NeuralNet( (l0): Linear(in_features=6, out_features=256, bias=True) (relu): ReLU() (bn0): BatchNorm1d(256, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True) (l00): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=1, bias=True) )
Extract layersorm
model.eval() # In case of BatchNorm and Dropout # ReLU activation ReLU = lambda x: np.maximum(0.0, x) # GPU torch.Tensor to CPU numpy ndarray X_data = X_valid.cpu().numpy() # Fully-connected layer W0 = model.l0.weight.cpu().detach().numpy() # Weights W b0 = model.l0.bias.cpu().detach().numpy() # Bias b # Batch Normalization Layer bn_mean = model.bn0.running_mean.cpu().numpy() bn_mean = np.reshape(bn_mean, (256, -1)) bn_var = model.bn0.running_var.cpu().numpy() bn_var = np.reshape(bn_var, (256, -1)) bn_gamma = model.bn0.weight.cpu().detach().numpy() bn_gamma = np.reshape(bn_gamma, (256, -1)) bn_beta = model.bn0.bias.cpu().detach().numpy() bn_beta = np.reshape(bn_beta, (256, -1)) bn_epsilon = model.bn0.eps # Final output layer W00 = model.l00.weight.cpu().detach().numpy() b00 = model.l00.bias.cpu().detach().numpy()
Feed-forward calculationio
# First output out =, np.transpose(X_data)) + np.tile(np.reshape(b0, (-1, 1)), X_data.shape[0]) out = np.array(list(map(ReLU, out))) # BatchNorm layer out = (out-bn_mean)/np.sqrt(bn_var)*bn_gamma+bn_beta # correct formula # Final output out =, L0) + np.tile(np.reshape(b00, (-1, 1)), X_data.shape[0]) out = np.array(list(map(ReLU, out)))