熱更新即在不重啓進程或者不離開Python interpreter的狀況下使得被編輯以後的python源碼可以直接生效並按照預期被執行新代碼。日常開發中,熱更能極大提升程序開發和調試的效率,在修復線上bug中更是扮演重要的角色。可是要想實現一個理想可靠的熱更模塊又很是的困難。html
>>> import sys, math >>> reload(math) <module 'math' (built-in)> >>> sys.modules.pop('math') <module 'math' (built-in)> >>> __import__('math') <module 'math' (built-in)> >>> reload(math) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module> reload(math) ImportError: reload(): module math not in sys.modules >>> sys.modules.get('math') <module 'math' (built-in)> >>> id(math), id(sys.modules.get('math')) (45429424, 45540272)
函數 __import__ 會在import聲明中被調用。import導入一個模塊分兩步:緩存
- find a module, and initialize it if necessary;
- define a name or names in the local namespace;
其中第一步有如下的搜尋過程:a): sys.modules; b): sys.meta_path; c):sys.path_hooks, sys.path_importer_cache, and sys.path閉包
上面例子中math從緩存sys.modules移除後,__import__會從新load math並添加到sys.modules,致使當前環境中math綁定的math module和sys.modules中不一致,致使reload失敗。編輯器
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time, os, sys import hotfix # r = hotfix.gl_var # @singleton class ReloadMgr(object): to_be_reload = ('hotfix',) check_interval = 1.0 def __init__(self): self._mod_mtime = dict(map(lambda mod_name: (mod_name, self.get_mtime(mod_name)), self.to_be_reload)) def polling(self): while True: time.sleep(1) self._do_reload() def _do_reload(self): for re_mod in self.to_be_reload: last_mtime = self._mod_mtime.get(re_mod, None) cur_mtime = self.get_mtime(re_mod) if cur_mtime and last_mtime != cur_mtime: self._mod_mtime.update({re_mod:cur_mtime}) ld_mod = sys.modules.get(re_mod) reload(ld_mod) @staticmethod def get_mtime( mod_name): ld_mod = sys.modules.get(mod_name) file = getattr(ld_mod, '__file__', None) if os.path.isfile(file): file = file[:-1] if file[-4:] in ('.pyc', '.pyo') else file if file.endswith('.py'): return os.stat(file).st_mtime return None if __name__ == '__main__': reload_mgr = ReloadMgr() reload_mgr.polling()
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 import time 3 # import cnblogs.alpha_panda 4 5 cnt = 0 6 7 def tick(): 8 global cnt 9 print __name__, cnt 10 cnt += 1 11 12 def start_main_loop(): 13 frame_time = 1 14 while True: 15 time.sleep(frame_time) 16 tick() 17 18 def start_program(): 19 print 'program running...' 20 start_main_loop() 21 22 if __name__ == '__main__': 23 start_program()
1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 3 import os, sys 4 import threading, time, subprocess 5 import MainProgram 6 7 class Checker(): 8 def __init__(self): 9 self._main_process = None 10 self._check_interval = 1.0 11 self._exclude_mod = (__name__, ) 12 self._entry_program = r'./MainProgram.py' 13 self._mod_mtime = dict(map(lambda mod_name: (mod_name, self.get_mtime(mod_name)), sys.modules.iterkeys())) 14 self._start_time = 0 15 16 def start(self): 17 self._initiate_main_program() 18 self._initiate_checker() 19 20 def _initiate_main_program(self): 21 # self._main_process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, self._entry_program]) 22 main_thread = threading.Thread(target = MainProgram.start_program) 23 main_thread.setDaemon(True) 24 main_thread.start() 25 self._start_time = time.time() 26 27 def _initiate_checker(self): 28 while True: 29 try: 30 self._do_check() 31 except KeyboardInterrupt: 32 sys.exit(1) 33 34 def _do_check(self): 35 sys.stdout.flush() 36 time.sleep(self._check_interval) 37 if self._is_change_running_code(): 38 print 