TiDB 是 PingCAP 公司設計的開源分佈式 HTAP (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing) 數據庫,結合了傳統的 RDBMS 和 NoSQL 的最佳特性。TiDB 兼容 MySQL,支持無限的水平擴展,具有強一致性和高可用性。TiDB 的目標是爲 OLTP (Online Transactional Processing) 和 OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) 場景提供一站式的解決方案。node
TiDB 具有以下特性:python
大多數狀況下,無需修改代碼便可從 MySQL 輕鬆遷移至 TiDB,分庫分表後的 MySQL 集羣亦可經過 TiDB 工具進行實時遷移。mysql
經過簡單地增長新節點便可實現 TiDB 的水平擴展,按需擴展吞吐或存儲,輕鬆應對高併發、海量數據場景。git
TiDB 100% 支持標準的 ACID 事務。github
相比於傳統主從 (M-S) 複製方案,基於 Raft 的多數派選舉協議能夠提供金融級的 100% 數據強一致性保證,且在不丟失大多數副本的前提下,能夠實現故障的自動恢復 (auto-failover),無需人工介入。sql
TiDB 做爲典型的 OLTP 行存數據庫,同時兼具強大的 OLAP 性能,配合 TiSpark,可提供一站式 HTAP 解決方案,一份存儲同時處理 OLTP & OLAP,無需傳統繁瑣的 ETL 過程。shell
TiDB 是爲雲而設計的數據庫,支持公有云、私有云和混合雲,使部署、配置和維護變得十分簡單。數據庫
TiDB Serverbootstrap
TiDB Server 負責接收 SQL 請求,處理 SQL 相關的邏輯,並經過 PD 找到存儲計算所需數據的 TiKV 地址,與 TiKV 交互獲取數據,最終返回結果。TiDB Server 是無狀態的,其自己並不存儲數據,只負責計算,能夠無限水平擴展,能夠經過負載均衡組件(如LVS、HAProxy 或 F5)對外提供統一的接入地址。vim
PD Server
Placement Driver (簡稱 PD) 是整個集羣的管理模塊,其主要工做有三個:一是存儲集羣的元信息(某個 Key 存儲在哪一個 TiKV 節點);二是對 TiKV 集羣進行調度和負載均衡(如數據的遷移、Raft group leader 的遷移等);三是分配全局惟一且遞增的事務 ID。
PD 是一個集羣,須要部署奇數個節點,通常線上推薦至少部署 3 個節點
TiKV Server
TiKV Server 負責存儲數據,從外部看 TiKV 是一個分佈式的提供事務的 Key-Value 存儲引擎。存儲數據的基本單位是 Region,每一個 Region 負責存儲一個 Key Range(從 StartKey 到 EndKey 的左閉右開區間)的數據,每一個 TiKV 節點會負責多個 Region。TiKV 使用 Raft 協議作複製,保持數據的一致性和容災。副本以 Region 爲單位進行管理,不一樣節點上的多個 Region 構成一個 Raft Group,互爲副本。數據在多個 TiKV 之間的負載均衡由 PD 調度,這裏也是以 Region 爲單位進行調度
TiSpark 做爲 TiDB 中解決用戶複雜 OLAP 需求的主要組件,將 Spark SQL 直接運行在 TiDB 存儲層上,同時融合 TiKV 分佈式集羣的優點,並融入大數據社區生態。至此,TiDB 能夠經過一套系統,同時支持 OLTP 與 OLAP,免除用戶數據同步的煩惱
1 CREATE DATABASE db_name [options]; 2 CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS samp_db; 3 DROP DATABASE samp_db; 4 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS person; 5 CREATE INDEX person_num ON person (number); 6 ALTER TABLE person ADD INDEX person_num (number); 7 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX person_num ON person (number); 8 CREATE USER 'tiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; 9 GRANT SELECT ON samp_db.* TO 'tiuser'@'localhost'; 10 SHOW GRANTS for tiuser@localhost; 11 DROP USER 'tiuser'@'localhost'; 12 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* TO 'xxxx'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'yyyyy'; 13 REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `test`.* FROM 'genius'@'localhost'; 14 SHOW GRANTS for 'root'@'%'; 15 SELECT Insert_priv FROM mysql.user WHERE user='test' AND host='%'; 16 FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
使用三臺物理機搭建Tidb集羣,三臺機器ip 爲,,,其中172.16.5.51做爲中控機。
軟件安裝以下: TiDB,PD,TiKV TiKV TiKV
1 yum -y install epel-release git curl sshpass atop vim htop net-tools 2 yum -y install python-pip
在中控機上建立 tidb 用戶,並生成 ssh key
1 # 建立tidb用戶 2 useradd -m -d /home/tidb tidb && passwd tidb 3 # 配置tidb用戶sudo權限 4 visudo 5 tidb ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL 6 # 使用tidb帳戶生成 ssh key 7 su tidb && ssh-keygen -t rsa -C mikel@tidb
在中控機器上下載 TiDB-Ansible
1 # 下載Tidb-Ansible 版本
cd /home/tidb && git clone -b release-2.0 https://github.com/pingcap/tidb-ansible.git 2 # 安裝ansible及依賴 cd /home/tidb/tidb-ansible/ && pip install -r ./requirements.txt
在中控機上配置部署機器ssh互信及sudo 規則
1 # 配置hosts.ini 2 su tidb && cd /home/tidb/tidb-ansible 3 vim hosts.ini 4 [servers] 5 6 7 8 [all:vars] 9 username = tidb 10 ntp_server = pool.ntp.org 11 # 配置ssh 互信 12 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini create_users.yml -u root -k
1 # 中控機器上給目標主機安裝ntp服務 2 cd /home/tidb/tidb-ansible 3 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini deploy_ntp.yml -u tidb -b
