public class MysqlPositionStore { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MysqlPositionStore.class); private static final Long DEFAULT_GTID_SERVER_ID = new Long(0); private final Long serverID; private String clientID; private final boolean gtidMode; private final ConnectionPool connectionPool; public MysqlPositionStore(ConnectionPool pool, Long serverID, String clientID, boolean gtidMode) { this.connectionPool = pool; this.clientID = clientID; this.gtidMode = gtidMode; if (gtidMode) { // we don't use server id for position store in gtid mode this.serverID = DEFAULT_GTID_SERVER_ID; } else { this.serverID = serverID; } } public void set(Position newPosition) throws SQLException, DuplicateProcessException { if ( newPosition == null ) return; Long heartbeat = newPosition.getLastHeartbeatRead(); String sql = "INSERT INTO `positions` set " + "server_id = ?, " + "gtid_set = ?, " + "binlog_file = ?, " + "binlog_position = ?, " + "last_heartbeat_read = ?, " + "client_id = ? " + "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " + "last_heartbeat_read = ?, " + "gtid_set = ?, binlog_file = ?, binlog_position=?"; BinlogPosition binlogPosition = newPosition.getBinlogPosition(); connectionPool.withSQLRetry(1, (c) -> { PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement(sql); LOGGER.debug("Writing binlog position to " + c.getCatalog() + ".positions: " + newPosition + ", last heartbeat read: " + heartbeat); s.setLong(1, serverID); s.setString(2, binlogPosition.getGtidSetStr()); s.setString(3, binlogPosition.getFile()); s.setLong(4, binlogPosition.getOffset()); s.setLong(5, heartbeat); s.setString(6, clientID); s.setLong(7, heartbeat); s.setString(8, binlogPosition.getGtidSetStr()); s.setString(9, binlogPosition.getFile()); s.setLong(10, binlogPosition.getOffset()); s.execute(); }); } public Position get() throws SQLException { try ( Connection c = connectionPool.getConnection() ) { PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement("SELECT * from `positions` where server_id = ? and client_id = ?"); s.setLong(1, serverID); s.setString(2, clientID); return positionFromResultSet(s.executeQuery()); } } //...... }
public interface ConnectionPool { @FunctionalInterface public interface RetryableSQLFunction<T> { void apply(T t) throws SQLException, NoSuchElementException, DuplicateProcessException; } Connection getConnection() throws SQLException; void release(); void withSQLRetry(int nTries, RetryableSQLFunction<Connection> inner) throws SQLException, NoSuchElementException, DuplicateProcessException; }
public class C3P0ConnectionPool implements ConnectionPool { private final ComboPooledDataSource cpds; static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(C3P0ConnectionPool.class); @Override public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return cpds.getConnection(); } @Override public void release() { cpds.close(); } public C3P0ConnectionPool(String url, String user, String password) { cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); cpds.setJdbcUrl(url); cpds.setUser(user); cpds.setPassword(password); // the settings below are optional -- c3p0 can work with defaults cpds.setMinPoolSize(1); cpds.setMaxPoolSize(5); } @Override public void withSQLRetry(int nTries, RetryableSQLFunction<Connection> inner) throws SQLException, DuplicateProcessException, NoSuchElementException { try ( final Connection c = getConnection() ){ inner.apply(c); return; } catch (SQLException e) { if ( nTries > 0 ) { LOGGER.error("got SQL Exception: {}, {}, retrying...", e.getLocalizedMessage(), e.getCause().getLocalizedMessage() ); withSQLRetry(nTries - 1, inner); } else { throw(e); } } } }