首先要明確的一點是,Play類是整個Play framework框架的管理、配置中心,它存放了大部分框架須要的成員變量,例如id,配置信息,全部加載的class,使用的插件管理器等等。下圖就是Play類中的方法列表。web
public static void init(File root, String id) { // Simple things Play.id = id; Play.started = false; Play.applicationPath = root; // 加載全部 play.static 中的記錄的類 initStaticStuff(); //猜想play framework的路徑 guessFrameworkPath(); // 讀取配置文件 readConfiguration(); Play.classes = new ApplicationClasses(); // 初始化日誌 Logger.init(); String logLevel = configuration.getProperty("application.log", "INFO"); //only override log-level if Logger was not configured manually if( !Logger.configuredManually) { Logger.setUp(logLevel); } Logger.recordCaller = Boolean.parseBoolean(configuration.getProperty("application.log.recordCaller", "false")); Logger.info("Starting %s", root.getAbsolutePath()); //設置臨時文件夾 if (configuration.getProperty("play.tmp", "tmp").equals("none")) { tmpDir = null; Logger.debug("No tmp folder will be used (play.tmp is set to none)"); } else { tmpDir = new File(configuration.getProperty("play.tmp", "tmp")); if (!tmpDir.isAbsolute()) { tmpDir = new File(applicationPath, tmpDir.getPath()); } if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("Using %s as tmp dir", Play.tmpDir); } if (!tmpDir.exists()) { try { if (readOnlyTmp) { throw new Exception("ReadOnly tmp"); } tmpDir.mkdirs(); } catch (Throwable e) { tmpDir = null; Logger.warn("No tmp folder will be used (cannot create the tmp dir)"); } } } // 設置運行模式 try { mode = Mode.valueOf(configuration.getProperty("application.mode", "DEV").toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Logger.error("Illegal mode '%s', use either prod or dev", configuration.getProperty("application.mode")); fatalServerErrorOccurred(); } if (usePrecompiled || forceProd) { mode = Mode.PROD; } // 獲取http使用路徑 ctxPath = configuration.getProperty("http.path", ctxPath); // 設置文件路徑 VirtualFile appRoot = VirtualFile.open(applicationPath); roots.add(appRoot); javaPath = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<VirtualFile>(); javaPath.add(appRoot.child("app")); javaPath.add(appRoot.child("conf")); // 設置模板路徑 if (appRoot.child("app/views").exists()) { templatesPath = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(2); templatesPath.add(appRoot.child("app/views")); } else { templatesPath = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(1); } // 設置路由文件 routes = appRoot.child("conf/routes"); // 設置模塊路徑 modulesRoutes = new HashMap<String, VirtualFile>(16); // 加載模塊 loadModules(); // 模板路徑中加入框架自帶的模板文件 templatesPath.add(VirtualFile.open(new File(frameworkPath, "framework/templates"))); // 初始化classloader classloader = new ApplicationClassloader(); // Fix ctxPath if ("/".equals(Play.ctxPath)) { Play.ctxPath = ""; } // 設置cookie域名 Http.Cookie.defaultDomain = configuration.getProperty("application.defaultCookieDomain", null); if (Http.Cookie.defaultDomain!=null) { Logger.info("Using default cookie domain: " + Http.Cookie.defaultDomain); } // 加載插件 pluginCollection.loadPlugins(); // 若是是prod直接啓動 if (mode == Mode.PROD || System.getProperty("precompile") != null) { mode = Mode.PROD; //預編譯 if (preCompile() && System.getProperty("precompile") == null) { start(); } else { return; } } else { Logger.warn("You're running Play! in DEV mode"); } pluginCollection.onApplicationReady(); Play.initialized = true; }
public static void initStaticStuff() { // Play! plugings Enumeration<URL> urls = null; try { urls = Play.class.getClassLoader().getResources("play.static"); } catch (Exception e) { } while (urls != null && urls.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = urls.nextElement(); try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "utf-8")); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { try { Class.forName(line); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("! Cannot init static: " + line); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error(ex, "Cannot load %s", url); } } }
