在gemfile中加入gem "hpricot",bundler install以後,在application。rb中require "hpricot" require "open-uri". html
1 pp "===========begin=============" 2 url = "http://www.xiaochuncnjp.com/search.php?mod=forum&searchid=552&orderby=lastpost&ascdesc=desc&searchsubmit=yes&kw=%E6%90%AC%E5%AE%B6" 3 doc = Hpricot(open(url)) 4 # 獲取返回頁面的編碼,使用了gem rchardet。 5 cd = CharDet.detect(doc.to_s) 6 pp encoding = cd["encoding"] 8 # pp doc.search("ul/.pbw") #獲取返回頁面ul標籤下class爲pbw的元素 9 doc.search("ul/.pbw").each do |item| 10 # pp timeStr = item.inner_html 11 pp titleStr = item.search("h3/a").inner_html 12 pp urlStr = item.search("h3").inner_html.to_s.gsub(/href="/, 'href="http://www.xiaochuncnjp.com/') 13 pp contentStr = item.search("p")[1].inner_html 14 end 15 pp "************end***********"
2。當連接的協議爲https時,報certificate verify failed error,沒法經過認證的錯誤。安全
https是安全協議,要經過驗證能夠add this ssl_verify option to the top of the file.來解決ruby
FROM: module OpenURI Options = { :proxy => true, :progress_proc => true, :content_length_proc => true, :http_basic_authentication => true, } TO: module OpenURI Options = { :proxy => true, :progress_proc => true, :content_length_proc => true, :http_basic_authentication => true, :ssl_verify => true } Change the part where it enables verification FROM: if target.class == URI::HTTPS require 'net/https' http.use_ssl = true http.enable_post_connection_check = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new store.set_default_paths http.cert_store = store end TO: if target.class == URI::HTTPS require 'net/https' http.use_ssl = true http.enable_post_connection_check = true if options[:ssl_verify] == false http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE else http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new store.set_default_paths http.cert_store = store end run it like this: open("https://someurl", :ssl_verify => false) {|f| print f.read }
在gemfile中加入gem "rchardet",bundler install以後,在application。rb中require "rchardet".ui
cd = CharDet.detect(some_data) encoding = cd['encoding'] confidence = cd['confidence'] # 0.0 <= confidence <= 1.0 eg: CharDet.detect("\xA4\xCF") #=> {"encoding"=>"EUC-JP", "confidence"=>0.99}