當下有許多的運維自動化工具( 配置管理 ),例如:Ansible、SaltStack、Puppet、Fabric 等。php
Ansible 一種集成 IT 系統的配置管理、應用部署、執行特定任務的開源平臺,是 AnsibleWorks 公司名下的項目,該公司由 Cobbler 及 Func 的做者於 2012 年建立成立。html
Ansible 基於 Python 語言實現,由 Paramiko 和 PyYAML 兩個關鍵模塊構建。python
Ansible 特色:nginx
Ansible 與 SaltStack:web
yum -y install ansible
ls /etc/ansible
ansible.cfg hosts roles
# ansible.cfg 是 Ansible 工具的配置文件;hosts 用來配置被管理的機器;roles 是一個目錄,playbook 將使用它 複製代碼
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id root@agent_host_ip
vim /etc/ansible/hosts
shell > ansible Client -m ping # 操做 Client 組 ( all 爲操做 hosts 文件中全部主機 ),-m 指定執行 ping 模塊,下面是返回結果 | SUCCESS => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } # -i 指定 hosts 文件位置 # -u username 指定 SSH 鏈接的用戶名 # -k 指定遠程用戶密碼 # -f 指定併發數 # -s 如須要 root 權限執行時使用 ( 鏈接用戶不是 root 時 ) # -K -s 時,-K 輸入 root 密碼 複製代碼
shell > vim /etc/ansible/hosts
www.abc.com # 定義域名 # 定義 IP # 指定端口號 [WebServer] # 定義分組 [DBServer] # 定義多個分組 Monitor ansible_ssh_port=12378 ansible_ssh_host= # 定義別名 # ansible_ssh_host 鏈接目標主機的地址 # ansible_ssh_port 鏈接目標主機的端口,默認 22 時無需指定 # ansible_ssh_user 鏈接目標主機默認用戶 # ansible_ssh_pass 鏈接目標主機默認用戶密碼 # ansible_ssh_connection 目標主機鏈接類型,能夠是 local 、ssh 或 paramiko # ansible_ssh_private_key_file 鏈接目標主機的 ssh 私鑰 # ansible_*_interpreter 指定採用非 Python 的其餘腳本語言,如 Ruby 、Perl 或其餘相似 ansible_python_interpreter 解釋器 [webservers] # 主機名支持正則描述 www[01:50].example.com [dbservers] db-[a:f].example.com 複製代碼
shell > ansible-doc -l # 列出 Ansible 支持的模塊 shell > ansible-doc ping # 查看該模塊幫助信息 複製代碼
command 做爲 Ansible 的默認模塊,能夠運行遠程權限範圍全部的 shell 命令,不支持管道符。shell
shell > ansible Client -m command -a "free -m" # 查看 Client 分組主機內存使用狀況 複製代碼
script 的功能是在遠程主機執行主控端存儲的 shell 腳本文件,至關於 scp + shell 組合。vim
shell > ansible Client -m script -a "/home/test.sh 12 34" # 遠程執行本地腳本 複製代碼
shell > ansible Client -m shell -a "/home/test.sh" # 執行遠程腳本 複製代碼
實現主控端向目標主機拷貝文件,相似於 scp 功能數據結構
shell > ansible Client -m copy -a "src=/home/test.sh dest=/tmp/ owner=root group=root mode=0755" # 向 Client 組中主機拷貝 test.sh 到 /tmp 下,屬主、組爲 root ,權限爲 0755 複製代碼
獲取遠程文件狀態信息,atime/ctime/mtime/md5/uid/gid 等信息併發
shell > ansible Client -m stat -a "path=/etc/syctl.conf" 複製代碼
實如今遠程主機下載指定 URL 到本地,支持 sha256sum 文件校驗
shell > ansible Client -m get_url -a "url=http://www.baidu.com dest=/tmp/index.html mode=0440 force=yes" 複製代碼
shell > ansible Client -m yum -a "name=curl state=latest" 複製代碼
遠程主機 crontab 配置
shell > ansible Client -m cron -a "name='check dirs' hour='5,2' job='ls -alh > /dev/null'" 效果: * 5,2 * * * ls -alh > /dev/null 複製代碼
shell > ansible Client -m mount -a "name=/mnt/data src=/dev/sd0 fstype=ext4 opts=ro state=present" 複製代碼
shell > ansible Client -m service -a "name=nginx state=stoped" shell > ansible Client -m service -a "name=nginx state=restarted" shell > ansible Client -m service -a "name=nginx state=reloaded" 複製代碼
shell > ansible Client -m user -a "name=wang comment='user wang'" shell > ansible Client -m user -a "name=wang state=absent remove=yes" # 添加刪除用戶 複製代碼
name: tom
age: 21
gender: male
name: lily
gender: female
- name: susan
age: 2
gender: feamle
- name: sunny
age: 10
gender: male
vim /root/first.yml
- hosts: all
remote_user: root
vars: httpd_port=80
- name: install httpd
yum: name=httpd state=present
- name: install php
yum: name=php state=present
- name: start httpd
service: name=httpd state=started enabled=true 複製代碼
hosts 定義單個主機或組,vars定義變量,remote_user定義執行命令的遠程用戶,tasks定義執行哪些命令,handlers定義調用哪些處理器
變量命名: 字母數字下劃線組成,只能以字母開頭
例如:ansible -m setup 來獲取遠程主機上的屬性信息,這些屬性信息保存在facts中
經過命令行傳遞:ansible-playbook test.yml --extra-vars 「host=www user=tom「(若是劇本中已有此處定義的變量則會被覆蓋)
[web1] name=haha 複製代碼
[group_name:vars] foo=bar 複製代碼
hosts :
/etc/abible/hosts 中指定的遠程主機,並用指定的屬性進行鏈接
ansible_ssh_port 鏈接遠程主機使用的端口 ansible_ssh_user 鏈接遠程主機使用的用戶 ansible_ssh_pass 鏈接遠程主機使用的密碼 複製代碼