public static void guessFrameworkPath() { // Guess the framework path try { URL versionUrl = Play.class.getResource("/play/version"); // Read the content of the file Play.version = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(versionUrl.openStream())).readLine(); // This is used only by the embedded server (Mina, Netty, Jetty etc) URI uri = new URI(versionUrl.toString().replace(" ", "%20")); if (frameworkPath == null || !frameworkPath.exists()) { if (uri.getScheme().equals("jar")) { String jarPath = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart().substring(5, uri.getSchemeSpecificPart().lastIndexOf("!")); frameworkPath = new File(jarPath).getParentFile().getParentFile().getAbsoluteFile(); } else if (uri.getScheme().equals("file")) { frameworkPath = new File(uri).getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile().getParentFile(); } else { throw new UnexpectedException("Cannot find the Play! framework - trying with uri: " + uri + " scheme " + uri.getScheme()); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException("Where is the framework ?", e); } }
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([^}]+)}"); for (Object key : propsFromFile.keySet()) { String value = propsFromFile.getProperty(key.toString()); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value); StringBuffer newValue = new StringBuffer(100); while (matcher.find()) { String jp = matcher.group(1); String r; //重點是下面這個判斷 if (jp.equals("application.path")) { r = Play.applicationPath.getAbsolutePath(); } else if (jp.equals("play.path")) { r = Play.frameworkPath.getAbsolutePath(); } else { r = System.getProperty(jp); if (r == null) { r = System.getenv(jp); } if (r == null) { Logger.warn("Cannot replace %s in configuration (%s=%s)", jp, key, value); continue; } } matcher.appendReplacement(newValue, r.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\")); } matcher.appendTail(newValue); propsFromFile.setProperty(key.toString(), newValue.toString()); }
public static void init() { //查找日誌配置文件路徑,沒有則用log4j.xml String log4jPath = Play.configuration.getProperty("application.log.path", "/log4j.xml"); URL log4jConf = Logger.class.getResource(log4jPath); boolean isXMLConfig = log4jPath.endsWith(".xml"); //日誌配置不存在,查找log4j.properties if (log4jConf == null) { // try again with the .properties isXMLConfig = false; log4jPath = Play.configuration.getProperty("application.log.path", "/log4j.properties"); log4jConf = Logger.class.getResource(log4jPath); } //找不到配置文件就關閉日誌 if (log4jConf == null) { Properties shutUp = new Properties(); shutUp.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", "OFF"); PropertyConfigurator.configure(shutUp); } else if (Logger.log4j == null) { //判斷日誌配置文件是否在應用目錄下,加這條是由於play軟件包目錄下有默認的日誌配置文件 if (log4jConf.getFile().indexOf(Play.applicationPath.getAbsolutePath()) == 0) { // The log4j configuration file is located somewhere in the application folder, // so it's probably a custom configuration file configuredManually = true; } //根據不一樣的類型解析 if (isXMLConfig) { DOMConfigurator.configure(log4jConf); } else { PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jConf); } Logger.log4j = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("play"); // 測試模式下,將日誌追加到test-result/application.log if (Play.runingInTestMode()) { org.apache.log4j.Logger rootLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger(); try { if (!Play.getFile("test-result").exists()) { Play.getFile("test-result").mkdir(); } Appender testLog = new FileAppender(new PatternLayout("%d{DATE} %-5p ~ %m%n"), Play.getFile("test-result/application.log").getAbsolutePath(), false); rootLogger.addAppender(testLog); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public static void addModule(String name, File path) { VirtualFile root = VirtualFile.open(path); modules.put(name, root); if (root.child("app").exists()) { javaPath.add(root.child("app")); } if (root.child("app/views").exists()) { templatesPath.add(root.child("app/views")); } if (root.child("conf/routes").exists()) { modulesRoutes.put(name, root.child("conf/routes")); } roots.add(root); if (!name.startsWith("_")) { Logger.info("Module %s is available (%s)", name, path.getAbsolutePath()); } }
