的網絡框架,而是嘗試了C++ tr2標準中的實驗網絡庫asio,不管從開發效率、程序性能、穩定性上來講,都是一次成功的嘗試。雖然是商業項目,但使用了linux、asio、protobuf等大量開源項目,開發過程共也借鑑了其餘一些開源項目,所以我決定把與公司無關的部分剝離一下,分享出來,盡到使用自由軟件的義務。html
asio由Christopher M. Kohlhoff大牛從2003年着手開發,2006年申請加入C++ tr1,2008年3月份加入boost1.35.0,按照boost與C++標準庫的發展慣例,預測很快會加入C++標準庫中。其中的async調用方式已經做爲很是重要的新特性,加入到C++0x標準庫。linux
非boost版本的asio —— http://think-async.com/服務器
boost::asio —— http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1520/doc/html/boost_asio.html框架
申請加入tr2時的申報材料 —— 猛擊此處下載高清pdfdom
proactor模式的首篇論文 —— 猛擊此處下載高清pdf異步
使用asio的大型開源網絡項目sip —— https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/mainsocket
這部分供做爲Client去鏈接其餘服務器時使用。給出的源碼中有三個類:TcpConnection, BizConnection, Client
. 其中
#ifndef TCPCONNECTION_H #define TCPCONNECTION_H /** * @author yurunsun@gmail.com */ #include <asio.hpp> #include <asio/deadline_timer.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp> #include <boost/timer.hpp> #include <sstream> #include "safehandler.h" class TcpConnection : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<TcpConnection> , private boost::noncopyable { public: typedef std::vector<uint8_t> DataBuffer; typedef boost::shared_ptr<TcpConnection> TcpPtr; static TcpPtr create(asio::io_service& io_service, const string& name){return TcpPtr(new TcpConnection(io_service, name));} virtual ~TcpConnection(); void start(const string& ip, const string& port); void start(unsigned ip, uint16_t port); void start(const string& ip, uint16_t port); void stop(); bool isConnected() {return m_socket.is_open();} /// Getters and Setters void setName(const string& name) {m_name = name;} const string& getName() {return m_name;} void setHeadLength(uint32_t size) {m_headLength = size;} uint32_t getHeadLength() {return m_headLength;} void setConnectTimeoutSec(uint32_t sec) {m_connectTimeoutSec = sec;} uint32_t getConnectTimeoutSec() {return m_connectTimeoutSec;} const string& getip() {return m_ip;} uint16_t getport() {return m_port;} string getFarpointInfo() { stringstream ss; ss << m_name << " " << m_ip << ":" << m_port << " "; return ss.str(); } protected: explicit TcpConnection(asio::io_service& io_service, const string& name); /// Provide for derived class void connect(asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint); void receiveHead(); void receiveBody(uint32_t bodyLength); void send(const void *data, uint32_t length); /// Class override callbacks virtual void onConnectSuccess() { assert(false); } virtual void onConnectFailure(const asio::error_code& e) { (void)e; assert(false); } virtual void onReceiveHeadSuccess(DataBuffer& data) { (void)data; assert(false); } virtual void onReceiveBodySuccess(DataBuffer& data) { (void)data; assert(false); } virtual void onReceiveFailure(const asio::error_code& e) { (void)e; assert(false); } virtual void onSendSuccess() { assert(false); } virtual void onSendFailure(const asio::error_code& e) { (void)e; assert(false); } virtual void onTimeoutFailure(const asio::error_code& e) { (void)e; assert(false); } virtual void onCommonError(uint32_t ec, const string& em) { (void)ec; (void)em; assert(false); } private: void checkDeadline(const asio::error_code& e); void handleConnect(const asio::error_code &e); void handleReceiveHead(const asio::error_code& e); void handleReceiveBody(const asio::error_code& e); void handleSend(const asio::error_code& e); typedef TcpConnection this_type; asio::ip::tcp::socket m_socket; asio::deadline_timer m_deadline; bool m_stopped; DataBuffer m_readBuf; string m_name; boost::shared_ptr<Probe> m_probe; uint32_t m_headLength; uint32_t m_connectTimeoutSec; string m_ip; uint16_t m_port; }; #endif // TCPCONNECTION_H
