

 * FEATURE.JS 1.0.0, A Fast, simple and lightweight browser feature
 * detection library in just 1kb.
 * http://featurejs.com
 * CSS 3D Transform, CSS Transform, CSS Transition, Canvas, SVG,
 * addEventListener, querySelectorAll, matchMedia, classList API,
 * placeholder, localStorage, History API, Viewport Units, REM Units,
 * CORS, WebGL, Service Worker, Context Menu, Geolocation,
 * Device Motion, Device Orientation, Touch, Async, Defer,
 * Srcset, Sizes & Picture Element.
 * if (feature.webGL) {
 *   console.log("webGL supported!");
 * }
 * Author: @viljamis, https://viljamis.com

/* globals DocumentTouch */
;(function (window, document, undefined) {
  "use strict";

  // For minification only
  var docEl = document.documentElement;

   * Utilities
  var util = {

     * Simple create element method
    create : function(el) {
      return document.createElement(el);

     * Test if it's an old device that we want to filter out
    old : !!(/(Android\s(1.|2.))|(Silk\/1.)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)),

     * Function that takes a standard CSS property name as a parameter and
     * returns it's prefixed version valid for current browser it runs in
     * 返回當前的css屬性是否當前運行的瀏覽器,例如一個css屬性transition,這個函數會遍歷
     * dummy.style['transition']/dummy.style["WebkitTransition"]/dummy.style["MozTransition"]/dummy.style["OTransition"]/dummy.style["msTransition"]
     * 的值是否爲true,是則返回該值
    pfx : (function() {
      var style = document.createElement("dummy").style;
      var prefixes = ["Webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms"];
      var memory = {};
      return function(prop) {
        if (typeof memory[prop] === "undefined") {
          var ucProp = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
            props = (prop + " " + prefixes.join(ucProp + " ") + ucProp).split(" ");
            memory[prop] = null;
          for (var i in props) {
            if (style[props[i]] !== undefined) {
              memory[prop] = props[i];
        return memory[prop];


   * The Feature.js object
   * @constructor
  function Feature() {}

  Feature.prototype = {
    constructor : Feature,

    // Test if CSS 3D transforms are supported
    css3Dtransform : (function() {
      var test = (!util.old && util.pfx("perspective") !== null);
      return !!test;

    // Test if CSS transforms are supported
    cssTransform : (function() {
      var test = (!util.old && util.pfx("transformOrigin") !== null);
      return !!test;

    // Test if CSS transitions are supported
    // 檢測css transition屬性是否支持
    cssTransition : (function() {
      var test = util.pfx("transition") !== null;
      return !!test;

    // Test if addEventListener is supported
    // 檢測 addEventListener是否支持
    addEventListener : !!window.addEventListener,

    // Test if querySelectorAll is supported
    // 檢測querySelectorAll是否支持
    querySelectorAll : !!document.querySelectorAll,

    // Test if matchMedia is supported
    // 檢測媒體查詢(media)是否支持
    matchMedia : !!window.matchMedia,

    // Test if Device Motion is supported
    // 檢測device Motion是否支持
    deviceMotion : ("DeviceMotionEvent" in window),

    // Test if Device Orientation is supported
    deviceOrientation : ("DeviceOrientationEvent" in window),

    // Test if Context Menu is supported
    contextMenu : ("contextMenu" in docEl && "HTMLMenuItemElement" in window),

    // Test if classList API is supported
    // 檢測classList是否支持
    classList : ("classList" in docEl),

    // Test if placeholder attribute is supported
    // 檢測placeholder是否支持
    placeholder : ("placeholder" in util.create("input")),

    // Test if localStorage is supported
    localStorage : (function() {
      var test = "x";
      try {
        localStorage.setItem(test, test);
        return true;
      } catch(err) {
        return false;

    // Test if History API is supported
    historyAPI : (window.history && "pushState" in window.history),

    // Test if ServiceWorkers are supported
    serviceWorker : ("serviceWorker" in navigator),

    // Test if viewport units are supported
    viewportUnit : (function(el) {
      try {
        el.style.width = "1vw";
        var test = el.style.width !== "";
        return !!test;
      } catch(err) {
        return false;

    // Test if REM units are supported
    remUnit : (function(el) {
      try {
        el.style.width = "1rem";
        var test = el.style.width !== "";
        return !!test;
      } catch(err) {
        return false;

    // Test if Canvas is supported
    canvas : (function(el) {
      return !!(el.getContext && el.getContext("2d"));

    // Test if SVG is supported
    svg : !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").createSVGRect,

    // Test if WebGL is supported
    webGL : (function(el) {
      try {
        return !!(window.WebGLRenderingContext && (el.getContext("webgl") || el.getContext("experimental-webgl")));
      } catch(err) {
        return false;

    // Test if cors is supported
    cors : ("XMLHttpRequest" in window && "withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest()),

    // Tests if touch events are supported, but doesn't necessarily reflect a touchscreen device
    touch : !!(("ontouchstart" in window) || window.navigator && window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.MSGesture || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch),

    // Test if async attribute is supported
    async : ("async" in util.create("script")),

    // Test if defer attribute is supported
    defer : ("defer" in util.create("script")),

    // Test if Geolocation is supported
    geolocation : ("geolocation" in navigator),

    // Test if img srcset attribute is supported
    srcset : ("srcset" in util.create("img")),

    // Test if img sizes attribute is supported
    sizes : ("sizes" in util.create("img")),

    // Test if Picture element is supported
    pictureElement : ("HTMLPictureElement" in window),

    // Run all the tests and add supported classes
    testAll : function() {
      var classes = " js";
      for (var test in this) {
        if (test !== "testAll" && test !== "constructor" && this[test]) {
          classes += " " + test;
      docEl.className += classes.toLowerCase();


   * Expose a public-facing API
  function expose() {
    var ftr = new Feature();
    return ftr;
  window.feature = expose();

}(window, document));



if (feature.webGL) { console.log("WebGL supported"); } else { console.log("WebGL not supported"); }


Below you’ll find a list of all the available browser feature tests and how to call them.git

feature.async feature.addEventListener feature.canvas feature.classList feature.cors feature.contextMenu feature.css3Dtransform feature.cssTransform feature.cssTransition feature.defer feature.deviceMotion feature.deviceOrientation feature.geolocation feature.historyAPI feature.placeholder feature.localStorage feature.matchMedia feature.pictureElement feature.querySelectorAll feature.remUnit feature.serviceWorker feature.sizes feature.srcset feature.svg feature.touch feature.viewportUnit feature.webGL


原文連接: 輕量級瀏覽器特性檢測庫:feature.js 版權全部,轉載時請註明出處,違者必究。
註明出處格式:前端開發博客 ( http://caibaojian.com/feature-js.html)