from .RequestsKeywords import RequestsKeywords from .version import VERSION _version_ = VERSION class RequestsLibrary(RequestsKeywords): """ RequestsLibrary is a HTTP client keyword library that uses the requests module from Kenneth Reitz https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests Examples: | Create Session | google | http://www.google.com | | Create Session | github | http://github.com/api/v2/json | | ${resp} | Get google | / | | Should Be Equal As Strings | ${resp.status_code} | 200 | | ${resp} | Get github | /user/search/bulkan | | Should Be Equal As Strings | ${resp.status_code} | 200 | | ${jsondata} | To Json | ${resp.content} | | Dictionary Should Contain Value | ${jsondata['users'][0]} | Bulkan Savun Evcimen | """ ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = 'GLOBAL'
這裏就知道另一個文件version.py是幹啥用的了,這個筆者認爲無關緊要,只是一個版本號,直接在__init__.py定義也同樣。類名RequestsLibrary就是咱們在RIDE導入的名稱,繼承的這個RequestsKeywords,就是文件RequestsKeywords.py裏面的一個關鍵字實現類,最後一行ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = 'GLOBAL',必需要加,自定義時照着寫便可,RF框架會自動識別;最後一個文件compat.py點開閱讀源碼後發現,實際上是在判斷是否爲python3,主要爲了兼容python2和python3而import依賴包,也不是必要文件。所以咱們能夠知道,實際生效有做用的文件主要就是__init__.py和RequestsKeywords.py了。github
def create_session(self, alias, url, headers={}, cookies=None, auth=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=0.10, disable_warnings=0): """ Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server ``url`` Base url of the server ``alias`` Robot Framework alias to identify the session ``headers`` Dictionary of default headers ``auth`` List of username & password for HTTP Basic Auth ``timeout`` Connection timeout ``proxies`` Dictionary that contains proxy urls for HTTP and HTTPS communication ``verify`` Whether the SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided. Defaults to False. ``debug`` Enable http verbosity option more information https://docs.python.org/2/library/httplib.html#httplib.HTTPConnection.set_debuglevel ``max_retries`` The maximum number of retries each connection should attempt. ``backoff_factor`` The pause between for each retry ``disable_warnings`` Disable requests warning useful when you have large number of testcases """ auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(*auth) if auth else None logger.info('Creating Session using : alias=%s, url=%s, headers=%s, \ cookies=%s, auth=%s, timeout=%s, proxies=%s, verify=%s, \ debug=%s ' % (alias, url, headers, cookies, auth, timeout, proxies, verify, debug)) return self._create_session( alias, url, headers, cookies, auth, timeout, max_retries, backoff_factor, proxies, verify, debug, disable_warnings)
create_session這個關鍵字是否是很熟悉,在RF中使用的時候,直接輸入Create Session便可使用,按F5查看幫助信息,跟上面源碼註釋部分同樣。json
import json import types import sys from robot.api import logger from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn builtin = BuiltIn() PY3 = sys.version_info > (3,) def mykey_to_json(content, pretty_print=False): """ Convert a string to a JSON object ``content`` String content to convert into JSON ``pretty_print`` If defined, will output JSON is pretty print format """ if PY3: if isinstance(content, bytes): content = content.decode(encoding='utf-8') if pretty_print: json_ = _json_pretty_print(content) else: json_ = json.loads(content) logger.info('To JSON using : content=%s ' % (content)) logger.info('To JSON using : pretty_print=%s ' % (pretty_print)) return json_ def _json_pretty_print(content): """ Pretty print a JSON object ``content`` JSON object to pretty print """ temp = json.loads(content) return json.dumps(temp, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))