#include "stdafx.h" #include "tcpconnection.h" using asio::ip::tcp; TcpConnection::TcpConnection(asio::io_service &io_service, const string& name) : m_socket(io_service) , m_deadline(io_service) , m_stopped(false) , m_name(name) , m_probe(new Probe) , m_headLength(10) , m_connectTimeoutSec(5) , m_ip("") , m_port(0) { } TcpConnection::~TcpConnection() { stop(); } void TcpConnection::start(const string &ip, const string &port) { start(ip, atoi(port.c_str())); } void TcpConnection::start(unsigned ip, uint16_t port) { connect(tcp::endpoint(asio::ip::address_v4(ip), port)); } void TcpConnection::start(const string &ip, uint16_t port) { asio::ip::address_v4 addr_v4 = asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(ip); connect(tcp::endpoint(addr_v4, port)); } void TcpConnection::stop() { if (!m_stopped) { m_stopped = true; try { m_readBuf.clear(); asio::error_code ignored; m_socket.shutdown(tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignored); m_socket.close(ignored); m_deadline.cancel(); } catch (const asio::system_error& err) { FATAL("asio::system_error em %s", err.what()); } } } void TcpConnection::connect(tcp::endpoint endpoint) { m_stopped = false; m_ip = endpoint.address().to_string(); m_port = endpoint.port(); INFO("Trying connect %s:%u ...%s", STR(m_ip), m_port, STR(m_name)); m_deadline.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(m_connectTimeoutSec)); m_socket.async_connect(endpoint, boost::bind(&TcpConnection::handleConnect, shared_from_this(), asio::placeholders::error)); m_deadline.async_wait(SafeHandler1<this_type, const asio::error_code&>(&this_type::checkDeadline, this, m_probe)); } void TcpConnection::receiveHead() { m_readBuf.resize(m_headLength); asio::async_read(m_socket, asio::buffer(&m_readBuf[0], m_headLength), boost::bind(&TcpConnection::handleReceiveHead, shared_from_this(), asio::placeholders::error)); } void TcpConnection::receiveBody(uint32_t bodyLength) { if (!m_stopped){ if ((bodyLength <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) && (bodyLength > 0)) { m_readBuf.resize(bodyLength + m_headLength); asio::async_read(m_socket, asio::buffer(&m_readBuf[m_headLength], bodyLength), boost::bind(&TcpConnection::handleReceiveBody, shared_from_this(), asio::placeholders::error)); } else { onCommonError(S_FATAL, "illegal bodyLength to call receiveBody"); } } else { onCommonError(S_ERROR, "illegal to call receiveBody while tcp is not connected"); } } void TcpConnection::send(const void* data, uint32_t length) { if (!m_stopped) { if (length <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { asio::async_write(m_socket, asio::const_buffers_1(data, length), boost::bind(&TcpConnection::handleSend, shared_from_this(), asio::placeholders::error)); } else { onCommonError(S_ERROR, "too big length to call send"); } } else { onCommonError(S_ERROR, "illegal to call send while tcp is not connected"); } } /** * @brief TcpConnection::checkDeadline * @param e * case1: m_stopped == true which means user canceled * case2: m_deadline.expires_at() <= asio::deadline_timer::traits_type::now() * Check whether the deadline has passed. We compare the deadline against the current time since a new asynchronous operation may have moved the deadline before this actor had a chance to run. */ void TcpConnection::checkDeadline(const asio::error_code& e) { if (!m_stopped) { if (m_deadline.expires_at() <= asio::deadline_timer::traits_type::now()) { onTimeoutFailure(e); } } } void TcpConnection::handleConnect(const asio::error_code &e) { if (!m_stopped) { if (!e) { m_deadline.cancel(); onConnectSuccess(); } else { onConnectFailure(e); } } else { INFO("%s %s %u user's canceled by stop()", STR(m_name), STR(m_ip), m_port); } } void TcpConnection::handleReceiveHead(const asio::error_code &e) { if (!m_stopped) { if (!e) { onReceiveHeadSuccess(m_readBuf); } else if (isConnected()){ onReceiveFailure(e); } } else { INFO("%s %s %u user's canceled by stop()", STR(m_name), STR(m_ip), m_port); } } void TcpConnection::handleReceiveBody(const asio::error_code &e) { if (!m_stopped) { if (!e) { onReceiveBodySuccess(m_readBuf); } else if (isConnected()){ onReceiveFailure(e); } } else { INFO("%s %s %u user's canceled by stop()", STR(m_name), STR(m_ip), m_port); } } void TcpConnection::handleSend(const asio::error_code &e) { if (!m_stopped) { if (!e) { //onSendSuccess(); } else if (isConnected()){ onSendFailure(e); } } else { INFO("%s %s %u user's canceled by stop()", STR(m_name), STR(m_ip), m_port); } }
