其實也能夠檢查其餘語言的語法錯誤,把代碼內的php -l 換了就行php
#! /bin/bash # # check_php_syntax.sh # Copyright (C) 2014 <http://superfly81.blog.51cto.com/> # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. # #!/bin/bash # check php syntax if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo 'Usage: ' $0 'directory'; exit fi if [ ! -d $1 ];then echo $1 'not a directory,please check!'; exit fi directory=$1 echo $directory temp_file="/tmp/file$$" echo $temp_file ls -R $directory | awk ' BEGIN{ FS="n" folder="'$directory'" logname="'$temp_file'" temp="" } { if($0~/.php$/){ system("php -l " folder "/" $0 " >> " logname " 2>&1") } if($0~/:$/){ temp=substr($0,1,length($0)-1) folder=temp } } ' #folder=substr($1,1,length($1)-1) if [ -e $temp_file ];then cat $temp_file | awk ' BEGIN{ error = 0 } { if($0~/Parse/) { error++ errorfile[$0] = $0 } } END{ print "錯誤文件:" error "個" if(length(errorfile)>0) print "錯誤行數:" for (i in errorfile) print i } ' else echo "php file not found." exit; fi