'The elapsed time: %.3f' % (time.time() - self._start_time) 39 # self._main_process.kill() 40 # self._main_process.wait() 41 sys.exit(5666) 42 43 def _is_change_running_code(self): 44 for mod_name in sys.modules.iterkeys(): 45 if mod_name in self._exclude_mod: 46 continue 47 cur_mtime = self.get_mtime(mod_name) 48 last_mtime = self._mod_mtime.get(mod_name) 49 if cur_mtime != self._mod_mtime: 50 # 更新程序運行過程當中可能導入的新模塊 51 self._mod_mtime.update({mod_name : cur_mtime}) 52 if last_mtime and cur_mtime > last_mtime: 53 return True 54 return False 55 56 @staticmethod 57 def get_mtime( mod_name): 58 ld_mod = sys.modules.get(mod_name) 59 file = getattr(ld_mod, '__file__', None) 60 if file and os.path.isfile(file): 61 file = file[:-1] if file[-4:] in ('.pyc', '.pyo') else file 62 if file.endswith('.py'): 63 return os.stat(file).st_mtime 64 return None 65 66 if __name__ == '__main__': 67 print 'Enter entry point...' 68 check = Checker() 69 check.start() 70 print 'Entry Exit!'
1 def set_sentry(): 2 while True: 3 print '====== restart main program... =====' 4 sub_process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, r'./Entry.py'], 5 stdout = None, #subprocess.PIPE 6 stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,) 7 exit_code = sub_process.wait() 8 print 'sub_process exit code:', exit_code 9 if exit_code != 5666: 10 # 非文件修改致使的程序異常退出,不必進行重啓操做 11 print 'main program exit code: %d' % exit_code 12 break 13 14 if __name__ == '__main__': 15 try: 16 set_sentry() 17 except KeyboardInterrupt: 18 sys.exit(1)
====== restart main program... ===== Enter entry point... program is running... MainProgram 0 MainProgram 1 MainProgram 2 MainProgram 3 MainProgram 4 MainProgram 5 The elapsed time: 6.000 sub_process exit code: 5666 ====== restart main program... ===== Enter entry point... program is running... MainProgram 0 MainProgram 100 MainProgram 200 MainProgram 300 [Cancelled]
class Foo(object): STA_MEM = 'sta_member variable'
@staticmethod def sta_func(): print 'static_func'
@classmethod def cls_func(cls): print 'cls_func'
def func(self): print "member func"
comp = [(Foo.sta_func, Foo.__dict__['sta_func']),(Foo.cls_func, Foo.__dict__['cls_func']),(Foo.func, Foo.__dict__['func'])] for attr_func, dic_func in comp: for func in (attr_func, dic_func): print func, type(func), id(func), inspect.ismethod(func), inspect.isfunction(func), isinstance(func, classmethod), isinstance(func, staticmethod)
<function sta_func at 0x027072B0> <type 'function'> 40923824 False True False False <staticmethod object at 0x026FAC90> <type 'staticmethod'> 40873104 False False False True <bound method type.cls_func of <class '__main__.Foo'>> <type 'instancemethod'> 40885944 True False False False <classmethod object at 0x026FAD50> <type 'classmethod'> 40873296 False False True False <unbound method Foo.func> <type 'instancemethod'> 40886024 True False False False <function func at 0x02707B70> <type 'function'> 40926064 False True False False
關於這個詳細解釋能夠參考instancemethod or function 和 from function to method . 這裏不作過多說明。
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- gl_var = 0 class Foo(object): def __init__(self): self.cur_mod = __name__ def bar(self): print 'This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = %s' % self.cur_mod f = Foo() f.bar() print 'hotfix gl_var = %d\n' % gl_var
./reloader.py (只使用reload)
import hotfix if __name__ == '__main__': foo = hotfix.Foo() foo.cur_mod = __name__ cmd = 1 while 1 == cmd: reload(hotfix) foo.bar() cmd = input()
