>>> import sys, platform >>> print '%s %s, Python %s' %(platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.python_version()) Windows XP, Python 2.7.11 >>> sys.version '2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]'
import os, sys rawCountInfo = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] detailCountInfo = []
def CalcLinesCh(line, isBlockComment): lineType, lineLen = 0, len(line) if not lineLen: return lineType line = line + '\n' #添加一個字符防止iChar+1時越界 iChar, isLineComment = 0, False while iChar < lineLen: if line[iChar] == ' ' or line[iChar] == '\t': #空白字符 iChar += 1; continue elif line[iChar] == '/' and line[iChar+1] == '/': #行註釋 isLineComment = True lineType |= 2; iChar += 1 #跳過'/' elif line[iChar] == '/' and line[iChar+1] == '*': #塊註釋開始符 isBlockComment[0] = True lineType |= 2; iChar += 1 elif line[iChar] == '*' and line[iChar+1] == '/': #塊註釋結束符 isBlockComment[0] = False lineType |= 2; iChar += 1 else: if isLineComment or isBlockComment[0]: lineType |= 2 else: lineType |= 1 iChar += 1 return lineType #Bitmap:0空行,1代碼,2註釋,3代碼和註釋 def CalcLinesPy(line, isBlockComment): #isBlockComment[single quotes, double quotes] lineType, lineLen = 0, len(line) if not lineLen: return lineType line = line + '\n\n' #添加兩個字符防止iChar+2時越界 iChar, isLineComment = 0, False while iChar < lineLen: if line[iChar] == ' ' or line[iChar] == '\t': #空白字符 iChar += 1; continue elif line[iChar] == '#': #行註釋 isLineComment = True lineType |= 2 elif line[iChar:iChar+3] == "'''": #單引號塊註釋 if isBlockComment[0] or isBlockComment[1]: isBlockComment[0] = False else: isBlockComment[0] = True lineType |= 2; iChar += 2 elif line[iChar:iChar+3] == '"""': #雙引號塊註釋 if isBlockComment[0] or isBlockComment[1]: isBlockComment[1] = False else: isBlockComment[1] = True lineType |= 2; iChar += 2 else: if isLineComment or isBlockComment[0] or isBlockComment[1]: lineType |= 2 else: lineType |= 1 iChar += 1 return lineType #Bitmap:0空行,1代碼,2註釋,3代碼和註釋
from ctypes import c_uint, c_ubyte, CDLL CFuncObj = None def LoadCExtLib(): try: global CFuncObj CFuncObj = CDLL('CalcLines.dll') except Exception: #不捕獲系統退出(SystemExit)和鍵盤中斷(KeyboardInterrupt)異常 pass def CalcLines(fileType, line, isBlockComment): try: #不可將CDLL('CalcLines.dll')放於本函數內,不然可能嚴重拖慢執行速度 bCmmtArr = (c_ubyte * len(isBlockComment))(*isBlockComment) CFuncObj.CalcLinesCh.restype = c_uint if fileType is 'ch': #is(同一性運算符)判斷對象標識(id)是否相同,較==更快 lineType = CFuncObj.CalcLinesCh(line, bCmmtArr) else: lineType = CFuncObj.CalcLinesPy(line, bCmmtArr) isBlockComment[0] = True if bCmmtArr[0] else False isBlockComment[1] = True if bCmmtArr[1] else False #不能採用如下寫法,不然本函數返回後isBlockComment列表內容仍爲原值 #isBlockComment = [True if i else False for i in bCmmtArr] except Exception, e: #print e if fileType is 'ch': lineType = CalcLinesCh(line, isBlockComment) else: lineType = CalcLinesPy(line, isBlockComment) return lineType
from cffi import FFI CFuncObj, ffiBuilder = None, FFI() def LoadCExtLib(): try: global CFuncObj ffiBuilder.cdef(''' unsigned int CalcLinesCh(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]); unsigned int CalcLinesPy(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]); ''') CFuncObj = ffiBuilder.dlopen('CalcLines.dll') except Exception: #不捕獲系統退出(SystemExit)和鍵盤中斷(KeyboardInterrupt)異常 pass def CalcLines(fileType, line, isBlockComment): try: bCmmtArr = ffiBuilder.new('unsigned char[2]', isBlockComment) if fileType is 'ch': #is(同一性運算符)判斷對象標識(id)是否相同,較==更快 lineType = CFuncObj.CalcLinesCh(line, bCmmtArr) else: lineType = CFuncObj.CalcLinesPy(line, bCmmtArr) isBlockComment[0] = True if bCmmtArr[0] else False isBlockComment[1] = True if bCmmtArr[1] else False #不能採用如下寫法,不然本函數返回後isBlockComment列表內容仍爲原值 #isBlockComment = [True if i else False for i in bCmmtArr] except Exception, e: #print e if fileType is 'ch': lineType = CalcLinesCh(line, isBlockComment) else: lineType = CalcLinesPy(line, isBlockComment) return lineType
