






type slice struct{
    array unsafe.Point   //底層數組的指針
    len int
    cap int



func appendInt(x []int, y int) []int {
    var z []int
    zlen := len(x) + 1
    if zlen <= cap(x) {
        // There is room to grow.  Extend the slice.
        z = x[:zlen]
    } else {
        // There is insufficient space.  Allocate a new array.
        // Grow by doubling, for amortized linear complexity.
        zcap := zlen
        if zcap < 2*len(x) {
            zcap = 2 * len(x)
        z = make([]int, zlen, zcap)
        copy(z, x) // a built-in function; see text
    z[len(x)] = y
    return z



    sli := make([]int, 0, 1)
    fmt.Printf("%p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n", sli, len(sli), cap(sli), unsafe.Sizeof(sli))
    sli = append(sli, 1)
    fmt.Printf("%p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n", sli, len(sli), cap(sli), unsafe.Sizeof(sli))
    sli = append(sli, 2)
    fmt.Printf("%p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n", sli, len(sli), cap(sli), unsafe.Sizeof(sli))
    sli = append(sli, 3)
    fmt.Printf("%p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n", sli, len(sli), cap(sli), unsafe.Sizeof(sli))
    sli = append(sli, 4)
    fmt.Printf("%p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n", sli, len(sli), cap(sli), unsafe.Sizeof(sli))
    sli = append(sli, 5)
    fmt.Printf("%p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n", sli, len(sli), cap(sli), unsafe.Sizeof(sli))



只有sclie, map, chan能夠用%p來打印地址

    sli1 := []int{4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 77, 7, 77, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}
    fmt.Printf("slice : %p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n\n", sli1, len(sli1), cap(sli1), unsafe.Sizeof(sli1))    
    arr := [...]int{4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 77, 7, 77, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}
    fmt.Printf("arr : %p, len = %v, cap = %v, byte = %v\n\n", &arr, len(arr), cap(arr), unsafe.Sizeof(arr))



----------------------------------------------------------------- 如下講一下map -----------------------------------------------------------------


golang的map就是用哈希表來實現的,hashmap底層的數據結構:數組 + 鏈表

hashmap 經過一個 bucket 數組實現,HashMap會首先經過一個哈希函數將key轉換爲數組下標,全部元素將被 hash 到數組中的 bucket 中,bucket 填滿後,

將經過一個 overflow 指針來擴展一個 bucket 出來造成鏈表,也就是解決衝突問題。





// HashMap木桶(數組)的個數
const BucketCount = 16

// 鏈表結構裏的數據:鍵值對
type KV struct {
    Key   string
    Value string

// 鏈表結構
type LinkNode struct {
    Data     KV
    NextNode *LinkNode

// 哈希表的結構
type HashMap struct {
    Buckets [BucketCount]*LinkNode // 數組:散列表,裏面數據結構是哈希桶,存有鍵值對的鏈表

func CreateLink() *LinkNode {
    //頭結點數據爲空 是爲了標識這個鏈表尚未存儲鍵值對
    linkNode := &LinkNode{KV{"", ""}, nil}
    return linkNode

// 建立HashMap
func CreateHashMap() *HashMap {
    myMap := &HashMap{}
    for i := 0; i < BucketCount; i++ {
        myMap.Buckets[i] = CreateLink()
    return myMap


// 哈希函數,簡單的散列算法:它能夠將不一樣長度的key散列成0-BucketCount的整數
func HashCode(key string) int {
    sum := 0
    for i := 0; i < len(key); i++ {
        sum += int(key[i])
    return sum % BucketCount


func (myMap *HashMap)AddKeyValue(key string, value string)  {
    mapIndex := HashCode(key)

    link := myMap.Buckets[mapIndex]

    if link.Data.Key == "" && link.NextNode == nil {
        //若是當前鏈表只有一個節點,說明以前未有值插入  修改第一個節點的值 即未發生哈希碰撞
        link.Data.Key = key
        link.Data.Value = value
    }else {
        link.AddNode(KV{key, value})


func (myMap *HashMap)GetValueForKey(key string) string {
    mapIndex := HashCode(key)
    link := myMap.Buckets[mapIndex]
    var value string
    head := link
    for {
        if head.Data.Key == key {
            value = head.Data.Value
        }else {
            head = head.NextNode
    return value


 總的來講:就是數組(散列表) + 鏈表(哈希衝突),  散列表經過散列函數(哈希函數)來確認下標,由於是連續內存,能夠根據數組下標偏移量來肯定位置,查詢複雜度爲O(1),




  它的tophash 存儲的是哈希函數算出的哈希值的高八位。是用來加快索引的。由於把高八位存儲起來,這樣不用完整比較key就能過濾掉不符合的key,加快查詢速度當一個哈希值的高8位和存儲的高8位相符合,






hashmap 做者原文註釋:

This file contains the implementation of Go's map type.

A map is just a hash table. The data is arranged
into an array of buckets. Each bucket contains up to
8 key/value pairs. The low-order bits of the hash are
used to select a bucket. Each bucket contains a few
high-order bits of each hash to distinguish the entries
within a single bucket.

If more than 8 keys hash to a bucket, we chain on
extra buckets.

When the hashtable grows, we allocate a new array
of buckets twice as big. Buckets are incrementally
copied from the old bucket array to the new bucket array.


Map iterators walk through the array of buckets and
return the keys in walk order (bucket #, then overflow
chain order, then bucket index). To maintain iteration
semantics, we never move keys within their bucket (if
we did, keys might be returned 0 or 2 times). When
growing the table, iterators remain iterating through the
old table and must check the new table if the bucket
they are iterating through has been moved ("evacuated")
to the new table.

Picking loadFactor: too large and we have lots of overflowbuckets, too small and we waste a lot of space. I wrotea simple program to check some stats for different loads:
