
Text with image inside

The title text for a PowerPoint presentation is generally quite large in size. If your presentation could benefit from changing the boring black title text to something with a little more color, use an image instead.

PowerPoint演示文稿的標題文本通常很大。 如果您的演示文稿可以將無聊的黑色標題文本更改爲顏色稍多的東西而受益,請改用圖像。

Open your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide that contains the text in which we’ll insert an image as the color fill. Do make sure the text is large enough to be able to recognize the image you insert.

打開PowerPoint演示文稿,然後導航到包含文本的幻燈片,我們將在其中插入圖像作爲顏色填充。 確保文本足夠大以能夠識別您插入的圖像。

In this example, we’ll use the following:


  • Font type: Arial Black

    字體類型: Arial Black

  • Size: 88 pt

    大小: 88 pt

  • Format: Bold


Font showing previous listed specs

Once you’re ready, select the text by clicking and dragging your cursor across the text.


GIF of highlighting text in PowerPoint

The 「Shape Format」 tab will appear at the top of the menu bar. Here, select 「Text Fill」 in the 「WordArt Styles」 group.

「形狀格式」選項卡將出現在菜單欄的頂部。 在這裏,在「藝術字樣式」組中選擇「文本填充」。

Select the Text Fill option

In the drop-down menu that appears, select 「Picture.」


Picture option in dropdown menu

The 「Insert Pictures」 dialog box will appear, presenting three options for selecting an image. Select the option that works best for you. Note: Although searching from the icons library is technically an option, it will just leave your text disfigured.

將出現「插入圖片」對話框,其中提供三個用於選擇圖像的選項。 選擇最適合您的選項。 注意:儘管從圖標庫中進行搜索在技術上是一個選項,但它只會使您的文本失真。

Insert picture dialogue box

從文件 (From a File)

Selecting this option will bring up File Explorer (Finder for Mac). Here, navigate to the location of the image you’d like to insert, select it, and then click the 「Insert」 button.

選擇此選項將打開文件資源管理器(適用於Mac的Finder)。 在這裏,導航到您想要插入的圖像的位置,選擇它,然後單擊「插入」按鈕。

Select and insert image from file explorer

在線圖片 (Online Pictures)

Selecting this option will bring up an online image search powered by Bing. Enter the type of image you’d like to search for in the search bar or select a topic beneath the search bar to open a library of related images.

選擇此選項將顯示由Bing支持的在線圖像搜索。 在搜索欄中輸入您要搜索的圖像類型,或在搜索欄下方選擇一個主題以打開相關圖像庫。

Search for images in Bing

Whichever method you choose, locate and select the desired image and click 「Insert.」


select the image option from bing

Regardless of where you selected the image—your own file or from an online search—once you select 「Insert,」 the image will appear inside the text.


Text with image inside

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/660010/how-to-insert-an-image-inside-of-text-in-powerpoint/