def SafeDiv(dividend, divisor): if divisor: return float(dividend)/divisor elif dividend: return -1 else: return 0 gProcFileNum = 0 def CountFileLines(filePath, isRawReport=True, isShortName=False): fileExt = os.path.splitext(filePath) if fileExt[1] == '.c' or fileExt[1] == '.h': fileType = 'ch' elif fileExt[1] == '.py': #==(比較運算符)判斷對象值(value)是否相同 fileType = 'py' else: return global gProcFileNum; gProcFileNum += 1 sys.stderr.write('%d files processed...\r'%gProcFileNum) isBlockComment = [False]*2 #或定義爲全局變量,以保存上次值 lineCountInfo = [0]*5 #[代碼總行數, 代碼行數, 註釋行數, 空白行數, 註釋率] with open(filePath, 'r') as file: for line in file: lineType = CalcLines(fileType, line.strip(), isBlockComment) lineCountInfo[0] += 1 if lineType == 0: lineCountInfo[3] += 1 elif lineType == 1: lineCountInfo[1] += 1 elif lineType == 2: lineCountInfo[2] += 1 elif lineType == 3: lineCountInfo[1] += 1; lineCountInfo[2] += 1 else: assert False, 'Unexpected lineType: %d(0~3)!' %lineType if isRawReport: global rawCountInfo rawCountInfo[:-1] = [x+y for x,y in zip(rawCountInfo[:-1], lineCountInfo[:-1])] rawCountInfo[-1] += 1 elif isShortName: lineCountInfo[4] = SafeDiv(lineCountInfo[2], lineCountInfo[2]+lineCountInfo[1]) detailCountInfo.append([os.path.basename(filePath), lineCountInfo]) else: lineCountInfo[4] = SafeDiv(lineCountInfo[2], lineCountInfo[2]+lineCountInfo[1]) detailCountInfo.append([filePath, lineCountInfo])
注意"%d files processed..."進度提示。因沒法判知輸出是否經過命令行重定向至文件(sys.stdout不變,sys.argv不含">out"),該進度提示將換行寫入輸出文件內。假定代碼文件數目爲N,輸出文件內將含N行進度信息。目前只能利用重定向缺省隻影響標準輸出的特色,將進度信息由標準錯誤輸出至控制檯;同時增長-o
SORT_ORDER = (lambda x:x[0], False) def SetSortArg(sortArg=None): global SORT_ORDER if not sortArg: return if any(s in sortArg for s in ('file', '0')): #條件寬鬆些 #if sortArg in ('rfile', 'file', 'r0', '0'): keyFunc = lambda x:x[1][0] elif any(s in sortArg for s in ('code', '1')): keyFunc = lambda x:x[1][1] elif any(s in sortArg for s in ('cmmt', '2')): keyFunc = lambda x:x[1][2] elif any(s in sortArg for s in ('blan', '3')): keyFunc = lambda x:x[1][3] elif any(s in sortArg for s in ('ctpr', '4')): keyFunc = lambda x:x[1][4] elif any(s in sortArg for s in ('name', '5')): keyFunc = lambda x:x[0] else: #因argparse內已限制排序參數範圍,此處也可用assert print >>sys.stderr, 'Unsupported sort order(%s)!' %sortArg return isReverse = sortArg[0]=='r' #False:升序(ascending); True:降序(decending) SORT_ORDER = (keyFunc, isReverse) def ReportCounterInfo(isRawReport=True, stream=sys.stdout): #代碼註釋率 = 註釋行 / (註釋行+有效代碼行) print >>stream, 'FileLines CodeLines CommentLines BlankLines CommentPercent %s'\ %(not isRawReport and 'FileName' or '') if isRawReport: print >>stream, '%-11d%-11d%-14d%-12d%-16.2f<Total:%d Code Files>' %(rawCountInfo[0],\ rawCountInfo[1], rawCountInfo[2], rawCountInfo[3], \ SafeDiv(rawCountInfo[2], rawCountInfo[2]+rawCountInfo[1]), rawCountInfo[4]) return total = [0, 0, 0, 0] #對detailCountInfo排序。缺省按第一列元素(文件名)升序排序,以提升輸出可讀性。 detailCountInfo.sort(key=SORT_ORDER[0], reverse=SORT_ORDER[1]) for item in detailCountInfo: print >>stream, '%-11d%-11d%-14d%-12d%-16.2f%s' %(item[1][0], item[1][1], item[1][2], \ item[1][3], item[1][4], item[0]) total[0] += item[1][0]; total[1] += item[1][1] total[2] += item[1][2]; total[3] += item[1][3] print >>stream, '-' * 90 #輸出90個負號(minus)或連字號(hyphen) print >>stream, '%-11d%-11d%-14d%-12d%-16.2f<Total:%d Code Files>' \ %(total[0], total[1], total[2], total[3], \ SafeDiv(total[2], total[2]+total[1]), len(detailCountInfo))
