使用 os.path.getsize(path)
使用 os.walk(path)
import os folder_path = r'E:\Downloads' for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path): # 輸出文件夾信息 for dir in dirs: print('parent is :', parent) print('dirname is ', dir) # 輸出文件信息 for file in files: print('parent is :', parent) print('filename is :', file) # 文件的完整路徑 fullname = os.path.join(parent, file) print('the fulll name of the file is :', fullname) file_size = os.path.getsize(fullname)/1024/1024 print('the file size is : %.2f MB' % file_size)
# 獲取文件夾的大小 import os folder_path = r'E:\Downloads' full_size = 0 for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path): for file in files: fullname = os.path.join(parent, file) file_size = os.path.getsize(fullname) full_size += file_size print(full_size, "%.2f MB" % (full_size/1024/1024))
把裏層的for循環寫成迭代器,再用sum來替代 full_size += file_size
import os folder_path = r'E:\Downloads' full_size = 0 for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path): full_size = sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(parent, file)) for file in files) print(full_size, "%.2f MB" % (full_size/1024/1024))
full_size = sum(sum(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(parent, file)) for file in files) for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(folder_path))
for i in a: for j in i: print(j) [j for i in a for j in i]