G:\Cnblogs\Alpha Panda>python Reloader.py This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = hotfix hotfix gl_var = 0 This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = hotfix hotfix gl_var = 0 This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = __main__ ####### 修改hotfix.Foo.bar函數的定義 ####### 1 After Modified! This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = hotfix hotfix gl_var = 0 This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = __main__
1 import hotfix 2 3 def reload_with_func_replace(): 4 old_cls = hotfix.Foo 5 reload(hotfix) 6 for name, value in hotfix.Foo.__dict__.iteritems(): 7 if inspect.isfunction(value) and name not in ('__init__'): 8 # setattr(foo.bar, 'func_code', hotfix.Foo.bar.func_code) 9 old_func = old_cls.__dict__[name] 10 setattr(old_func, "func_code", value.func_code) 11 setattr(hotfix, 'Foo', old_cls) 12 13 if __name__ == '__main__': 14 foo = hotfix.Foo() 15 foo.cur_mod = __name__ 16 cmd = 1 17 while 1 == cmd: 18 reload_with_func_replace() 19 foo.bar() 20 cmd = input()
G:\Cnblogs\Alpha Panda>python Reloader.py This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = hotfix hotfix gl_var = 0 This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = hotfix hotfix gl_var = 0 This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = __main__ 1 After Modified! This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = hotfix hotfix gl_var = 0 After Modified! This is Foo member func bar, self.cur_mod = __main__
1 RELOAD_MOD_LIST = ('hotfix',) 2 3 def do_replace_func(new_func, old_func): 4 # 暫時不支持closure的處理 5 re_attrs = ('func_doc', 'func_code', 'func_dict', 'func_defaults') 6 for attr_name in re_attrs: 7 setattr(old_func, attr_name, getattr(new_func, attr_name, None)) 8 9 def update_type(cls_name, old_mod, new_mod, new_cls): 10 old_cls = getattr(old_mod, cls_name, None) 11 if old_cls: 12 for name, new_attr in new_cls.__dict__.iteritems(): 13 old_attr = old_cls.__dict__.get(name, None) 14 if new_attr and not old_attr: 15 setattr(old_cls, name, new_attr) 16 continue 17 if inspect.isfunction(new_attr) and inspect.isfunction(old_attr): 18 do_replace_func(new_attr, old_attr) 19 # setattr(old_cls, name, new_attr) 20 setattr(new_mod, cls_name, old_cls) 21 22 def reload_with_func_replace(): 23 for mod_name in RELOAD_MOD_LIST: 24 old_mod = sys.modules.pop(mod_name) # Not reload(hotfix) 25 __import__(mod_name) # Not hotfix = __import__('hotfix') 26 new_mod = sys.modules.get(mod_name) 27 for name, new_attr in inspect.getmembers(new_mod): 28 if new_attr is not type and isinstance(new_attr, type): 29 update_type(name, old_mod, new_mod, new_attr)
def do_replace_func(new_func, old_func, is_closure = False): # 簡單的closure的處理 re_attrs = ('func_doc', 'func_code', 'func_dict', 'func_defaults') for attr_name in re_attrs: setattr(old_func, attr_name, getattr(new_func, attr_name, None)) if not is_closure: old_cell_nums = len(old_func.func_closure) if old_func.func_closure else 0 new_cell_nums = len(new_func.func_closure) if new_func.func_closure else 0 if new_cell_nums and new_cell_nums == old_cell_nums: for idx, cell in enumerate(old_func.func_closure): if inspect.isfunction(cell.cell_contents): do_replace_func(new_func.func_closure[idx].cell_contents, cell.cell_contents, True)
上面僅僅對含有閉包的狀況進行了簡單處理,關於閉包以及cell object相關的介紹能夠參考一下個人另外一篇博文:理解Python閉包概念.