如何在Xbox One上設置應用和遊戲限制

A toddler wearing a headset with an Xbox Controller in his lap.
Shane Trotter/Shutterstock Shane Trotter /快門

Microsoft Family Groups allows you to limit access to specific apps and games for individual accounts on your Xbox One. You can quickly set up a child account or additional restrictions to protect innocent eyes from explicit content.

Microsoft Family Groups允許您限制Xbox One上單個帳戶對特定應用程序和遊戲的訪問。 您可以快速設置子帳戶或其他限制,以保護無辜的眼睛免受顯式內容的侵害。

To restrict access to specific apps and games on Xbox One, you’ll first need to create a Microsoft Family Group. After you do this, you’ll be able to create a child account.

要限制對Xbox One上特定應用和遊戲的訪問,您首先需要創建一個Microsoft家庭組 。 完成此操作後,您將可以創建子帳戶

You’ll then need to sign in to this account on your Xbox One. To get started, turn on your Xbox and press the Xbox button in the middle of your controller to open the guide. Navigate to your avatar in the top left to access the 「Sign In」 screen, and then select 「Add New.」

然後,您需要在Xbox One上登錄此帳戶。 首先,請打開Xbox並按控制器中間的Xbox按鈕以打開指南。 導航到左上角的頭像以訪問「登錄」屏幕,然後選擇「添加新的」。

Select your avatar, and then select "Add new."

Sign in to the child account and choose whether you want to continue the setup through the Microsoft Family Group in a browser or on Xbox One. If you choose the former, type your email address. You’ll receive an email that will direct you to the main hub of your Microsoft Family Group. There, you can also set broader content restrictions for the child account.

登錄到子帳戶,然後選擇是否要通過瀏覽器或Xbox One上的Microsoft Family Group繼續進行安裝。 如果選擇前者,請鍵入您的電子郵件地址。 您會收到一封電子郵件,將您定向到Microsoft家庭小組的主要中心。 您還可以在此處爲子帳戶設置更廣泛的內容限制

If you choose to continue on Xbox One, you’ll be prompted to sign in to your Microsoft account. Whichever device you choose, the results will be the same.

如果您選擇繼續在Xbox One上運行,則系統將提示您登錄Microsoft帳戶。 無論選擇哪種設備,結果都是相同的。

The Xbox One "Get Your Parent's Help to Continue" menu.

Next, choose whether you want your child to be able to log in to third-party apps. To view the Microsoft Services Agreement, Microsoft Privacy Statement, or additional information about third-party apps, select the appropriate option on the right.

接下來,選擇是否希望您的孩子能夠登錄第三方應用程序。 要查看Microsoft服務協議,Microsoft隱私聲明或有關第三方應用程序的其他信息,請在右側選擇適當的選項。

The "Review the Legal Stuff" menu on Xbox One.

Proceed through the prompts to confirm your consent, and then type a gamertag for the child account.


Next, you select one of the three levels of security that will dictate how the child account signs in to Xbox One and accesses its content and settings. You can choose 「No Barriers,」 「Ask for My Passkey,」 or 「Lock It Down.」

接下來,選擇三個安全級別之一,這些級別將決定子帳戶如何登錄Xbox One並訪問其內容和設置。 您可以選擇「沒有障礙」,「詢問我的密碼」或「將其鎖定」。

The Xbox One "Sign-In and Security Preferences" menu.

Because you used the child account you created in Microsoft Family Group to create the child profile on Xbox One, you can navigate to your Microsoft Family Group in any browser to set specific limits on apps and games.

因爲您使用在Microsoft Family Group中創建的子帳戶在Xbox One上創建了子配置文件,所以您可以在任何瀏覽器中導航到Microsoft Family Group來對應用程序和遊戲設置特定的限制。

Once there, select the account you want to regulate, and then click 「App and Game Limits.」 This is also where you can view, approve, or deny any outstanding requests for access to restricted apps and games.

在那裏,選擇要管理的帳戶,然後單擊「應用程序和遊戲限制」。 您還可以在這裏查看,批准或拒絕任何未完成的訪問受限應用程序和遊戲的請求。

Click "App and Game Limits" for an account in the Microsoft Family Group.

If you want to enable time limits for specific games, just make sure the 「Time Limits」 option is toggled-On.


Toggle-On the "Time Limits" option.

Even if this is enabled, games still have no time limit at first. You have to toggle-On this option to the right of each game to activate the default time limit of one hour.

即使啓用此功能,遊戲一開始也沒有時間限制。 您必須在每個遊戲的右側啓用此選項,才能**默認的一小時限制。

You can also alter this schedule for weekdays and weekends individually by clicking any game or app to expand its menu. Use the slider to select how long this account can use each app. Use the 「Allow From」 and 「To」 drop-down menus to create a time window within which each app will be accessible.

您也可以通過單擊任何遊戲或應用程序以展開其菜單,分別更改工作日和週末的時間表。 使用滑塊選擇此帳戶可以使用每個應用多長時間。 使用「允許自」和「至」下拉菜單創建一個時間窗口,可在其中訪問每個應用程序。

The schedule for "Lost Odyssey" in a Microsoft Family Group child account.

To block an account from downloading, playing, or accessing an app, just click 「Block App.」 If you want to see on which device an app is installed, just hover your mouse over any of the icons under 「Installed On.」

要阻止帳戶下載,播放或訪問應用程序,只需單擊「阻止應用程序」。 如果要查看在哪個設備上安裝了應用程序,只需將鼠標懸停在「 Installed On」下的任何圖標上即可。

These controls can help you weed out specific games or apps you find inappropriate for certain family members. However, do keep in mind that most digitally-savvy kids can, and will, find a work-around for most restrictions their parents create.

這些控件可以幫助您清除某些家庭成員不喜歡的特定遊戲或應用。 但是,請記住,大多數精通數字的孩子可以並且將會找到解決父母爲其設置的大多數限制的方法。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/674094/how-to-set-app-and-game-limits-on-xbox-one/