urlrewrite.xml放在 resources文件夾下ide
@Configurationpublic class UrlRewriteFilterConfig extends UrlRewriteFilter{ private static final String URL_REWRITE = "classpath:/urlrewrite.xml"; //Inject the Resource from the given location @Value(URL_REWRITE) private Resource resource; //Override the loadUrlRewriter method, and write your own implementation protected void loadUrlRewriter(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { try { //Create a UrlRewrite Conf object with the injected resource Conf conf = new Conf(filterConfig.getServletContext(), resource.getInputStream(), resource.getFilename(), "@@traceability@@"); checkConf(conf); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ServletException("Unable to load URL rewrite configuration file from " + URL_REWRITE, ex); } }}