Configuration Features qmake can be set up with extra configuration features that are specified in feature (.prf) files. These extra features often provide support for custom tools that are used during the build process. To add a feature to the build process, append the feature name (the stem of the feature filename) to the CONFIG variable. For example, qmake can configure the build process to take advantage of external libraries that are supported by pkg-config, such as the D-Bus and ogg libraries, with the following lines:
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += ogg dbus-1
For more information about adding features, see Adding New Configuration Features. qmake能夠設置被(.prf)文件指定的外部配置功能。 這些外部功能經常在構建過程當中給自定義的工具提供支持。 增長一個功能到構建過程,追加功能名(不帶後綴的功能文件名)到CONFIG變量。 例如,qmake能夠利用 pkg-config 支持的外部庫配置構建過程,像D-Bus和ogg庫,使用下面的2行: CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += ogg dbus-1 更多的添加功能的信息請參考 Adding New Configuration Features.