從GitHub下載源碼後,代理的源碼在src中,同時還用到了lib庫中的一些函數。對項目的工做流程有個大概理解是分析mosquitto的訪問控制權限的基礎,網絡上已有不少中文博客在介紹,如逍遙子,儘管比較老,可是主要結構體的意義沒有變;首先對結構體的含義有所理解對後面進一步看源碼是很是有幫助的,如struct mosquitto表明了一個客戶端,mosquitto_db表明代理內的一個倉庫來存儲各類東西。git
while(run){//進入主死循環 context__free_disused(db); #ifdef WITH_SYS_TREE if(db->config->sys_interval > 0){ sys_tree__update(db, db->config->sys_interval, start_time); } #endif #ifndef WITH_EPOLL memset(pollfds, -1, sizeof(struct pollfd)*pollfd_max); pollfd_index = 0; for(i=0; i<listensock_count; i++){ pollfds[pollfd_index].fd = listensock[i]; pollfds[pollfd_index].events = POLLIN; pollfds[pollfd_index].revents = 0; pollfd_index++; } #endif now_time = time(NULL); time_count = 0; HASH_ITER(hh_sock, db->contexts_by_sock, context, ctxt_tmp){//遍歷哈希表 if(time_count > 0){ time_count--; }else{ time_count = 1000; now = mosquitto_time(); } context->pollfd_index = -1; if(context->sock != INVALID_SOCKET){ #ifdef WITH_BRIDGE if(context->bridge){ mosquitto__check_keepalive(db, context); if(context->bridge->round_robin == false && context->bridge->cur_address != 0 && context->bridge->primary_retry && now > context->bridge->primary_retry){ if(context->bridge->primary_retry_sock == INVALID_SOCKET){ rc = net__try_connect(context, context->bridge->addresses[0].address, context->bridge->addresses[0].port, &context->bridge->primary_retry_sock, NULL, false); if(rc == 0){ COMPAT_CLOSE(context->bridge->primary_retry_sock); context->bridge->primary_retry_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; context->bridge->primary_retry = 0; net__socket_close(db, context); context->bridge->cur_address = 0; } }else{ len = sizeof(int); if(!getsockopt(context->bridge->primary_retry_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&err, &len)){ if(err == 0){ COMPAT_CLOSE(context->bridge->primary_retry_sock); context->bridge->primary_retry_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; context->bridge->primary_retry = 0; net__socket_close(db, context); context->bridge->cur_address = context->bridge->address_count-1; }else{ COMPAT_CLOSE(context->bridge->primary_retry_sock); context->bridge->primary_retry_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; context->bridge->primary_retry = now+5; } }else{ COMPAT_CLOSE(context->bridge->primary_retry_sock); context->bridge->primary_retry_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; context->bridge->primary_retry = now+5; } } } } #endif /* Local bridges never time out in this fashion. */ if(!(context->keepalive) || context->bridge || now - context->last_msg_in <= (time_t)(context->keepalive)*3/2){ //判斷當客戶端在線時,給客戶端發送inflight的數據包 if(db__message_write(db, context) == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ #ifdef WITH_EPOLL if(context->current_out_packet || context->state == mosq_cs_connect_pending || context->ws_want_write){ if(!(context->events & EPOLLOUT)) { ev.data.fd = context->sock; ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT; if(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, context->sock, &ev) == -1) { if((errno != EEXIST)||(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, context->sock, &ev) == -1)) { log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Error in epoll re-registering to EPOLLOUT: %s", strerror(errno)); } } context->events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT; } context->ws_want_write = false; } else{ if(context->events & EPOLLOUT) { ev.data.fd = context->sock; ev.events = EPOLLIN; if(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, context->sock, &ev) == -1) { if((errno != EEXIST)||(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, context->sock, &ev) == -1)) { log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Error in epoll re-registering to EPOLLIN: %s", strerror(errno)); } } context->events = EPOLLIN; } } #else pollfds[pollfd_index].fd = context->sock; pollfds[pollfd_index].events = POLLIN; pollfds[pollfd_index].revents = 0; if(context->current_out_packet || context->state == mosq_cs_connect_pending || context->ws_want_write){ pollfds[pollfd_index].events |= POLLOUT; context->ws_want_write = false; } context->pollfd_index = pollfd_index; pollfd_index++; #endif }else{ do_disconnect(db, context); } }else{//客戶端超時 if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ if(context->id){ id = context->id; }else{ id = "<unknown>"; } log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "Client %s has exceeded timeout, disconnecting.", id); } /* Client has exceeded keepalive*1.5 */ do_disconnect(db, context); } } } #ifdef WITH_BRIDGE time_count = 0; for(i=0; i<db->bridge_count; i++){ if(!db->bridges[i]) continue; context = db->bridges[i]; if(context->sock == INVALID_SOCKET){ if(time_count > 0){ time_count--; }else{ time_count = 1000; now = mosquitto_time(); } /* Want to try to restart the bridge connection */ if(!context->bridge->restart_t){ context->bridge->restart_t = now+context->bridge->restart_timeout; context->bridge->cur_address++; if(context->bridge->cur_address == context->bridge->address_count){ context->bridge->cur_address = 0; } }else{ if((context->bridge->start_type == bst_lazy && context->bridge->lazy_reconnect) || (context->bridge->start_type == bst_automatic && now > context->bridge->restart_t)){ #if defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(WITH_ADNS) if(context->adns){ /* Connection attempted, waiting on DNS lookup */ rc = gai_error(context->adns); if(rc == EAI_INPROGRESS){ /* Just keep on waiting */ }else if(rc == 0){ rc = bridge__connect_step2(db, context); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ #ifdef WITH_EPOLL ev.data.fd = context->sock; ev.events = EPOLLIN; if(context->current_out_packet){ ev.events |= EPOLLOUT; } if(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, context->sock, &ev) == -1) { if((errno != EEXIST)||(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, context->sock, &ev) == -1)) { log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Error in epoll re-registering bridge: %s", strerror(errno)); } }else{ context->events = ev.events; } #else pollfds[pollfd_index].fd = context->sock; pollfds[pollfd_index].events = POLLIN; pollfds[pollfd_index].revents = 0; if(context->current_out_packet){ pollfds[pollfd_index].events |= POLLOUT; } context->pollfd_index = pollfd_index; pollfd_index++; #endif }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_CONN_PENDING){ context->bridge->restart_t = 0; }else{ context->bridge->cur_address++; if(context->bridge->cur_address == context->bridge->address_count){ context->bridge->cur_address = 0; } context->bridge->restart_t = 0; } }else{ /* Need to retry */ if(context->adns->ar_result){ freeaddrinfo(context->adns->ar_result); } mosquitto__free(context->adns); context->adns = NULL; context->bridge->restart_t = 0; } }else{ rc = bridge__connect_step1(db, context); if(rc){ context->bridge->cur_address++; if(context->bridge->cur_address == context->bridge->address_count){ context->bridge->cur_address = 0; } }else{ /* Short wait for ADNS lookup */ context->bridge->restart_t = 1; } } #else { rc = bridge__connect(db, context); context->bridge->restart_t = 0; if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ if(context->bridge->round_robin == false && context->bridge->cur_address != 0){ context->bridge->primary_retry = now + 5; } #ifdef WITH_EPOLL ev.data.fd = context->sock; ev.events = EPOLLIN; if(context->current_out_packet){ ev.events |= EPOLLOUT; } if(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, context->sock, &ev) == -1) { if((errno != EEXIST)||(epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, context->sock, &ev) == -1)) { log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Error in epoll re-registering bridge: %s", strerror(errno)); } }else{ context->events = ev.events; } #else pollfds[pollfd_index].fd = context->sock; pollfds[pollfd_index].events = POLLIN; pollfds[pollfd_index].revents = 0; if(context->current_out_packet){ pollfds[pollfd_index].events |= POLLOUT; } context->pollfd_index = pollfd_index; pollfd_index++; #endif }else{ context->bridge->cur_address++; if(context->bridge->cur_address == context->bridge->address_count){ context->bridge->cur_address = 0; } } } #endif } } } } #endif now_time = time(NULL); if(db->config->persistent_client_expiration > 0 && now_time > expiration_check_time){ HASH_ITER(hh_id, db->contexts_by_id, context, ctxt_tmp){ if(context->sock == INVALID_SOCKET && context->clean_session == 0){ /* This is a persistent client, check to see if the * last time it connected was longer than * persistent_client_expiration seconds ago. If so, * expire it and clean up. */ if(now_time > context->disconnect_t+db->config->persistent_client_expiration){ if(context->id){ id = context->id; }else{ id = "<unknown>"; } log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "Expiring persistent client %s due to timeout.", id); G_CLIENTS_EXPIRED_INC(); context->clean_session = true; context->state = mosq_cs_expiring; do_disconnect(db, context); } } } expiration_check_time = time(NULL) + 3600; } #ifndef WIN32 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigblock, &origsig); #ifdef WITH_EPOLL //監聽socket事件 fdcount = epoll_wait(db->epollfd, events, MAX_EVENTS, 100); #else fdcount = poll(pollfds, pollfd_index, 100); #endif sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &origsig, NULL); #else