oracle table space addoracle
ORA-01653: unable to extend table xxxxxxx by 32 in tablespace xxxxxxxxxxthis
ust add a new datafile for the existing tablespace ALTER TABLESPACE LEGAL_DATA ADD DATAFILE ‘/u01/oradata/ userdata03. dbf’ SIZE 200M; To find out the location and size of your data files: SELECT FILE_NAME, BYTES FROM DBA_DATA_FILES WHERE TABLESPACE_NAME = 'LEGAL_DATA';
Are the spaces intended? I adjusted the path to my needs, but left the spaces in, so I ended up with: ALTER TABLESPACE SYSTEM ADD DATAFILE ‘/usr/lib/oracle/oradata/XE/ userdata03. dbf’ SIZE 200M;
The file in my filesystem has the spaces, but it think this is wrong. However, I cannot rename the file, as I cannot take SYSTEM tablespace offlinecode