#ifndef BIZCONNECTION_H #define BIZCONNECTION_H /** * @author yurunsun@gmail.com */ #include <asio.hpp> #include <cstdio> #include <stdexcept> #include "sigslot/sigslot.h" #include "tcpconnection.h" class BizConnection : public TcpConnection { public: typedef boost::shared_ptr<BizConnection> BizPtr; static BizPtr create(asio::io_service& io_service, const string& name = string("")) { return BizPtr(new BizConnection(io_service, name)); } void sendBizMsg(uint32_t uri, const BizPackage& pkg); sigslot::signal0<> BizConnected; sigslot::signal2<uint32_t, const string&> BizError; sigslot::signal0<> BizClosed; sigslot::signal1<BizPackage&> BizMsgArrived; protected: explicit BizConnection(asio::io_service& io_service, const string& name); /// Implement callbacks in base class virtual void onConnectSuccess(); virtual void onConnectFailure(const asio::error_code& e); virtual void onReceiveHeadSuccess(DataBuffer& data); virtual void onReceiveBodySuccess(DataBuffer& data); virtual void onReceiveFailure(const asio::error_code& e); virtual void onSendSuccess(); virtual void onSendFailure(const asio::error_code& e); virtual void onTimeoutFailure(const asio::error_code &e); virtual void onCommonError(uint32_t ec, const string &em); static void initNeedErrorSet(); static std::set<uint32_t> m_needError; private: inline bool peekLength(void* data, uint32_t length, uint32_t& outputi32); void handleError(const string& from, uint32_t ec, const asio::error_code& e = asio::error_code()); }; inline bool BizConnection::peekLength(void* data, uint32_t length, uint32_t& outputi32) { if (length >= 4) { memcpy(&outputi32, data, sizeof(uint32_t)); return true; } else { return false; } } #endif // BIZCONNECTION_H
#include "stdafx.h" #include "bizconnection.h" #include "tcpconnection.h" std::set<uint32_t> BizConnection::m_needError; BizConnection::BizConnection(asio::io_service &io_service, const string& name) : TcpConnection(io_service, name) { } void BizConnection::sendBizMsg(unsigned uri, const BizPackage &pkg) { /// TODO: usually this BizPackage contains the buffer of stream data to be sent to farpoint /// You should implement this by retriving buffer in BizPackage then call TcpConnection::send(); } void BizConnection::onConnectSuccess() { receiveHead(); BizConnected.emit(); } void BizConnection::onConnectFailure(const asio::error_code &e) { if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted) { INFO("%s %s %u operation aborted... %s", STR(getName()), STR(getip()), getport(), STR(e.message())); } else if ((e == asio::error::already_connected) || (e == asio::error::already_open) || (e == asio::error::already_started)) { WARN("%s %s %u alread connected... %s", STR(getName()), STR(getip()), getport(), STR(e.message())); } else { handleError("onConnectFailure", S_FATAL, e); } } void BizConnection::onReceiveHeadSuccess(TcpConnection::DataBuffer &data) { uint32_t pkglen = 0; if (peekLength(data.data(), data.size(), pkglen)) { receiveBody(pkglen - getHeadLength()); } else { handleError("peekLength", S_FATAL); } } void BizConnection::onReceiveBodySuccess(TcpConnection::DataBuffer &data) { /// This is simply an example, actually it's user's duty to unmarshal buffer to package. BizPackage msg; BizPackage.unserializeFrom(data); BizMsgArrived.emit(msg); receiveHead(); } void BizConnection::onReceiveFailure(const asio::error_code &e) { if ((e == asio::error::operation_aborted)) { INFO("%s operation_aborted... %s", STR(getFarpointInfo()), STR(e.message())); } else { handleError("onReceiveFailure", S_FATAL, e); } } void BizConnection::onSendSuccess() { /// Leave it blank } void BizConnection::onSendFailure(const asio::error_code &e) { if ((e == asio::error::operation_aborted)) { INFO("%s operation_aborted... %s", STR(getFarpointInfo()), STR(e.message())); } else { handleError("onSendFailure", S_FATAL, e); } } void BizConnection::onTimeoutFailure(const asio::error_code &e) { if ((e == asio::error::operation_aborted)) { INFO("%s operation_aborted... %s", STR(getFarpointInfo()), STR(e.message())); } else { handleError("onTimeoutFailure", S_FATAL); } } void BizConnection::onCommonError(uint32_t ec, const string &em) { handleError(em, ec); } void BizConnection::handleError(const string& from, uint32_t ec, const asio::error_code &e/* = asio::error_code()*/) { stringstream ss; ss << getFarpointInfo() << " " << from; if (e) { ss << " asio " << e.value() << " " << e.message(); } BizError.emit(ec, ss.str()); }
#ifndef CLIENT_H #define CLIENT_H /** * @author yurunsun@gmail.com */ #include "bizconnection.h" #include "handler.h" #include "safehandler.h" #include <asio.hpp> #include <boost/timer.hpp> class Client : public sigslot::has_slots<> { protected: BizConnection::BizPtr m_pBizConnection; public: typedef void (Client::*RequestPtr)(BizPackage&); typedef std::map<uint32_t, RequestPtr> RequestMap; typedef void (Client::*NotifyPtr)(BizPackage&); typedef std::map<uint32_t, NotifyPtr> NotifyMap; explicit Client(const string& name = string("")); /// 繼承類須要實現的提供外部的方法 virtual void startServer() = 0; virtual bool sendToServer(YProto &proto) = 0; virtual void stopServer() {clearWaitforTimer(); m_pBizConnection->stop();} protected: /// 繼承類須要實現的初始化函數 virtual void initRequestMap() {assert(false);} virtual void initNotifyMap() {assert(false);} virtual void initSignal(); /// 繼承類須要實現的鉤子函數,用於處理網絡事件 virtual void onBizMsgArrived(core::Request& msg) = 0; virtual void onBizError(uint32_t ec, const string& em); virtual void onBizConnected() = 0; /// 繼承類可使用的工具方法 /// 1. 心跳類 void setKeepAliveSec(uint32_t sec) {m_keepAliveSec = sec;} uint32_t getKeepAliveSec() {return m_keepAliveSec;} void startKeepAlive(); void keepAlive(const asio::error_code& e); virtual void onKeepAlive() {assert(false);} /// 2. 登錄狀態類 void setHasLogin(bool b) {m_hasLogin = b;} bool getHasLogin() {return m_hasLogin;} bool isOnline() { return (m_pBizConnection->isConnected() && m_hasLogin);} /// 3. 消息保存類 template <typename Handler> bool savePendingCommand(Handler handler) { if(m_pendingCmd.size() < MaxPendingCommandCount) { m_pendingCmd.push_back(Command(handler)); return true; } return false; } void sendPendingCommand() { if (isOnline()) { vector<Command>::iterator it = m_pendingCmd.begin(); for(; it != m_pendingCmd.end(); ++it) { (*it)(); } m_pendingCmd.clear(); } } /// 4. 延遲處理類 typedef void (Client::*HoldonCallback)(); void holdonSeconds(uint32_t sec, HoldonCallback func); void holdonHandler(HoldonCallback func, const asio::error_code &e); /// 5. waitfor 工具 處理異步消息超時 typedef boost::shared_ptr<asio::deadline_timer> SharedTimerPtr; typedef boost::scoped_ptr<asio::deadline_timer> ScopedTimerPtr; typedef boost::shared_ptr<Probe> SharedProbe; typedef map<uint32_t, SharedTimerPtr> Uri2Timer; /// 等待收到的包uri --> 這個時間timer void waitfor(uint32_t uri, uint32_t sec); /// 在發送req的時候調用,sec 秒數 uri 等待收到的uri void waitforTimeout(uint32_t uri, const asio::error_code& e); /// 全部waitfor超時都會自動回調這個函數 virtual void onWaitforTimeout(uint32_t uri) {(void)uri; assert(false);} /// 繼承類覆蓋這個鉤子函數來進行錯誤處理 void waitforReceived(uint32_t uri); /// 當響應函數handler被回調時,記得調用waitforReceived作清理工做 void eraseWaitforTimer(uint32_t uri); void clearWaitforTimer(); /// 繼承類可使用的工具成員:心跳 探針 請求阻塞 typedef std::set<uint32_t> BlockReq; BlockReq m_block; SharedProbe m_probe; ScopedTimerPtr m_timer; uint32_t m_keepAliveSec; bool m_hasLogin; vector<Command> m_pendingCmd; static const uint32_t MaxPendingCommandCount = 20; ScopedTimerPtr m_holdonTimer; Uri2Timer m_uri2timer; }; #define BIND_REQ(m, uri, callback) \ m[static_cast<uint32_t>(uri)] = static_cast<RequestPtr>(callback); #define BIND_NOTIFY(m, uri, callback) \ m[static_cast<uint32_t>(uri)] = static_cast<NotifyPtr>(callback); #endif // CLIENT_H
