官方網站定義: http://codemirror.net/javascript
User manual and reference guidephp
directory), and it isn't hard to write new ones for other languages.1 Features 2 3 Support for over 60 languages out of the box 4 A powerful, composable language mode system 5 Autocompletion (XML) 6 Code folding 7 Configurable keybindings 8 Vim, Emacs, and Sublime Text bindings 9 Search and replace interface 10 Bracket and tag matching 11 Support for split views 12 Linter integration 13 Mixing font sizes and styles 14 Various themes 15 Able to resize to fit content 16 Inline and block widgets 17 Programmable gutters 18 Making ranges of text styled, read-only, or atomic 19 Bi-directional text support 20 Many other methods and addons...
codemirror採用MIT開發許可協議,目前已經被集成到各類應用程序中,如Adobe Bracket、CoDev、Light Table等開發環境,還被做爲各類SQL、Haxe、JavaScript在線編輯器的基礎庫來使用。java
codemirror是一款"Online Source Editor",基於Javascript,短小精悍,實時在線代碼高亮顯示,他不是某個富文本編輯器的附屬產品,他是許多大名鼎鼎的在線代碼編輯器的基礎庫。好比如下代碼編輯器都是基於codemirror的:python
附註 -- 各類不一樣語言的Demo演示:
HTML+PHP mixed-mode (courtesy of Yahoo!)
Python (by Timothy Farrell)
Lua (by Franciszek Wawrzak)
Ruby (by Michal Hantl, unfinished)
SQL (by John Benediktsson)
PLSQL (by Peter Raganitsch)
diff (courtesy of Liran Nuna)
Groovy (by eXo Platform)
OmetaJS (by Eric KEDJI)