fdcount = WSAPoll(pollfds, pollfd_index, 100); #endif #ifdef WITH_EPOLL switch(fdcount){ case -1: if(errno != EINTR){ log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_ERR, "Error in epoll waiting: %s.", strerror(errno)); } break; case 0: break; default: //循環處理socket事件 for(i=0; i<fdcount; i++){ for(j=0; j<listensock_count; j++){ if (events[i].data.fd == listensock[j]) { if (events[i].events & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI)){ //接受客戶端的鏈接,net__socket_accept裏同時建立了該客戶端的context while((ev.data.fd = net__socket_accept(db, listensock[j])) != -1){ ev.events = EPOLLIN; if (epoll_ctl(db->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ev.data.fd, &ev) == -1) { log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_ERR, "Error in epoll accepting: %s", strerror(errno)); } context = NULL; HASH_FIND(hh_sock, db->contexts_by_sock, &(ev.data.fd), sizeof(mosq_sock_t), context); if(!context) { log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_ERR, "Error in epoll accepting: no context"); } context->events = EPOLLIN; } } break; } } if (j == listensock_count) { loop_handle_reads_writes(db, events[i].data.fd, events[i].events); } } } #else if(fdcount == -1){ log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_ERR, "Error in poll: %s.", strerror(errno)); }else{ loop_handle_reads_writes(db, pollfds); for(i=0; i<listensock_count; i++){ if(pollfds[i].revents & (POLLIN | POLLPRI)){ while(net__socket_accept(db, listensock[i]) != -1){ } } } } #endif #ifdef WITH_PERSISTENCE if(db->config->persistence && db->config->autosave_interval){ if(db->config->autosave_on_changes){ if(db->persistence_changes >= db->config->autosave_interval){ persist__backup(db, false); db->persistence_changes = 0; } }else{ if(last_backup + db->config->autosave_interval < mosquitto_time()){ persist__backup(db, false); last_backup = mosquitto_time(); } } } #endif #ifdef WITH_PERSISTENCE if(flag_db_backup){ persist__backup(db, false); flag_db_backup = false; } #endif if(flag_reload){ log__printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Reloading config."); config__read(db, db->config, true); mosquitto_security_cleanup(db, true); mosquitto_security_init(db, true); mosquitto_security_apply(db); log__close(db->config); log__init(db->config); flag_reload = false; } if(flag_tree_print){ sub__tree_print(db->subs, 0); flag_tree_print = false; } #ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS for(i=0; i<db->config->listener_count; i++){ /* Extremely hacky, should be using the lws provided external poll * interface, but their interface has changed recently and ours * will soon, so for now websockets clients are second class * citizens. */ if(db->config->listeners[i].ws_context){ libwebsocket_service(db->config->listeners[i].ws_context, 0); } } if(db->config->have_websockets_listener){ temp__expire_websockets_clients(db); } #endif }//end while(run)
/* * Function: mosquitto_auth_acl_check * * Called by the broker when topic access must be checked. access will be one * of: * MOSQ_ACL_SUBSCRIBE when a client is asking to subscribe to a topic string. * This differs from MOSQ_ACL_READ in that it allows you to * deny access to topic strings rather than by pattern. For * example, you may use MOSQ_ACL_SUBSCRIBE to deny * subscriptions to '#', but allow all topics in * MOSQ_ACL_READ. This allows clients to subscribe to any * topic they want, but not discover what topics are in use * on the server. * MOSQ_ACL_READ when a message is about to be sent to a client (i.e. whether * it can read that topic or not). * MOSQ_ACL_WRITE when a message has been received from a client (i.e. whether * it can write to that topic or not). *
int mosquitto_acl_check(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context, const char *topic, long payloadlen, void* payload, int qos, bool retain, int access)
1.修改mosquitto_broker_internal.h裏mosquitto結構體,加入該客戶端共註冊過多少個retained message的計數,以方便維護該客戶端context的消亡。加數:新retain消息入代理時;減:該retain消息被替代時。注意要初始化這個值!找到context第一次被建立在context.c中的context__init函數。
3. mosquitto_msg_store確定也要加入一個mosquitto結構體指針存儲context。在subs.c中的subs__process能夠看到若是是retain消息就把這個結構體存入當前主題結點。
4. subs.c文件的retain__process,在把retained消息給客戶端以前檢查發送源權限。
5. 在loop.c文件的do_disconnect函數,在調用context__add_to_disused以前檢查是否是有retained message註冊過,即檢查計數。只有對該context調用do_disconnect才能銷燬context。
6. 由於怕contex最後沒有被調用do_disconnect釋放掉,因此要在保存消息被刪掉時專門檢查一下「已經不在線的客戶端是否還有retained message,沒有就減小計數,若計數爲0,且不須要恢復會話context->clean_session==true(不能影響保存會話且沒有retain消息的人),且不在線context->state= = mosq_cs_disconnected,就調用釋放函數context__add_to_disused。
10. 整個項目有不少地方調用了db__message_store,應該仔細考察到底何時存context!
11.store message也記得初始化!全部加入的東西都要記得初始化和釋放