cat /etc/ansible/hosts [web1] web1.hostname ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=123 web2.hostname 複製代碼
vim /root/second.yml
- hosts: web1
remote_user: root
username: bob
password: 123
- name: add user
user: name={{ username }} state=present
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" - name: set password shell: echo {{ password }} |passwd --stdin {{ username }} - name: install httpd php yum: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - httpd - php - name: add two users user: name={{ item }} state=present groups={{ item.groups }} with_items: - { name: 'user1', groups: 'group1'} - { name: 'user2', groups: 'group2'} 複製代碼
vim /root/third.yml
- hosts: web1
remote_user: root
- name: install httpd
yum: name=httpd state=present
- name: install php
yum: name=php state=present
- name: copy config file
copy: src=/root/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
notify: restart httpd
- name: start httpd
service: name=httpd state=started enabled=true handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted 複製代碼
vim /etc/ansible/hosts
[web1] http_port=80
vim /root/httpd.conf
Listen {{ http_port }}
vim /root/fourth.yml
- hosts: web1
remote_user: root
- name: install httpd
yum: name=httpd state=present
- name: copy config file
template: src=/root/httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
notify: restart httpd
- name: start httpd
service: name=httpd state=started enabled=true handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted 複製代碼
模板文件中可以使用jinja2表達式,表達式要定義在{{ }},也能夠簡單地僅執行變量替換
roles:roles用於實現「代碼複用」,roles以特定的層次型格式組織起來的playbook元素(variables, tasks, templates,handlers);可被playbook以role的名字直接進行調用
mkdir /root/roles
cd /root/roles mkdir -p web1/{files, templayes, tasks, handlers, vars, meta} 複製代碼
vim web1/vars/main.yml
user: tom
group: tom
http_port: 8080
vim web1/tasks/main.yml
- name: install httpd
yum: name=httpd state=present
- name: copy config file
template: src=httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
notify: restart httpd
tags: conf
- name: start httpd
service: name=httpd state=started enabled=true 這裏的template指的是相對路徑-->web1/templates tags能夠在運行時指定標籤任務 複製代碼
vim web1/handlers/main.yml
- name: restart httpd
service: name=httpd state=restarted
vim web1/templates/httpd.conf
Listen {{ http_port }}
vim /root/web1.yml
- hosts: web1
remote_user: root
- web1
- { role:web2, http_port:8080 }
hosts:web1 指在/etc/ansible/hosts中定義的組,上面有定義
roles: web1 指的是當前目錄下的web1目錄,也可經過role傳遞變量, 也可調用多個role
ansible-playbook web1.yml
ansible-playbook -t conf web1.yml
shell > vim /etc/ansible/hosts
shell > vim /etc/ansible/install_zabbix_agent.yml
- hosts: mini
- install_zabbix_agent
## 能夠看到將要安裝的主機組爲 mini 組,角色爲 install_zabbix_agent 複製代碼
shell > tree /etc/ansible/roles/install_zabbix_agent/
├── files
│ └── zabbix-2.4.5.tar.gz
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
├── templates
│ ├── zabbix_agentd
│ └── zabbix_agentd.conf
└── vars
└── main.yml
## 創建 files 目錄,存放編譯安裝過的 zabbix_agent 目錄的壓縮文件,用於拷貝到遠程主機 ## 創建 tasks 目錄,用於編寫將要執行的任務 ## 創建 templates 目錄,用於存放可變的模板文件 ## 創建 vars 目錄,用於存放變量信息 複製代碼
shell > cat /etc/ansible/roles/install_zabbix_agent/tasks/main.yml
- name: Install Software
yum: name={{ item }} state=latest
- libcurl-devel
- name: Create Zabbix User
user: name={{ zabbix_user }} state=present createhome=no shell=/sbin/nologin
- name: Copy Zabbix.tar.gz
copy: src=zabbix-{{ zabbix_version }}.tar.gz dest={{ zabbix_dir }}/src/zabbix-{{ zabbix_version }}.tar.gz owner=root group=root
- name: Uncompression Zabbix.tar.gz
shell: tar zxf {{ zabbix_dir }}/src/zabbix-{{ zabbix_version }}.tar.gz -C {{ zabbix_dir }}/
- name: Copy Zabbix Start Script
template: src=zabbix_agentd dest=/etc/init.d/zabbix_agentd owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: Copy Zabbix Config File
