isFullStack : 判斷棧是否溢出,若是溢出,返回true,不然返回false。this
push : 添加一個新的元素到棧頂。前提是棧存在,且棧沒有溢出。spa
top : 返回棧頂元素。前提是棧存在,且棧沒有溢出。code
pop : 刪除棧頂元素。前提是棧存在,且棧不爲空。對象
爲了跟蹤數組的top position ,咱們聲明另外一個變量stackTop.
template<class Type> class stackType { public: const stackType<Type>& operator=(const stackType<Type>&);//重載賦值運算符 void initializeStack(); //Function to initialize the stack to an empty state //precondition:stackTop=0 bool isEmptyStack() const; //Function to determine whether the stack is empty //postcondition:Returns true if the stack is // empty,otherwise returns false bool isFullStack() const; //Function to determine whether the stack is full //postcondition:Returns true if the stack is full // otherwise returns false void destroyStack(); //Function to remove all the elements from the stack //Postcondition: stackTop = 0. void push(const Type& newItem); //Function to add newItem to the stack. //precondition:The stack exists and is not full //postcondition:the stack is changed and newItem is // added to the top of the stack. Type top() const; //Function to return the top element of the stack. //precondition:the stack exists and is not empty. //postcondition:If the stack is empty,the program // terminates;otherwise ,the top element // of the stack is returned. void pop(); //Function to remove the top element of the stack. //precondition:The stack exists and is not empty. //postcondition:The stack is changed and the top // element is removed from the stack. stackType(int stackSize = 100); //constructor //Create an array of the size stackSize to hold the //stack elements.the default stack size is 100. //Postcondition:The variable list contains the base //address of the array,stackTop=0, //and maxStackSize =stackSize. stackType(const stackType<Type>&otherStack); //copy constructor ~stackType(); //desturctor; //Remove all the elements from the stack. //Postcondition:The array (list)holding the stack //elements is deleted. private: int maxStackSize;//variable to store the maximum //stack size. int stackTop;//variable to point to the top of the //stack Type *list;//pointer to the array that holds the stack //elements void copyStack(const stackType<Type>& otherStack); //Function to make a copy of otherStack. //Postcondition:A copy of otherStack is created and //assigned to this stack. };
template <class Type> void stackType<Type>::initializeStack() { stackTop = 0; }
定義Destroy Stack函數:
template <class Type> void stackType<Type>::destroyStack() { stackTop = 0; }
定義Empty Stack函數
既然stackTop的值決定棧是否爲空,若是stackTop = 0,則棧爲空,不然棧不爲空。
template <class Type> bool stackType<Type>::isEmptyStack() const { return (stackTop == 0); }
定義Full Stack函數:
若是stackTop = maxStackSize,棧滿。
template<class Type> bool stackType<Type>::isFullStack() const { return (stackTop == maxStackSize); }
template<class Type> void stackType<Type>::push(const Type &newItem) { if (!isFullStack()) { list[stackTop]=newItem; stackTop++; } else cout<<"Cannot add to a full stack."<<endl; }
定義top函數:return the top element
template<class Type > Type stackType<Type>::top() const { assert(stackTop !=0);//if the stack is empty, //terminate the program. return list[stackTop-1]; }
template<class Type > void stackType<Type >::pop() { if(!isEmptyStack()) stackTop--; else cout<<"Cannot remove from an empty stack,"<<endl; }//end pop
定義Copy Stack 函數:
template<class Type > void stackType<Type>::copyStack(const stackType<Type> &otherStack) { delete [] list; maxStackSize = otherStack.maxStackSize; stackTop = otherStack.stackTop; list = new Type(maxStackSize); assert(list != NULL ); //copy otherStack into this stack. for(int j=0;j<stackTop;j++) list[j] = otherStack.list[j]; }//end copyStack
//constructor template<class Type > stackType<Type>::stackType(int stackSize) { if(stackSize <= 0) { cout<<"The size of the array to hold the stack" <<"must be positive"<<endl; cout<<"Creating an array of size 100"<<endl; maxStackSize = 100; } else maxStackSize = stackSize; stackTop=0; list=new Type[maxStackSize]; assert(list != NULL); }//end constructor
template <class Type > stackType<Type>::~stackType<Type>() { delete [] list;//deallocate memory occupied //by the array. }
定義Copy Constructor
template<class Type > stackType<Type>::stackType(const stackType<Type>& otherStack) { list = NULL; copyStack(otherStack); }//end copy constructor
template<class Type > const stackType<Type>& stackType<Type>::operator=(const stackType<Type> & otherStack) { if(this != &otherStack)//avoid self-copy copyStack(otherStack); return *this; }//end operator =
template<class Type> struct nodeType { Type info; nodeType<Type> *link; };
template<class Type> class linkedStackType { public: const linkedStackType<Type>& operator=(const linkedStackType<Type>&); void initializeStack(); bool isEmptyStack(); bool isFullStack(); void destroyStack(); void push(const Type& newItem); Type top() const; void pop(); linkedStackType(); linkedStackType(const linkedStackType<Type>& otherStack); ~linkedStack(); private: nodeType<Type> *stackTop; void copyStack(const linkedStackType<Type>& otherStack); };
默認構造函數(default constructor)
//default constructor template <class Type> linkedStackType<Type>::linkedStackType() { stackTop = NULL; }
銷燬函數(destroy stack)
template<class Type> void linkedStackType<Type>::destroyStack() { nodeType<Type> *temp; while (stackTop!=NULL) { temp = stackTop; stackTop = stackTop->link; delete temp; }
template<class Type> void linkedStackType<Type>::initializeStack() { destroyStack(); }
template<class Type> bool linkedStackType<Type>::isEmptyStack() const { return(stackTop==NULL); } template<class Type> bool linkedStackType<Type>::isFullStack() const { return false; }
template<class Type> void linkedStackType<Type>::push(const Type&newItem) { nodeType<Type> *newNode; newNode = new nodeType<Type>;//create the new node assert(newNode !=NULL); newNode->info=newItem; newNode->link=stackTop; stackTop=newNode; }
返回棧頂元素(Return the Top element )
template <class Type> Type linkedStackType<Type>::top()const { assert(stackTop != NULL); return(stackTop->info); }//end top
template <class Type> void linkedStackType<Type>::pop() { nodeType <Type> *temp; if (stackTop != NULL) { temp = stackTop; stackTop=stackTop->link; delete temp; } else cout<<"cannot remove from an empty stack"<<endl; }
template<class Type> void linkedStackType<Type>::copyStack(const linkedStackType<Type>& otherStack) { nodeType<Type> *newNode,*current,*last; if(stackTop != NULL) destroyStack(); if(otherStack.stackTop == NULL) stackTop=NULL; else { current = otherStack.stackTop; stackTop = new nodeType<Type>; assert(stackTop!=NULL); stackTop->info = current->info; stackTop->link=NULL; last = stackTop; current=current->link; while (current!=NULL) { newNode = new nodeType<Type>; assert(newNode != NULL); newNode->info = current->info; newNode->link = NULL; last->link = newNode; last = newNode; current = current->link; }//end while }//end else }
template <class Type> linkedStackType<Type>::linkedStackType(const linkedStackType<Type>& otherStack) { stackTop = NULL; copyStack(otherStack); } template<class Type> linkedStackType<Type>::~linkedStackType() { destroyStack(); }
template<class Type> const linkedStackType<Type>& linkedStackType<Type>::operator =(const linkedStackType<Type>& otherStack) { if(this != &otherStack) copyStack(otherStack); return *this; }//end operator =
linkedStackType<int > stack;
好比:linkedStackType<stirng > stringStack;