Journal Citation Reports 2016 (JCR) Released


Journal Citation Reports 2016 (JCR) Released


The Journal Citation Reports 2016 (JCR), with the Journal Impact Factors of 2015, have been released by Thomson Reuters. You can download the complete list here.git

I sorted out some journals related to Remote Sensing, Geography, Hydrology, and Wetlands. You can download my sorted list here. Note that this is only my personal classification. My apologies if some of your preferred journals are not on the list here.wordpress

Keep in mind that journal impact factor is just one metrics, so don’t take it too seriously!this

Remote Sensing Journals Total Cites  Impact Factor
Remote Sensing of Environment 36,252 5.881
Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 5,125 4.188
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 3,638 3.798
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 26,086 3.36
Remote Sensing 5,061 3.036
International Journal of Digital Earth 694 2.762
Giscience & Remote Sensing 638 2.482
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 5,572 2.228
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 3,033 2.145
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 1,634 1.976
International Journal of Remote Sensing 16,510 1.64
Remote Sensing Letters 638 1.487
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 5,570 1.288
European Journal of Remote Sensing 161 1.173
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 1,189 0.937
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 571 0.676

Remote Sensing Journals Google Scholar Rankinggoogle

Geography Journals – SCIE Total Cites Impact Factor
Nature Geoscience 14,574 12.508
Global Ecology and Biogeography 7,915 5.84
Geophysical Research Letters 77,712 4.212
Landscape and Urban Planning 8,923 3.654
Journal of Geophysical Research 198,092 3.318
Geomorphology 15,494 2.813
Progress in Physical Geography 2,966 2.728
Computers & Geosciences 7,567 2.474
International Journal of Health Geographics 1,596 2.27
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 3,556 2.065
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 1,555 2
Journal of Geographical Sciences 1,276 1.923
Chinese Geographical Science 630 1.145
Physical Geography 778 0.875
Frontiers of Earth Science 207 0.76
Isprs International Journal of Geo-Information 133 0.651
Geography Journals – SSCI Total Cites Impact Factor
Nature Climate Change 9,526 17.184
Progress in Human Geography 4,360 5.162
Journal of Economic Geography 2,456 3.429
Geographical Journal 1,483 3.206
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2,871 3.17
Economic Geography 1,880 2.824
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 4,439 2.756
Political Geography 2,052 2.733
Applied Geography 3,563 2.565
Journal of Transport Geography 3,067 2.09
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 3,556 2.065
Social & Cultural Geography 1,208 1.663
Geographical Analysis 1,750 1.571
Transactions in Gis 918 1.537
Professional Geographer 1,632 1.407
Geographical Research 445 1.353
Urban Geography 1,171 1.322
Journal of Geography 423 1.213
Australian Geographer 668 1.193
Journal of Geographical Systems 569 1.175
Moravian Geographical Reports 111 1.093
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 415 1.085
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 704 1.034
Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien 707 0.878
New Zealand Geographer 193 0.765
Geography 276 0.719
Scottish Geographical Journal 274 0.686
Geographical Review 1,170 0.5
South African Geographical Journal 128 0.423

Geography Journal Google Scholar Rankingspa

Hydrology Journals Total Cites Impact Factor
Water Research 61,285 5.991
Advances in Water Resources 8,156 4.349
Environmental Modelling & Software 8,255 4.207
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 10,606 3.99
Water Resources Research 42,682 3.792
Journal of Hydrometeorology 6,766 3.511
Journal of Hydrology 37,044 3.043
Freshwater Biology 12,798 2.933
Hydrological Processes 16,884 2.768
Agricultural Water Management 8,901 2.603
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 3,692 2.521
Water Resources Management 6,400 2.437
Freshwater Science 957 2.433
Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 4,664 2.182
Ecohydrology 1,507 2.138
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 4,615 2.063
Hydrobiologia 21,166 2.051
Hydrogeology Journal 4,364 2.028
Journal of Hydro-Environment Research 481 1.971
Groundwater 5,078 1.947
Hydrology Research 653 1.779
Inland Waters 246 1.776
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 3,037 1.752
Vadose Zone Journal 3,134 1.737
Water 1,035 1.687
Journal of the American Water Resources Association 4,644 1.659
Marine and Freshwater Research 4,207 1.583
Water Air and Soil Pollution 11,490 1.551
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 3,231 1.53
Urban Water Journal 910 1.478
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 275 1.469
International Journal of Water Resources Development 898 1.463
International Review of Hydrobiology 1,047 1.459
Journal of Hydroinformatics 984 1.18
Water Science and Technology 16,933 1.064
Water International 1,093 1.04
Journal of Water and Health 1,320 1.025
Canadian Water Resources Journal 468 1.018
Water and Environment Journal 565 0.895
Paddy and Water Environment 450 0.871
Journal of Hydrodynamics 1,028 0.776
Journal of Water and Climate Change 154 0.775
Water Environment Research 2,455 0.659
Soil and Water Research 130 0.58

Hydrology Journals Google Scholar Rankingorm

Wetland Journals Total Cites Impact Factor
Landscape Ecology 6,478 3.657
Wetlands 3,660 1.504
Wetlands Ecology and Management 1,284 1.407