template: src=zabbix_agentd.conf dest={{ zabbix_dir }}/zabbix/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf owner={{ zabbix_user }} group={{ zabbix_user }} mode=0644
- name: Modify Zabbix Dir Permisson
file: path={{ zabbix_dir }}/zabbix owner={{ zabbix_user }} group={{ zabbix_user }} mode=0755 recurse=yes
- name: Start Zabbix Service
shell: /etc/init.d/zabbix_agentd start
- name: Add Boot Start Zabbix Service
shell: chkconfig --level 35 zabbix_agentd on
shell > cat /etc/ansible/roles/install_zabbix_agent/vars/main.yml
zabbix_dir: /usr/local zabbix_version: 2.4.5 zabbix_user: zabbix zabbix_port: 10050 zabbix_server_ip: 複製代碼
shell > cat /etc/ansible/roles/install_zabbix_agent/templates/zabbix_agentd
#!/bin/bash # # chkconfig: - 90 10 # description: Starts and stops Zabbix Agent using chkconfig # Tested on Fedora Core 2 - 5 # Should work on all Fedora Core versions # # @name: zabbix_agentd # @author: Alexander Hagenah <hagenah@topconcepts.com> # @created: 18.04.2006 # # Modified for Zabbix 2.0.0 # May 2012, Zabbix SIA # # Source function library. . /etc/init.d/functions # Variables # Edit these to match your system settings # Zabbix-Directory BASEDIR={{ zabbix_dir }}/zabbix # Binary File BINARY_NAME=zabbix_agentd # Full Binary File Call FULLPATH=$BASEDIR/sbin/$BINARY_NAME # PID file PIDFILE=/tmp/$BINARY_NAME.pid # Establish args ERROR=0 STOPPING=0 # # No need to edit the things below # # application checking status if [ -f $PIDFILE ] && [ -s $PIDFILE ] then PID=`cat $PIDFILE` if [ "x$PID" != "x" ] && kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null && [ $BINARY_NAME == `ps -e | grep $PID | awk '{print $4}'` ] then STATUS="$BINARY_NAME (pid `pidof $APP`) running.." RUNNING=1 else rm -f $PIDFILE STATUS="$BINARY_NAME (pid file existed ($PID) and now removed) not running.." RUNNING=0 fi else if [ `ps -e | grep $BINARY_NAME | head -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'` ] then STATUS="$BINARY_NAME (pid `pidof $APP`, but no pid file) running.." else STATUS="$BINARY_NAME (no pid file) not running" fi RUNNING=0 fi # functions start() { if [ $RUNNING -eq 1 ] then echo "$0 $ARG: $BINARY_NAME (pid $PID) already running" else action $"Starting $BINARY_NAME: " $FULLPATH touch /var/lock/subsys/$BINARY_NAME fi } stop() { echo -n $"Shutting down $BINARY_NAME: " killproc $BINARY_NAME RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/$BINARY_NAME RUNNING=0 } # logic case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; status) status $BINARY_NAME ;; restart) stop sleep 10 start ;; help|*) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|help}" cat <<EOF start - start $BINARY_NAME stop - stop $BINARY_NAME status - show current status of $BINARY_NAME restart - restart $BINARY_NAME if running by sending a SIGHUP or start if not running help - this screen EOF exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 複製代碼
shell > cat /etc/ansible/roles/install_zabbix_agent/templates/zabbix_agentd.conf
# This is a config file for the Zabbix agent daemon (Unix) # To get more information about Zabbix, visit http://www.zabbix.com ############ GENERAL PARAMETERS ################# ### Option: PidFile # Name of PID file. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # PidFile=/tmp/zabbix_agentd.pid ### Option: LogFile # Name of log file. # If not set, syslog is used. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # LogFile= LogFile=/tmp/zabbix_agentd.log ### Option: LogFileSize # Maximum size of log file in MB. # 0 - disable automatic log rotation. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1024 # Default: # LogFileSize=1 ### Option: DebugLevel # Specifies debug level # 0 - basic information about starting and stopping of Zabbix processes # 1 - critical information # 2 - error information # 3 - warnings # 4 - for debugging (produces lots of information) # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-4 # Default: # DebugLevel=3 ### Option: SourceIP # Source IP address for outgoing connections. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # SourceIP= ### Option: EnableRemoteCommands # Whether remote commands from Zabbix server are allowed. # 0 - not allowed # 1 - allowed # # Mandatory: no # Default: # EnableRemoteCommands=0 ### Option: LogRemoteCommands # Enable logging of executed shell commands as warnings. # 0 - disabled # 1 - enabled # # Mandatory: no # Default: # LogRemoteCommands=0 ##### Passive checks related ### Option: Server # List of comma delimited IP addresses (or hostnames) of Zabbix servers. # Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here. # If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # Server= Server={{ zabbix_server_ip }} ### Option: ListenPort # Agent will listen on this port for connections from the server. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1024-32767 # Default: # ListenPort=10050 ListenPort={{ zabbix_port }} ### Option: ListenIP # List of comma delimited IP addresses that the agent should listen on. # First IP address is sent to Zabbix server if connecting to it to retrieve list of active checks. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # ListenIP= ### Option: StartAgents # Number of pre-forked instances of zabbix_agentd that process passive checks. # If set to 0, disables passive checks and the agent will not listen on any TCP port. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-100 # Default: # StartAgents=3 ##### Active checks related ### Option: ServerActive # List of comma delimited IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers for active checks. # If port is not specified, default port is used. # IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets if port for that host is specified. # If port is not specified, square brackets for IPv6 addresses are optional. # If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled. # Example: ServerActive=,zabbix.domain,[::1]:30051,::1,[12fc::1] # # Mandatory: no # Default: # ServerActive= #ServerActive= ### Option: Hostname # Unique, case sensitive hostname. # Required for active checks and must match hostname as configured on the server. # Value is acquired from HostnameItem if undefined. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # Hostname= Hostname={{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[1] }} ### Option: HostnameItem # Item used for generating Hostname if it is undefined. Ignored if Hostname is defined. # Does not support UserParameters or aliases. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # HostnameItem=system.hostname ### Option: HostMetadata # Optional parameter that defines host metadata. # Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process. # An agent will issue an error and not start if the value is over limit of 255 characters. # If not defined, value will be acquired from HostMetadataItem. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-255 characters # Default: # HostMetadata= ### Option: HostMetadataItem # Optional parameter that defines an item used for getting host metadata. # Host metadata is used at host auto-registration process. # During an auto-registration request an agent will log a warning message if # the value returned by specified item is over limit of 255 characters. # This option is only used when HostMetadata is not defined. