原文地址 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e9531a20100cc5k.htmlhtml
JSP隱含對象 | Type | Scope | 經常使用的方法 |
request | Subclass of javax.servlet.ServletRequest | Request | getAttribute, getParameter, getParameterNames, getParameterValues, setAttribute |
response | Subclass of javax.servlet.ServletResponse | Page | Not typically used by JSP page authors |
pageContext | javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext | Page | findAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributesScope, getAttributeNamesInScope, setAttribute |
session | javax.servlet.http.HttpSession | Session | getAttribute, getId, setAttribute |
application | javax.servlet.ServletContext | Application | getAttribute, getMimeType, getRealPath, setAttribute |
out | javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter | Page | clear, clearBuffer, flush, getBufferSize, getRemaining |
config | javax.servlet.ServletConfig | Page | getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames |
page | java.lang.Object | Page | Not typically used by JSP page authors |
exception | java.lang.Throwable | Page | getMessage, getLocalizedMessage, printStackTrace, toString |
EL表達式的隱含對象 | Type | 具體說明 |
pageContext | javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext | The context for the JSP page. Provides access to various objects, including servletContext, session, request, and response. |
pageScope | java.util.Map | Maps page-scoped variable names to their values. |
requestScope | java.util.Map | Maps request-scoped variable names to their values. |
sessionScope | java.util.Map | Maps session-scoped variable names to their values. |
applicationScope | java.util.Map | Maps application-scoped variable names to their values. |
param | java.util.Map | Maps a request parameter to a single String parameter value (obtained by calling ServletReqwuest.getParameter (String name)). |
paramValues | java.util.Map | Maps a request parameter name to an array of String values for that parameter name (obtained by calling ServletRequest.getParameterValues (String name)). |
header | java.util.Map | Maps a request header name to a single String header value (obtained by calling ServletRequest.getHeader(String name)). |
headerValues | java.util.Map | Maps a request header name to an array of String values for that header (obtained by calling ServletRequest.getHeaders (String)). |
coookie | java.util.Map | Maps a cookie name to a single Cookie object. Cookies are retrieved according to the semantics of HttpServletRequest.getCookies(). If the same name is shared by multiple cookies, an implementation must use the first one encountered in the array of Cookie objects returned by the getCookies() method. However, the ordering of cookies is currently unsspecified in the Servlet specification. |
initParam | java.util.Map | Maps a context initialization parameter name to a String parameter value (obtained by calling ServletContext.getInitparameter (String name)). |
原文地址 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e9531a20100cc5k.htmlsession