SXSSF (package: org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming) is an API-compatible streaming extension of XSSF to be used when very large spreadsheets have to be produced, and heap space is limite d. SXSSF achieves its low memory footprint by limiting access to the rows that are within a sliding window, while XSSF gives access to all rows in the document. Older rows that are no longer in the window become inaccessible, as they are written to the disk.java
You can specify the window size at workbook construction time via new SXSSFWorkbook(int windowSize) or you can set it per-sheet via SXSSFSheet#setRandomAccessWindowSize(int windowSize)apache
When a new row is created via createRow() and the total number of unflushed records would exceed the specified window size, then the row with the lowest index value is flushed a nd cannot be accessed via getRow() anymore.dom
The default window size is 100 and defined by SXSSFWorkbook.DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE.xss
A windowSize of -1 indicates unlimited access. In this case all records that have not been flushed by a call to flushRows() are available for random access.測試
The example below writes a sheet with a window of 100 rows. When the row count reaches 101, the row with rownum=0 is flushed to disk and removed from memory, when rownum reaches 102 then the row with rownum=1 is flushed, etc.ui
SXSSF flushes sheet data in temporary files (a temp file per sheet) and the size of these temporary files can grow to a very large value . For example, for a 20 MB csv data the size of the temp xml becomes more than a gigabyte. If the size of the temp files is an issue, you can tell SXSSF to use gzip compression:spa
SXSSFWorkbook wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(); wb.setCompressTempFiles(true); // temp files will be gzipped