def ParseTargetList(targetList): fileList, dirList = [], [] if targetList == []: targetList.append(os.getcwd()) for item in targetList: if os.path.isfile(item): fileList.append(os.path.abspath(item)) elif os.path.isdir(item): dirList.append(os.path.abspath(item)) else: print >>sys.stderr, "'%s' is neither a file nor a directory!" %item return [fileList, dirList]
def CountDir(dirList, isKeep=False, isRawReport=True, isShortName=False): for dir in dirList: if isKeep: for file in os.listdir(dir): CountFileLines(os.path.join(dir, file), isRawReport, isShortName) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: CountFileLines(os.path.join(root, file), isRawReport, isShortName) def CountFile(fileList, isRawReport=True, isShortName=False): for file in fileList: CountFileLines(file, isRawReport, isShortName) def LineCounter(isKeep=False, isRawReport=True, isShortName=False, targetList=[]): fileList, dirList = ParseTargetList(targetList) if fileList != []: CountFile(fileList, isRawReport, isShortName) if dirList != []: CountDir(dirList, isKeep, isRawReport, isShortName)
import argparse def ParseCmdArgs(argv=sys.argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options] target', description='Count lines in code files.') parser.add_argument('target', nargs='*', help='space-separated list of directories AND/OR files') parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep', action='store_true', help='do not walk down subdirectories') parser.add_argument('-d', '--detail', action='store_true', help='report counting result in detail') parser.add_argument('-b', '--basename', action='store_true', help='do not show file\'s full path') ## sortWords = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'file', 'code', 'cmmt', 'blan', 'ctpr', 'name'] ## parser.add_argument('-s', '--sort', ## choices=[x+y for x in ['','r'] for y in sortWords], ## help='sort order: {0,1,2,3,4,5} or {file,code,cmmt,blan,ctpr,name},' \ ## "prefix 'r' means sorting in reverse order") parser.add_argument('-s', '--sort', help='sort order: {0,1,2,3,4,5} or {file,code,cmmt,blan,ctpr,name}, ' \ "prefix 'r' means sorting in reverse order") parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='save counting result in OUT') parser.add_argument('-c', '--cache', action='store_true', help='use cache to count faster(unreliable when files are modified)') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 3.0 by xywang') args = parser.parse_args() return (args.keep, args.detail, args.basename, args.sort, args.out, args.cache, args.target)
前綴指定升序仍是降序。例如,-s 0
或-s file
表示輸出按文件行數升序排列,-s r0
或-s rfile
CACHE_FILE = 'Counter.dump' CACHE_DUMPER, CACHE_GEN = None, None from json import dump, JSONDecoder def CounterDump(data): global CACHE_DUMPER if CACHE_DUMPER == None: CACHE_DUMPER = open(CACHE_FILE, 'w') dump(data, CACHE_DUMPER) def ParseJson(jsonData): endPos = 0 while True: jsonData = jsonData[endPos:].lstrip() try: pyObj, endPos = JSONDecoder().raw_decode(jsonData) yield pyObj except ValueError: break def CounterLoad(): global CACHE_GEN if CACHE_GEN == None: CACHE_GEN = ParseJson(open(CACHE_FILE, 'r').read()) try: return next(CACHE_GEN) except StopIteration, e: return [] def shouldUseCache(keep, detail, basename, cache, target): if not cache: #未指定啓用緩存 return False try: (_keep, _detail, _basename, _target) = CounterLoad() except (IOError, EOFError, ValueError): #緩存文件不存在或內容爲空或不合法 return False if keep == _keep and detail == _detail and basename == _basename \ and sorted(target) == sorted(_target): return True else: return False