1 # 查看cpupower 調節模式,目前虛擬機不支持,調節10服務器cpupower 2 cpupower frequency-info --governors 3 analyzing CPU 0: 4 available cpufreq governors: Not Available 5 # 配置cpufreq調節模式 6 cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
目標機器上添加數據盤ext4 文件系統掛載
1 # 建立分區表 2 parted -s -a optimal /dev/nvme0n1 mklabel gpt -- mkpart primary ext4 1 -1 3 # 手動建立分區 4 parted dev/sdb 5 mklabel gpt 6 mkpart primary 0KB 210GB 7 # 格式化分區 8 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb 9 # 查看數據盤分區 UUID 10 [root@tidb-tikv1 ~]# lsblk -f 11 NAME FSTYPE LABEL UUID MOUNTPOINT 12 sda 13 ├─sda1 xfs f41c3b1b-125f-407c-81fa-5197367feb39 /boot 14 ├─sda2 xfs 8119193b-c774-467f-a057-98329c66b3b3 / 15 ├─sda3 16 └─sda5 xfs 42356bb3-911a-4dc4-b56e-815bafd08db2 /home 17 sdb ext4 532697e9-970e-49d4-bdba-df386cac34d2 18 # 分別在三臺機器上,編輯 /etc/fstab 文件,添加 nodelalloc 掛載參數 19 vim /etc/fstab 20 UUID=8119193b-c774-467f-a057-98329c66b3b3 / xfs defaults 0 0 21 UUID=f41c3b1b-125f-407c-81fa-5197367feb39 /boot xfs defaults 0 0 22 UUID=42356bb3-911a-4dc4-b56e-815bafd08db2 /home xfs defaults 0 0 23 UUID=532697e9-970e-49d4-bdba-df386cac34d2 /data ext4 defaults,nodelalloc,noatime 0 2 24 # 掛載數據盤 25 mkdir /data 26 mount -a 27 mount -t ext4 28 /dev/sdb on /data type ext4 (rw,noatime,seclabel,nodelalloc,data=ordered)
分配機器資源,編輯inventory.ini 文件
1 # 單機Tikv實例 2 Name HostIP Services 3 tidb-tikv1 PD1, TiDB1, TiKV1 4 tidb-tikv2 PD2, TiKV2 5 tidb-tikv3 PD3, TiKV3 6 # 編輯inventory.ini 文件 7 cd /home/tidb/tidb-ansible 8 vim inventory.ini 9 ## TiDB Cluster Part 10 [tidb_servers] 11 12 13 14 [tikv_servers] 15 16 17 18 19 [pd_servers] 20 21 22 23 24 ## Monitoring Part 25 # prometheus and pushgateway servers 26 [monitoring_servers] 27 28 29 # node_exporter and blackbox_exporter servers 30 [monitored_servers] 31 32 33 34 35 [all:vars] 36 #deploy_dir = /home/tidb/deploy 37 deploy_dir = /data/deploy 38 # 檢測ssh互信 39 [tidb@tidb-tikv1 tidb-ansible]$ ansible -i inventory.ini all -m shell -a 'whoami' 40 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> 41 tidb 42 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> 43 tidb 44 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> 45 tidb 46 # 檢測tidb 用戶 sudo 免密碼配置 47 [tidb@tidb-tikv1 tidb-ansible]$ ansible -i inventory.ini all -m shell -a 'whoami' -b 48 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> 49 root 50 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> 51 root 52 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> 53 root 54 # 執行 local_prepare.yml playbook,聯網下載 TiDB binary 到中控機 55 ansible-playbook local_prepare.yml 56 # 初始化系統環境,修改內核參數 57 ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml
1 ansible-playbook deploy.yml
1 ansible-playbook start.yml
1 # 使用 MySQL 客戶端鏈接測試,TCP 4000 端口是 TiDB 服務默認端口 2 mysql -u root -h -P 4000 3 mysql> show databases; 4 +--------------------+ 5 | Database | 6 +--------------------+ 7 | INFORMATION_SCHEMA | 8 | PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | 9 | mysql | 10 | test | 11 +--------------------+ 12 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) 13 # 經過瀏覽器訪問監控平臺 14 地址: 默認賬號密碼是:admin/admin
1 # 單機Tikv實例 2 Name HostIP Services 3 tidb-tikv1 PD1, TiDB1, TiKV1 4 tidb-tikv2 PD2, TiKV2 5 tidb-tikv3 PD3, TiKV3 6 # 新增一臺TIDB節點 7 添加一個 TiDB 節點(tidb-tikv4),IP 地址爲 8 # 編輯inventory.ini 文件 9 cd /home/tidb/tidb-ansible 10 vim inventory.ini
------------------start--------------------------- 11 ## TiDB Cluster Part 12 [tidb_servers] 13 14 15 16 17 [tikv_servers] 18 19 20 21 22 [pd_servers] 23 24 25 26 27 ## Monitoring Part 28 # prometheus and pushgateway servers 29 [monitoring_servers] 30 31 32 # node_exporter and blackbox_exporter servers 33 [monitored_servers] 34 35 36 37
