unbuntu12.04上安裝intel linux media SDK

1. 簡介 linux

    官方地址:https://software.intel.com/en-us/vcsource/tools/media-sdk-server git

    Intel® Media SDK 2014 for Servers is an SDK for optimizing datacenter and embedded media applications for Linux and Windows server operating systems to utilize Intel Iris™ Pro and Intel HD Graphics hardware acceleration capabilities. Now, quickly and easily develop optimized media applications for Linux and Windows server operating systems such as encode, decode, and transcode for real-time streaming, teleconferencing, and video analytics. shell

Features: ubuntu

  • For Intel Xeon® processor E3-1200 v3 product family and 4th Generation Intel Core™ Processor-based Platforms with Intel Iris™ Pro and Intel HD Graphics
  • Encode, decode, and transcode for server-based streaming
  • Supports Ubuntu*, SUSE* Linux Enterprise, Windows Server 2012* operating systems
  • Supports H.264 (AVC), H.265 (HEVC), MPEG-2, VC-1 formats
2. 下載SDK

    intel這個SDK是須要購買的,要價499美圓。不過呢,能夠下載一個30天的試用版。 xcode

    我下載的連接爲:http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/4083/MediaSDK2014LinuxServersEvaluation.zip app

3. 安裝SDK ide

3.1 安裝環境 ui

    intel media SDK對硬件、系統及軟件均有限制,這點須要注意下,不然不能按照官方提供的方法安裝。具體的環境要求爲: this

The following processor models are supported:
    Intel® Xeon® Processor E3-1285 v3 and E3-1285L v3 (Intel C226 Chipset) with Intel HD Graphics P4700
    4th Generation Intel Core™ Processors with Intel Iris™ Pro Graphics, Intel Iris Graphics or Intel HD Graphics 4200+ Series
    3rd Generation Intel Core Processors with Intel HD Graphics 4000/2500
The following processor models are supported but not recommended for new designs:
    Intel Xeon Processor E3-1285 v2 and E3-1285L v2 (Intel C216 Chipset) with Intel HD Graphics P4000
Please note: Intel Xeon processors are only supported with the chipsets listed. Intel Xeon configurations with other chipsets are not supported. Previous generations of Intel Core processors are not supported. Intel Celeron® and Intel Atom™ processors are also not supported.
    Ubuntu* 12.04 LTS for 64-bit architecture (currently 12.04.3) or SUSE* Linux* Enterprise Server 11 for 64-bit architecture
    Xf86-video-intel driver (needed only for local rendering with LibVA X11 backend support). Recommended version: 2.20.10, http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel/snapshot/xf86-video-intel-2.20.10.tar.gz
    Additional platform-specific software requirements (X indicates a supported combination – only these hardware/kernel combinations are supported): lua


3.2 當前環境

    硬件爲英特爾Core i7-3770S,HD Graphics 4000,符合要求。

    而後裝了ubuntu 12.04, 內核版本Linux 3.11.0-15-generic

3.3 更新內核
    對於當前系統,文檔要求系統內核版本爲Linux 3.2.0-41-generic。

sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-41-generic linux-headers-3.2.0-41-generic

3.4 安裝


tvie@tvie-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M:~/Public$ sudo ./install_media.sh 
[sudo] password for tvie: 
INFO... Install on Ubuntu ...
INFO... Installing New Driver...
INFO... MediaSDK installed successfully in /opt/intel/mediasdk!
INFO... Do you want to install KMD?
press 'y' to confirm, otherwise cancelled.y
INFO... Original i915.ko backuped in kmd_backup/i915.ko.2014-05-14_094217
INFO... Original drm.ko backuped in kmd_backup/drm.ko.2014-05-14_094217
INFO... Original drm_kms_helper.ko backuped in kmd_backup/drm_kms_helper.ko.2014-05-14_094217
INFO... Trying to install  kmd...
INFO... Trying to install 3.8.0-23-generic kmd...
INFO... ./kmd/binary/xcode-ubuntu-12.04-k3.2-rel/i915.ko installed successufully.
INFO... ./kmd/binary/xcode-ubuntu-12.04-k3.2-rel/drm.ko installed successufully.
INFO... ./kmd/binary/xcode-ubuntu-12.04-k3.2-rel/drm_kms_helper.ko installed successufully.
INFO... After reboot, you can 'lsmod' to identify whether i915.ko drm.ko drm_kms_helper.ko loaded. if not, you have to rebuild kernel by yourself with patched files (kdm/source) in this package.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-41-generic
INFO... Kernel module updated successfully!
INFO... Package installation Done.




系統須要apt-get upgrade