注意,json持久化會涉及字符編碼問題。例如,當源文件名包含gbk編碼的中文字符時,文件名寫入detailCountInfo前應經過unicode(os.path.basename(filePath), 'gbk')轉換爲Unicode,不然dump時會報錯。幸虧,只有測試用的源碼文件纔可能包含中文字符。所以,一般不用考慮編碼問題。
def main(): global gIsStdout, rawCountInfo, detailCountInfo (keep, detail, basename, sort, out, cache, target) = ParseCmdArgs() stream = sys.stdout if not out else open(out, 'w') SetSortArg(sort); LoadCExtLib() cacheUsed = shouldUseCache(keep, detail, basename, cache, target) if cacheUsed: try: (rawCountInfo, detailCountInfo) = CounterLoad() except (EOFError, ValueError), e: #不太可能出現 print >>sys.stderr, 'Unexpected Cache Corruption(%s), Try Counting Directly.'%e LineCounter(keep, not detail, basename, target) else: LineCounter(keep, not detail, basename, target) ReportCounterInfo(not detail, stream) CounterDump((keep, detail, basename, target)) CounterDump((rawCountInfo, detailCountInfo))
if __name__ == '__main__': from time import clock startTime = clock() main() endTime = clock() print >>sys.stderr, 'Time Elasped: %.2f sec.' %(endTime-startTime)
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 unsigned int CalcLinesCh(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]) { unsigned int lineType = 0; unsigned int lineLen = strlen(line); if(!lineLen) return lineType; char *expandLine = calloc(lineLen + 1/*\n*/, 1); if(NULL == expandLine) return lineType; memmove(expandLine, line, lineLen); expandLine[lineLen] = '\n'; //添加一個字符防止iChar+1時越界 unsigned int iChar = 0; unsigned char isLineComment = FALSE; while(iChar < lineLen) { if(expandLine[iChar] == ' ' || expandLine[iChar] == '\t') { //空白字符 iChar += 1; continue; } else if(expandLine[iChar] == '/' && expandLine[iChar+1] == '/') { //行註釋 isLineComment = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 1; //跳過'/' } else if(expandLine[iChar] == '/' && expandLine[iChar+1] == '*') { //塊註釋開始符 isBlockComment[0] = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 1; } else if(expandLine[iChar] == '*' && expandLine[iChar+1] == '/') { //塊註釋結束符 isBlockComment[0] = FALSE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 1; } else { if(isLineComment || isBlockComment[0]) lineType |= 2; else lineType |= 1; } iChar += 1; } free(expandLine); return lineType; //Bitmap:0空行,1代碼,2註釋,3代碼和註釋 } unsigned int CalcLinesPy(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]) { //isBlockComment[single quotes, double quotes] unsigned int lineType = 0; unsigned int lineLen = strlen(line); if(!lineLen) return lineType; char *expandLine = calloc(lineLen + 2/*\n\n*/, 1); if(NULL == expandLine) return lineType; memmove(expandLine, line, lineLen); //添加兩個字符防止iChar+2時越界 expandLine[lineLen] = '\n'; expandLine[lineLen+1] = '\n'; unsigned int iChar = 0; unsigned char isLineComment = FALSE; while(iChar < lineLen) { if(expandLine[iChar] == ' ' || expandLine[iChar] == '\t') { //空白字符 iChar += 1; continue; } else if(expandLine[iChar] == '#') { //行註釋 isLineComment = TRUE; lineType |= 2; } else if(expandLine[iChar] == '\'' && expandLine[iChar+1] == '\'' && expandLine[iChar+2] == '\'') { //單引號塊註釋 