38 # 拓撲結構以下 39 Name HostIP Services 40 tidb-tikv1 PD1, TiDB1, TiKV1 41 tidb-tikv2 PD2, TiKV2 42 tidb-tikv3 PD3, TiKV3 43 tidb-tikv4 TiDB2 44 # 初始化新增節點 45 ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -l 46 # 部署新增節點 47 ansible-playbook deploy.yml -l 48 # 啓動新節點服務 49 ansible-playbook start.yml -l 50 # 更新 Prometheus 配置並重啓 51 ansible-playbook rolling_update_monitor.yml --tags=prometheus
1 # 拓撲結構以下# 單機Tikv實例 2 Name HostIP Services 3 tidb-tikv1 PD1, TiDB1, TiKV1 4 tidb-tikv2 PD2, TiKV2 5 tidb-tikv3 PD3, TiKV3 6 # 新增一臺PD節點 7 添加一個 PD 節點(tidb-pd1),IP 地址爲 8 # 編輯inventory.ini 文件 9 cd /home/tidb/tidb-ansible 10 vim inventory.ini 11 ## TiDB Cluster Part 12 [tidb_servers] 13 14 15 16 [tikv_servers] 17 18 19 20 21 [pd_servers] 22 23 24 25 26 27 ## Monitoring Part 28 # prometheus and pushgateway servers 29 [monitoring_servers] 30 31 32 # node_exporter and blackbox_exporter servers 33 [monitored_servers] 34 35 36 37 38 # 拓撲結構以下 39 Name HostIP Services 40 tidb-tikv1 PD1, TiDB1, TiKV1 41 tidb-tikv2 PD2, TiKV2 42 tidb-tikv3 PD3, TiKV3 43 tidb-pd1 PD4 44 # 初始化新增節點 45 ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml -l 46 # 部署新增節點 47 ansible-playbook deploy.yml -l 48 # 登陸新增的 PD 節點,編輯啓動腳本:{deploy_dir}/scripts/run_pd.sh 49 1、移除 --initial-cluster="xxxx" \ 配置。 50 2、添加 --join="" \,IP 地址 ( 能夠是集羣內現有 PD IP 地址中的任意一個。 51 3、在新增 PD 節點中手動啓動 PD 服務: 52 {deploy_dir}/scripts/start_pd.sh 53 4、使用 pd-ctl 檢查新節點是否添加成功: 54 /home/tidb/tidb-ansible/resources/bin/pd-ctl -u "" -d member 55 # 滾動升級整個集羣 56 ansible-playbook rolling_update.yml 57 # 更新 Prometheus 配置並重啓 58 ansible-playbook rolling_update_monitor.yml --tags=prometheus
1 # 二進制安裝 2 curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/akopytov/sysbench/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash 3 sudo yum -y install sysbench
1 # cpu性能測試 2 sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run 3 ----------------------------------start---------------------------------------- 4 Number of threads: 1 5 Initializing random number generator from current time 6 Prime numbers limit: 20000 7 Initializing worker threads... 8 Threads started! 9 CPU speed: 10 events per second: 286.71 11 General statistics: 12 total time: 10.0004s 13 total number of events: 2868 14 Latency (ms): 15 min: 3.46 16 avg: 3.49 17 max: 4.49 18 95th percentile: 3.55 19 sum: 9997.23 20 Threads fairness: 21 events (avg/stddev): 2868.0000/0.00 22 execution time (avg/stddev): 9.9972/0.00 23 -----------------------------------end------------------------------------------- 24 # 線程測試 25 sysbench --test=threads --num-threads=64 --thread-yields=100 --thread-locks=2 run 26 ------------------------------------start----------------------------------------- 27 Number of threads: 64 28 Initializing random number generator from current time 29 Initializing worker threads... 30 Threads started! 31 General statistics: 32 total time: 10.0048s 33 total number of events: 108883 34 Latency (ms): 35 min: 0.05 36 avg: 5.88 37 max: 49.15 38 95th percentile: 17.32 39 sum: 640073.32 40 Threads fairness: 41 events (avg/stddev): 1701.2969/36.36 42 execution time (avg/stddev): 10.0011/0.00 43 -----------------------------------end----------------------------------------- 44 # 磁盤IO測試 45 sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw prepare 46 ----------------------------------start----------------------------------------- 47 128 files, 24576Kb each, 3072Mb total 48 Creating files for the test... 49 Extra file open flags: (none) 50 Creating file test_file.0 51 Creating file test_file.1 52 Creating file test_file.2 53 Creating file test_file.3 54 Creating file test_file.4 55 Creating file test_file.5 56 Creating file test_file.6 57 Creating file test_file.7 58 Creating file test_file.8 