#include "stdafx.h" #include "client.h" Client::Client(const string& name) : m_pBizConnection(BizConnection::create(ioService::instance(), name)) , m_probe(new Probe) , m_keepAliveSec(10) , m_hasLogin(false) { } void Client::initSignal() { m_pBizConnection->BizError.connect(this, &Client::onBizError); m_pBizConnection->BizMsgArrived.connect(this, &Client::onBizMsgArrived); m_pBizConnection->BizConnected.connect(this, &Client::onBizConnected); } void Client::onBizError(uint32_t ec, const string &em) { m_facade.serverError.emit(ec, em); } void Client::startKeepAlive() { m_timer.reset(new asio::deadline_timer(m_facade.io_service_ref)); m_timer->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(m_keepAliveSec)); m_timer->async_wait(SafeHandler1<Client, const asio::error_code&>(&Client::keepAlive, this, m_probe)); } void Client::keepAlive(const asio::error_code &e) { if (e != asio::error::operation_aborted) { FINE("%u send ping to %s %s:%u", m_facade.m_pInfo->uid, STR(m_pBizConnection->getName()), STR(m_pBizConnection->getip()), m_pBizConnection->getport()); onKeepAlive(); m_timer->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(m_keepAliveSec )); m_timer->async_wait(SafeHandler1<Client, const asio::error_code&>(&Client::keepAlive, this, m_probe)); } } void Client::holdonSeconds(uint32_t sec, HoldonCallback func) { m_holdonTimer.reset(new asio::deadline_timer(m_facade.io_service_ref)); m_holdonTimer->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(sec)); SafeHandler1Bind1<Client, HoldonCallback, const asio::error_code&> h(&Client::holdonHandler, this, func, m_probe); m_holdonTimer->async_wait(h); } void Client::holdonHandler(HoldonCallback func, const asio::error_code &e) { if (!e) { if (m_holdonTimer != NULL) m_holdonTimer->cancel(); (this->*func)(); } else { WARN("error: %s", STR(e.message())); } } void Client::waitfor(uint32_t uri, uint32_t sec) { SharedTimerPtr t(new asio::deadline_timer(m_facade.io_service_ref)); t->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(sec)); t->async_wait(SafeHandler1Bind1<Client, uint32_t, const asio::error_code&>( &Client::waitforTimeout, this, uri, m_probe)); m_uri2timer[uri] = t; } void Client::waitforTimeout(uint32_t uri, const asio::error_code &e) { if (e != asio::error::operation_aborted) { FATAL("%s waitfor uri %u timeout", STR(m_pBizConnection->getName()), uri); eraseWaitforTimer(uri); onWaitforTimeout(uri); } } void Client::waitforReceived(uint32_t uri) { eraseWaitforTimer(uri); } void Client::eraseWaitforTimer(uint32_t uri) { Uri2Timer::iterator it = m_uri2timer.find(uri); if (it != m_uri2timer.end()) { SharedTimerPtr& t = it->second; if (t) { asio::error_code e; t->cancel(e); t.reset(); } m_uri2timer.erase(it); } } void Client::clearWaitforTimer() { Uri2Timer::iterator it = m_uri2timer.begin(); for (; it != m_uri2timer.end(); ++it) { SharedTimerPtr& t = it->second; if (t) { asio::error_code e; t->cancel(e); t.reset(); } } m_uri2timer.clear(); }
#ifndef CROSSDOMAIN_H #define CROSSDOMAIN_H #include <string> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <asio.hpp> /** * @author yurunsun@gmail.com */ class CrossDomain { private: struct Server; boost::shared_ptr<Server> m_pserver; CrossDomain(asio::io_service& io_service, const std::string& local_port); static CrossDomain* s_instance; public: static void create(asio::io_service& io_service, const std::string& local_port) { s_instance = new CrossDomain(io_service, local_port); } static CrossDomain* instance(); void start_server(); }; #endif // CROSSDOMAIN_H