if(isBlockComment[0] || isBlockComment[1]) isBlockComment[0] = FALSE; else isBlockComment[0] = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 2; } else if(expandLine[iChar] == '"' && expandLine[iChar+1] == '"' && expandLine[iChar+2] == '"') { //雙引號塊註釋 if(isBlockComment[0] || isBlockComment[1]) isBlockComment[1] = FALSE; else isBlockComment[1] = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 2; } else { if(isLineComment || isBlockComment[0] || isBlockComment[1]) lineType |= 2; else lineType |= 1; } iChar += 1; } free(expandLine); return lineType; //Bitmap:0空行,1代碼,2註釋,3代碼和註釋 }
#define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 unsigned int CalcLinesCh(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]) { unsigned int lineType = 0; unsigned int iChar = 0; unsigned char isLineComment = FALSE; while(line[iChar] != '\0') { if(line[iChar] == ' ' || line[iChar] == '\t') { //空白字符 iChar += 1; continue; } else if(line[iChar] == '/' && line[iChar+1] == '/') { //行註釋 isLineComment = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 1; //跳過'/' } else if(line[iChar] == '/' && line[iChar+1] == '*') { //塊註釋開始符 isBlockComment[0] = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 1; } else if(line[iChar] == '*' && line[iChar+1] == '/') { //塊註釋結束符 isBlockComment[0] = FALSE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 1; } else { if(isLineComment || isBlockComment[0]) lineType |= 2; else lineType |= 1; } iChar += 1; } return lineType; //Bitmap:0空行,1代碼,2註釋,3代碼和註釋 } unsigned int CalcLinesPy(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]) { //isBlockComment[single quotes, double quotes] unsigned int lineType = 0; unsigned int iChar = 0; unsigned char isLineComment = FALSE; while(line[iChar] != '\0') { if(line[iChar] == ' ' || line[iChar] == '\t') { //空白字符 iChar += 1; continue; } else if(line[iChar] == '#') { //行註釋 isLineComment = TRUE; lineType |= 2; } else if(line[iChar] == '\'' && line[iChar+1] == '\'' && line[iChar+2] == '\'') { //單引號塊註釋 if(isBlockComment[0] || isBlockComment[1]) isBlockComment[0] = FALSE; else isBlockComment[0] = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 2; } else if(line[iChar] == '"' && line[iChar+1] == '"' && line[iChar+2] == '"') { //雙引號塊註釋 if(isBlockComment[0] || isBlockComment[1]) isBlockComment[1] = FALSE; else isBlockComment[1] = TRUE; lineType |= 2; iChar += 2; } else { if(isLineComment || isBlockComment[0] || isBlockComment[1]) lineType |= 2; else lineType |= 1; } iChar += 1; } return lineType; //Bitmap:0空行,1代碼,2註釋,3代碼和註釋 }
做者的Windows系統最初未安裝Microsoft VC++工具,所以使用已安裝的MinGW開發環境編譯dll文件。將上述C代碼保存爲CalcLines.c,編譯命令以下:
gcc -shared -o CalcLines.dll CalcLines.c
其間,做者還嘗試其餘C擴展工具,如PyInline。在http://pyinline.sourceforge.net/下載壓縮包,解壓後拷貝目錄PyInline-0.03至Lib\site-packages下。在命令提示符窗口中進入該目錄,執行python setup.py install安裝PyInline
執行示例時提示BuildError: error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat。查閱網絡資料,做者下載Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7並安裝。然而,實踐後發現PyInline很是難用,因而做罷。
因爲對MinGW編譯效果存疑,做者最終決定安裝VS2008 Express Edition。之因此選擇2008版本,是考慮到CPython2.7的Windows版本基於VS2008的運行時(runtime)庫。安裝後,在C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin目錄可找到cl.exe(編譯器)和link.exe(連接器)。按照網絡教程設置環境變量後,便可在Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt命令提示符中編譯和連接程序。輸入cl /help
或cl -help
_declspec(dllexport) unsigned int CalcLinesCh(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]) {... _declspec(dllexport) unsigned int CalcLinesPy(char *line, unsigned char isBlockComment[2]) {...