59 Creating file test_file.9 60 Creating file test_file.10 61 Creating file test_file.11 62 Creating file test_file.12 63 Creating file test_file.13 64 Creating file test_file.14 65 Creating file test_file.15 66 Creating file test_file.16 67 Creating file test_file.17 68 Creating file test_file.18 69 Creating file test_file.19 70 Creating file test_file.20 71 Creating file test_file.21 72 Creating file test_file.22 73 Creating file test_file.23 74 Creating file test_file.24 75 Creating file test_file.25 76 Creating file test_file.26 77 Creating file test_file.27 78 Creating file test_file.28 79 Creating file test_file.29 80 Creating file test_file.30 81 Creating file test_file.31 82 Creating file test_file.32 83 Creating file test_file.33 84 Creating file test_file.34 85 Creating file test_file.35 86 Creating file test_file.36 87 Creating file test_file.37 88 Creating file test_file.38 89 Creating file test_file.39 90 Creating file test_file.40 91 Creating file test_file.41 92 Creating file test_file.42 93 Creating 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test_file.107 158 Creating file test_file.108 159 Creating file test_file.109 160 Creating file test_file.110 161 Creating file test_file.111 162 Creating file test_file.112 163 Creating file test_file.113 164 Creating file test_file.114 165 Creating file test_file.115 166 Creating file test_file.116 167 Creating file test_file.117 168 Creating file test_file.118 169 Creating file test_file.119 170 Creating file test_file.120 171 Creating file test_file.121 172 Creating file test_file.122 173 Creating file test_file.123 174 Creating file test_file.124 175 Creating file test_file.125 176 Creating file test_file.126 177 Creating file test_file.127 178 3221225472 bytes written in 339.76 seconds (9.04 MiB/sec) 179 ----------------------------------end------------------------------------------ 180 sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw run 181 ----------------------------------start----------------------------------------- 182 Number of threads: 16 183 Initializing random number generator from current time 184 Extra file open flags: (none) 185 128 files, 24MiB each 186 3GiB total file size 187 Block size 16KiB 188 Number of IO requests: 0 189 Read/Write ratio for combined random IO test: 1.50 190 Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests. 191 Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled. 192 Using synchronous I/O mode 193 Doing random r/w test 194 Initializing worker threads... 195 Threads started! 196 File operations: 197 reads/s: 299.19 198 writes/s: 199.46 199 fsyncs/s: 816.03 200 Throughput: 201 read, MiB/s: 4.67 202 written, MiB/s: 3.12 203 General statistics: 204 total time: 10.8270s 205 total number of events: 12189 206 Latency (ms): 207 min: 0.00 208 avg: 13.14 209 max: 340.58 210 95th percentile: 92.42 211 sum: 160186.15 212 Threads fairness: 213 events (avg/stddev): 761.8125/216.01 214 execution time (avg/stddev): 10.0116/0.01 215 --------------------------------------end--------------------------------------- 216 sysbench --test=fileio --num-threads=16 --file-total-size=3G --file-test-mode=rndrw cleanup 217 # 內存測試 218 sysbench --test=memory --memory-block-size=8k --memory-total-size=4G run 219 ------------------------------------start----------------------------------------- 220 Number of threads: 1 221 Initializing random number generator from current time 222 Running memory speed test with the following options: 223 block size: 8KiB 224 total size: 4096MiB 225 operation: write 226 scope: global 227 Initializing worker threads... 228 Threads started! 229 Total operations: 524288 (1111310.93 per second) 230 4096.00 MiB transferred (8682.12 MiB/sec) 231 General statistics: 232 total time: 0.4692s 233 total number of events: 524288 234 Latency (ms): 235 min: 0.00 236 avg: 0.00 237 max: 0.03 238 95th percentile: 0.00 239 sum: 381.39 240 241 Threads fairness: 242 events (avg/stddev): 524288.0000/0.00 243 execution time (avg/stddev): 0.3814/0.00 244 -------------------------------------end---------------------------------------