插件(plugins)是Play framework框架很是重要的組成部分,插件做用於Play運行時的方方面面,包括請求先後的處理,更新字節碼等等,具體的插件使用說明咱們放在以後的插件篇再說,這裏就說說加載插件的過程。
protected boolean addPlugin( PlayPlugin plugin ){ synchronized( lock ){ //判斷插件列表是否存在插件 if( !allPlugins.contains(plugin) ){ allPlugins.add( plugin ); //根據優先級排序 Collections.sort(allPlugins); //建立只讀的插件列表 allPlugins_readOnlyCopy = createReadonlyCopy( allPlugins); //啓用插件 enablePlugin(plugin); return true; } } return false; }
public boolean enablePlugin( PlayPlugin plugin ){ synchronized( lock ){ //檢查是否存在插件 if( allPlugins.contains( plugin )){ //檢查插件是否已在啓動列表 if( !enabledPlugins.contains( plugin )){ //加入啓動插件 enabledPlugins.add( plugin ); //排序 Collections.sort( enabledPlugins); //建立只讀列表 enabledPlugins_readOnlyCopy = createReadonlyCopy( enabledPlugins); //更新插件列表 updatePlayPluginsList(); Logger.trace("Plugin " + plugin + " enabled"); return true; } } } return false; }
for( PlayPlugin plugin : getEnabledPlugins()){ if( isEnabled(plugin)){ initializePlugin(plugin); } }
在細說java預編譯過程以前,我以爲有必要先來講一下play framework的類加載機制。
//判斷是否有插件會進行編譯 if(!Play.pluginCollection.compileSources()) { List<ApplicationClass> all = new ArrayList<ApplicationClass>(); //在javaPath中找全部類 for (VirtualFile virtualFile : Play.javaPath) { all.addAll(getAllClasses(virtualFile)); } List<String> classNames = new ArrayList<String>(); //將全部類名組成list for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); i++) { ApplicationClass applicationClass = all.get(i); if (applicationClass != null && !applicationClass.compiled && applicationClass.isClass()) { classNames.add(all.get(i).name); } } //調用編譯器編譯 Play.classes.compiler.compile(classNames.toArray(new String[classNames.size()])); } //遍歷全部類,添加至allClasses,即ApplicationClasses容器中 for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : Play.classes.all()) { //loadApplicationClass方法關鍵代碼以下 Class clazz = loadApplicationClass(applicationClass.name); if (clazz != null) { allClasses.add(clazz); } }
long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); //從ApplicationClasses容器中找對應的ApplicationClass ApplicationClass applicationClass = Play.classes.getApplicationClass(name); if (applicationClass != null) { //isDefinable方法就是判斷applicationClass是否已經編譯且存在對應的javaClass if (applicationClass.isDefinable()) { return applicationClass.javaClass; } //查找以前是否存在編譯結果 byte[] bc = BytecodeCache.getBytecode(name, applicationClass.javaSource); if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("Compiling code for %s", name); } //判斷applicationClass是一個類仍是package-info if (!applicationClass.isClass()) { definePackage(applicationClass.getPackage(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } else { loadPackage(name); } //若是以前的編譯結果存在,就用以前的 if (bc != null) { applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = bc; applicationClass.javaClass = defineClass(applicationClass.name, applicationClass.enhancedByteCode, 0, applicationClass.enhancedByteCode.length, protectionDomain); resolveClass(applicationClass.javaClass); if (!applicationClass.isClass()) { applicationClass.javaPackage = applicationClass.javaClass.getPackage(); } if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("%sms to load class %s from cache", System.currentTimeMillis() - start, name); } return applicationClass.javaClass; } //若是applicationClass編譯過了或者編譯後有字節碼,進行字節碼加強 if (applicationClass.javaByteCode != null || applicationClass.compile() != null) { //進行字節碼加強 applicationClass.enhance(); applicationClass.javaClass = defineClass(applicationClass.name, applicationClass.enhancedByteCode, 0, applicationClass.enhancedByteCode.length, protectionDomain); BytecodeCache.cacheBytecode(applicationClass.enhancedByteCode, name, applicationClass.javaSource); resolveClass(applicationClass.javaClass); if (!applicationClass.isClass()) { applicationClass.javaPackage = applicationClass.javaClass.getPackage(); } if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("%sms to load class %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - start, name); } return applicationClass.javaClass; } Play.classes.classes.remove(name); }