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # HostMetadataItem= ### Option: RefreshActiveChecks # How often list of active checks is refreshed, in seconds. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 60-3600 # Default: # RefreshActiveChecks=120 ### Option: BufferSend # Do not keep data longer than N seconds in buffer. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-3600 # Default: # BufferSend=5 ### Option: BufferSize # Maximum number of values in a memory buffer. The agent will send # all collected data to Zabbix Server or Proxy if the buffer is full. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 2-65535 # Default: # BufferSize=100 ### Option: MaxLinesPerSecond # Maximum number of new lines the agent will send per second to Zabbix Server # or Proxy processing 'log' and 'logrt' active checks. # The provided value will be overridden by the parameter 'maxlines', # provided in 'log' or 'logrt' item keys. # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-1000 # Default: # MaxLinesPerSecond=100 ############ ADVANCED PARAMETERS ################# ### Option: Alias # Sets an alias for an item key. It can be used to substitute long and complex item key with a smaller and simpler one. # Multiple Alias parameters may be present. Multiple parameters with the same Alias key are not allowed. # Different Alias keys may reference the same item key. # For example, to retrieve the ID of user 'zabbix': # Alias=zabbix.userid:vfs.file.regexp[/etc/passwd,^zabbix:.:([0-9]+),,,,\1] # Now shorthand key zabbix.userid may be used to retrieve data. # Aliases can be used in HostMetadataItem but not in HostnameItem parameters. # # Mandatory: no # Range: # Default: ### Option: Timeout # Spend no more than Timeout seconds on processing # # Mandatory: no # Range: 1-30 # Default: Timeout=20 ### Option: AllowRoot # Allow the agent to run as 'root'. If disabled and the agent is started by 'root', the agent # will try to switch to the user specified by the User configuration option instead. # Has no effect if started under a regular user. # 0 - do not allow # 1 - allow # # Mandatory: no # Default: # AllowRoot=0 ### Option: User # Drop privileges to a specific, existing user on the system. # Only has effect if run as 'root' and AllowRoot is disabled. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # User=zabbix ### Option: Include # You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file. # Installing Zabbix will create include directory in /usr/local/etc, unless modified during the compile time. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # Include= # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/ # Include=/usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf.d/*.conf ####### USER-DEFINED MONITORED PARAMETERS ####### ### Option: UnsafeUserParameters # Allow all characters to be passed in arguments to user-defined parameters. # 0 - do not allow # 1 - allow # # Mandatory: no # Range: 0-1 # Default: UnsafeUserParameters=1 ### Option: UserParameter # User-defined parameter to monitor. There can be several user-defined parameters. # Format: UserParameter=<key>,<shell command> # See 'zabbix_agentd' directory for examples. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # UserParameter= ####### LOADABLE MODULES ####### ### Option: LoadModulePath # Full path to location of agent modules. # Default depends on compilation options. # # Mandatory: no # Default: # LoadModulePath=${libdir}/modules ### Option: LoadModule # Module to load at agent startup. Modules are used to extend functionality of the agent. # Format: LoadModule=<module.so> # The modules must be located in directory specified by LoadModulePath. # It is allowed to include multiple LoadModule parameters. # # Mandatory: no