1 # 登陸tidb建立測試數據庫 2 mysql -u root -P 4000 -h 3 create database sbtest 4 # 準備測試數據 5 sysbench /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_common.lua --mysql-host= --mysql-port=4000 --mysql-user=root --tables=20 --table_size=20000000 --threads=100 --max-requests=0 prepare 6 --tables=20 # 建立20個表 7 --table_size=20000000 # 每一個表兩千萬數據 8 --threads=100 # 使用100個線程數 9 ---------------------------------報錯信息以下------------------------------------------ 10 FATAL: mysql_drv_query() returned error 9001 (PD server timeout[try again later] 11 2018/11/23 11:23:19.236 log.go:82: [warning] etcdserver: [timed out waiting for read index response] 12 2018/11/23 14:15:17.329 heartbeat_streams.go:97: [error] [store 1] send keepalive message fail: EOF 13 2018/11/23 14:14:04.603 leader.go:312: [info] leader is deleted 14 2018/11/23 14:14:04.603 leader.go:103: [info] pd2 is not etcd leader, skip campaign leader and check later 15 2018/11/23 14:21:10.071 coordinator.go:570: [info] [region 1093] send schedule command: transfer leader from store 7 to store 2 16 FATAL: mysql_drv_query() returned error 1105 (Information schema is out of date) 17 ------------------------------------end----------------------------------------------- 18 # 調整線程數爲10,表數量爲10,表數據爲2000000 作測試 19 sysbench /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_common.lua --mysql-host= --mysql-port=4000 --mysql-user=root --tables=1 --table_size=2000000 --threads=10 --max-requests=0 prepare 20 --------------------------------------start-------------------------------------------- 21 FATAL: mysql_drv_query() returned error 1105 (Information schema is out of date) 超時報錯 22 成功寫入2張表,其他8張表數據並未寫滿,寫好索引 23 # 對tidb集羣進行讀寫測試 24 sysbench /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua --mysql-host= --mysql-port=4000 --mysql-user=root --tables=1 --table_size=2000000 --threads=10 --max-requests=0 run 25 ----------------------------------------start-------------------------------------- 26 Number of threads: 10 27 Initializing random number generator from current time 28 Initializing worker threads... 29 Threads started! 30 SQL statistics: 31 queries performed: 32 read: 868 33 write: 62 34 other: 310 35 total: 1240 36 transactions: 62 (5.60 per sec.) 37 queries: 1240 (112.10 per sec.) 38 ignored errors: 0 (0.00 per sec.) 39 reconnects: 0 (0.00 per sec.) 40 General statistics: 41 total time: 11.0594s 42 total number of events: 62 43 Latency (ms): 44 min: 944.55 45 avg: 1757.78 46 max: 2535.05 47 95th percentile: 2320.55 48 sum: 108982.56 49 Threads fairness: 50 events (avg/stddev): 6.2000/0.40 51 execution time (avg/stddev): 10.8983/0.31 52 ------------------------------------end---------------------------------------- 53 # 使用mysql對比測試 54 mysql -uroot -P 3306 -h 55 create database sbtest 56 sysbench /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_common.lua --mysql-host= --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=root --tables=20 --table_size=20000000 --threads=10 --max-requests=0 prepare 57 使用mysql 作測試未發現報錯狀況
1 sysbench /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua --mysql-host= --mysql-port=4000 --mysql-user=root --tables=20 --table_size=2000000 --threads=10 --max-requests=0 run