returnNode; }
public void stateMerge(ProductionsStateNode node) { if (!this.productions.contains(node.productions)) { for (int i = 0; i < node.productions.size(); i++) { if (!this.productions.contains(node.productions.get(i)) && !mergedProduction.contains(node.productions.get(i)) ) { mergedProduction.add(node.productions.get(i)); } } } }
主要在於構造一個lookahead sets,也就是當前的輸入符號是否可以合法的跟在reduce後的非終結符的後面壓縮有限狀態自動機節點
壓縮節點在於合併推導式同樣可是lookahead sets不同的節點