#include "stdafx.h" #include "crossdomain.h" using asio::ip::tcp; using boost::uint8_t; CrossDomain* CrossDomain::s_instance = NULL; struct CrossDomainImpl : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<CrossDomainImpl> { public: static const unsigned MaxReadSize = 22; typedef boost::shared_ptr<CrossDomainImpl> CrossDomainImplPtr; static CrossDomainImplPtr create(asio::io_service& io_service) { return CrossDomainImplPtr(new CrossDomainImpl(io_service)); } tcp::socket& get_socket() { return m_socket; } void start() { start_read_some(); } ~CrossDomainImpl() { close(); } void close() { if (m_socket.is_open()) { m_socket.close(); } } private: CrossDomainImpl(asio::io_service& io_service) : m_socket(io_service) { } void start_read_some() { m_socket.async_read_some(asio::buffer(m_readbuf, MaxReadSize), boost::bind(&CrossDomainImpl::handle_read_some, shared_from_this(), asio::placeholders::error())); } void handle_read_some(const asio::error_code& err) { if (!err) { string str(m_readbuf); string reply("invalid"); if (str == "<policy-file-request/>") { reply = "anything you wanna send back to client..."; } asio::async_write(m_socket, asio::buffer(ref), boost::bind(&CrossDomainImpl::handle_write, shared_from_this(), asio::placeholders::error)); } } void handle_write(const asio::error_code& error) { FINE("CrossDomain handle_write, gonna close"); close(); } tcp::socket m_socket; char m_readbuf[MaxReadSize]; }; struct CrossDomain::Server { private: CrossDomain *m_facade; tcp::acceptor m_acceptor; bool m_listened; string m_local_port; public: Server(asio::io_service& io_service, const string &local_port) : m_acceptor(io_service) , m_listened(false) , m_local_port(local_port) { // intend to leave it blank } ~Server() { if (m_acceptor.is_open()) { INFO("close server acceptor"); m_acceptor.close(); } } void start_server() { FINE("CrossDomain start_server...."); if (!m_listened) { FINE("Try to listen..."); try { tcp::endpoint ep(tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), atoi(m_local_port.c_str()))); m_acceptor.open(ep.protocol()); m_acceptor.bind(ep); m_acceptor.listen(); } catch (const asio::system_error& ec) { WARN("Port %s already in use! Fail to listen...", STR(m_local_port)); return; } catch (...) { WARN("Unknown error while trying to listen..."); return; } m_listened = true; FINE("Listen port %s succesfully!", STR(m_local_port)); } CrossDomainImpl::CrossDomainImplPtr new_server_impl = CrossDomainImpl::create(m_acceptor.get_io_service()); m_acceptor.async_accept(new_server_impl->get_socket(), boost::bind(&Server::handle_accept, this, new_server_impl, asio::placeholders::error)); } private: void handle_accept(CrossDomainImpl::CrossDomainImplPtr pserver_impl, const asio::error_code& err) { FINE("CrossDomain handle_accpet...."); if (!err) { FINE("CrossDomain everything ok, start..."); pserver_impl->start(); // start this server start_server(); // waiting for another Tuna Connection } else { pserver_impl->close(); } } }; CrossDomain::CrossDomain(asio::io_service &io_service, const std::string &local_port) : m_pserver(new Server(io_service, local_port)) { } CrossDomain *CrossDomain::instance() { if (!s_instance) { return NULL; } return s_instance; } void CrossDomain::start_server() { m_pserver->start_server(); }
///發送時入隊列 void TcpConnection::send(const void* data, uint32_t length) { if (!m_stopped) { if (length <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) { const char* begin = (const char*)data; vector<char> vec(begin, begin + length); bool isLastComplete = m_bufQueue.empty(); m_bufQueue.push_back(vec); /// 若是沒有殘餘的包,就直接發送 if (isLastComplete) { vector<char>& b(m_bufQueue.front()); send(b); } } else { onCommonError(S_ERROR, "too big length to call send"); } } else { onCommonError(S_ERROR, "illegal to call send while tcp is not connected"); } } void TcpConnection::send(const std::vector<char>& vec) { if (!m_stopped) { asio::async_write(m_socket, asio::buffer(&vec[0], vec.size()), asio::transfer_all(), boost::bind(&TcpConnection::handleSend, shared_from_this(), asio::placeholders::error)); } else { onCommonError(S_ERROR, "illegal to call send while tcp is not connected"); } } ///回調函數將以前的buffer出隊列,同時檢查是否有後來的包 void TcpConnection::handleSend(const asio::error_code &e) { if (!m_stopped) { if (!e) { m_bufQueue.pop_front(); if (!m_bufQueue.empty()) { std::vector<char>& b(m_bufQueue.front()); send(b); } //onSendSuccess(); } else if (isConnected()){ onSendFailure(e); } } else { INFO("%s %s %u user's canceled by stop()", STR(m_name), STR(m_ip), m_port); } }