This blog describes in detail how to add a custom package into the Yocto project. shell
Step 1:this
In order to add a package, you've got to let the bitbake know that which package's being added. There' are several ways to do this, of course. But I'll just show you the simplest way. spa
Copy the meta/recipes-sato/images/
to a new .bb
(e.g. and add the following line to the end of the copy: code
IMAGE_INSTALL += "helloworld"
Step 2:blog
Making a hello.c file with the following content:ip
#include "stdio.h" void main() { printf("hello, world\n"); }
Step 3:md5
Create a Bitbake recipe file which instructs Bitbake to cross-compile and package our hello world
Make a new directory under Poky, say, meta-custom, and put the recipe file there, together with the hello.c file. For simplicity, just copy the conf directory under meta to the meta-custom, make a new dir called recipes-demo and put the .bb file there, as well as the .c file.
Here's what the .bb file should look like:it
DESCRIPTION = "Hello World sample program" PR = "r0" SRC_URI = "file://hello.c" LICENSE = "MIT" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://hello.c;md5=a037431be1bc2056740c02eb59718e3f" S = "${WORKDIR}" do_compile() { ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o hello hello.c } do_install() { install -d ${D}${bindir}/ install -m 0755 ${S}/hello ${D}${bindir}/ } FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/hello"
For the md5 checksum, use the command "md5sum hello.c" to generate it.
step 4:
Add a new line the the bblayer.conf file.
BBLAYERS ?= " \ /home/yocto/poky-denzil-7.0.1/meta \ /home/yocto/poky-denzil-7.0.1/meta-yocto \ /home/yocto/poky-denzil-7.0.1/meta-skeleton \ /home/yocto/poky-denzil-7.0.1/meta-custom \ "
In this way, BitBake knows where to search the .bb files.
step 5:
bitbake -k my-core-image-sato
step 6:
runqemu qemux86