從上一篇server與servletWrapper中咱們能夠發現,play framework並非必定在腳本啓動以後便啓動服務器,在咱們使用dev模式進行開發時也會發現,play老是須要接受到一個請求後纔會有真正的啓動流程。咱們這一節就來看看play的啓動過程是怎麼樣的,這個啓動與server或servletWrapper的啓動的區別在於,play啓動後便真正開始業務處理,而server與servletWrapper的啓動僅僅是啓動了監聽端口,固然要清楚的是servletWrapper啓動時也會自動啓動play
public static synchronized void start() { try { //若是已經啓動了,先中止,這裏是爲了dev模式的熱更新 if (started) { stop(); } //若是不是獨立的server,即若是不是放在servlet容器中運行,註冊關閉事件 if( standalonePlayServer) { // Can only register shutdown-hook if running as standalone server if (!shutdownHookEnabled) { //registers shutdown hook - Now there's a good chance that we can notify //our plugins that we're going down when some calls ctrl+c or just kills our process.. shutdownHookEnabled = true; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { Play.stop(); } }); } } //若是是dev模式啓動,從新加載全部class和插件 if (mode == Mode.DEV) { // Need a new classloader classloader = new ApplicationClassloader(); // Put it in the current context for any code that relies on having it there Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classloader); // Reload plugins pluginCollection.reloadApplicationPlugins(); } // 讀取配置文件 readConfiguration(); // 配置日誌 String logLevel = configuration.getProperty("application.log", "INFO"); //only override log-level if Logger was not configured manually if( !Logger.configuredManually) { Logger.setUp(logLevel); } Logger.recordCaller = Boolean.parseBoolean(configuration.getProperty("application.log.recordCaller", "false")); // 設置語言 langs = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(configuration.getProperty("application.langs", "").split(","))); if (langs.size() == 1 && langs.get(0).trim().length() == 0) { langs = new ArrayList<String>(16); } // 從新加載模板 TemplateLoader.cleanCompiledCache(); // 設置secretKey secretKey = configuration.getProperty("application.secret", "").trim(); if (secretKey.length() == 0) { Logger.warn("No secret key defined. Sessions will not be encrypted"); } // 設置默認web encoding String _defaultWebEncoding = configuration.getProperty("application.web_encoding"); if( _defaultWebEncoding != null ) { Logger.info("Using custom default web encoding: " + _defaultWebEncoding); defaultWebEncoding = _defaultWebEncoding; // Must update current response also, since the request/response triggering // this configuration-loading in dev-mode have already been // set up with the previous encoding if( Http.Response.current() != null ) { Http.Response.current().encoding = _defaultWebEncoding; } } // 加載全部class Play.classloader.getAllClasses(); // 加載路由 Router.detectChanges(ctxPath); // 初始化緩存 Cache.init(); // 運行插件onApplicationStart方法 try { pluginCollection.onApplicationStart(); } catch (Exception e) { if (Play.mode.isProd()) { Logger.error(e, "Can't start in PROD mode with errors"); } if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw new UnexpectedException(e); } if (firstStart) { Logger.info("Application '%s' is now started !", configuration.getProperty("application.name", "")); firstStart = false; } // We made it started = true; startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 運行插件afterApplicationStart方法 pluginCollection.afterApplicationStart(); } catch (PlayException e) { started = false; try { Cache.stop(); } catch (Exception ignored) {} throw e; } catch (Exception e) { started = false; try { Cache.stop(); } catch (Exception ignored) {} throw new UnexpectedException(e); } }