cl /Ox /Ot /Wall /LD /FeCalcLines.dll CalcLines.c
E:\PyTest>pypy Python 2.7.10 (b0a649e90b66, Apr 28 2016, 13:11:00) [PyPy 5.1.1 with MSC v.1500 32 bit] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>> import cffi >>>> cffi.__version__ '1.6.0'
D:\pytest>CPLineCounter -d lctest -s code FileLines CodeLines CommentLines BlankLines CommentPercent FileName 6 3 4 0 0.57 D:\pytest\lctest\hard.c 27 7 15 5 0.68 D:\pytest\lctest\file27_code7_cmmt15_blank5.py 33 19 15 4 0.44 D:\pytest\lctest\line.c 44 34 3 7 0.08 D:\pytest\lctest\test.c 44 34 3 7 0.08 D:\pytest\lctest\subdir\test.c 243 162 26 60 0.14 D:\pytest\lctest\subdir\CLineCounter.py ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 397 259 66 83 0.20 <Total:6 Code Files> Time Elasped: 0.04 sec.
最後,測試統計性能。在做者的Windows XP主機(Pentium G630 2.7GHz主頻2GB內存)上,統計5857個C源代碼文件,總行數接近千萬級。上述工具的性能表現以下表所示。表中僅顯示總計項,實際上仍統計單個文件的行數信息。注意,測試時linecount要勾選"目錄統計時包含同名文件",cloc要添加--skip-uniqueness
E:\PyTest>kernprof -l -v CPLineCounter.py source -d > out.txt 140872 93736 32106 16938 0.26 <Total:82 Code Files> Wrote profile results to CPLineCounter.py.lprof Timer unit: 2.79365e-07 s Total time: 5.81981 s File: CPLineCounter.py Function: CountFileLines at line 143 Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents ============================================================== 143 @profile 144 def CountFileLines(filePath, isRawReport=True, isShortName=False): ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 162 82 7083200 86380.5 34.0 with open(filePath, 'r') as file: 163 140954 1851877 13.1 8.9 for line in file: 164 140872 6437774 45.7 30.9 lineType = CalcLines(fileType, line.strip(), isBlockComment) 165 140872 1761864 12.5 8.5 lineCountInfo[0] += 1 166 140872 1662583 11.8 8.0 if lineType == 0: lineCountInfo[3] += 1 167 123934 1499176 12.1 7.2 elif lineType == 1: lineCountInfo[1] += 1 168 32106 406931 12.7 2.0 elif lineType == 2: lineCountInfo[2] += 1 169 1908 27634 14.5 0.1 elif lineType == 3: lineCountInfo[1] += 1; lineCountInfo[2] += 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
line_profiler可用pip install line_profiler
find ./codeDir -name "*.c" -or -name "*.h" | xargs wc -l #除空行外的總行數 find ./codeDir -name "*.c" -or -name "*.h" | xargs wc -l #各文件行數及總和