def decrypt(string): len_str = len(string) target = 4 if \ # 檢測開頭,即檢測整串字符串的第 3 位 string[0].isupper() and \ string[1].isupper() and \ string[2].isupper() and \ string[3].islower() and \ string[4].isupper() and \ string[5].isupper() and \ string[6].isupper() and \ string[7].islower(): print(string[3], end='') while target < len_str-4: if \# 檢測中間 string[target-4].islower() and \ # 如有多種字符,可用 not string[i].isupper() string[target-3].isupper() and \ string[target-2].isupper() and \ string[target-1].isupper() and \ string[target ].islower() and \ string[target+1].isupper() and \ string[target+2].isupper() and \ string[target+3].isupper() and \ string[target+4].islower(): print(string[target], end='') target += 4 else: target += 1 if \ # 檢測結尾,即檢測整串字符串的倒數第 4 位 string[len_str-7].islower() and \ string[len_str-6].isupper() and \ string[len_str-5].isupper() and \ string[len_str-4].islower() and \ string[len_str-3].islower() and \ string[len_str-2].isupper() and \ string[len_str-1].isupper() and \ string[len_str ].isupper(): print(string[len_str-3], end='')
ABCdEFGhIj 0123456789 ↓ ↓ ↓ 3 7 9 # 第一輪,篩出小寫字母的編號 ↓ 3 # 第二輪,篩出符合規則的字母的編號
def decrypt(string): len_str = len(string) list0 = [] for i in range(len_str): # 找出全部小寫字母在 string 中的編號,並寫入 list0 if string[i].islower(): list0.append(i) list1 = [] if list0[0] == 3 and list0[1] == 7: # 檢測開頭,即檢測整串字符串的第 3 位 list1.append(3) for i in range(1, len(list0)): # 檢測中間,找出 list0 中符合要求的小寫字母的編號 if (list0[i]-4) == list0[i-1] and (list0[i]+4) == list0[i+1]: list1.append(list0[i]) if list0[-1] == len_str-4 and list0[-2] == len_str-8: # 檢測結尾,即檢測整串字符串的倒數第 4 位 list1.append(list0[-1]) for i in list1: # 輸出 print(string[i], end='')
(詳見下方 countA、countB、countC)code
def decrypt(string): countA = 0 # 統計小寫字母左側的大寫字母 countB = 0 # 統計小寫字母 countC = 0 # 統計小寫字母右側的大寫字母 len_str = len(string) for i in range(len_str): if string[i].isupper(): if countB: # AAAaA; AAAaAA; AAAaAAA countC += 1 else: # A; AA; AAA; AAAA ... countC = 0 countA += 1 if string[i].islower(): if countA != 3: # a; Aa; AAa; AAAAa ... countA = 0 countB = 0 countC = 0 else: if countB: # AAAaa countA = 0 countB = 0 countC = 0 else: # AAAa countB = 1 countC = 0 target = i if countC == 3: if i+1 != len_str and \ # 若 i 未迭代到最後一位 string[i+1].isupper(): # AAAaAAAA countB = 0 countC = 0 else: # AAAaAAAb 總算找到了一個 a print(string[target], end='') countA = 3 # AAAb countB = 0 countC = 0
import re text = "xxx" # 改 x 或用文件導入 pattern = "[^A-Z][A-Z]{3}([a-z])[A-Z]{3}[^A-Z]" # 設置格式 print(''.join(re.findall(pattern, text)))