曾經有一份數據庫帳號密碼擺在我面前,我沒有珍惜,直到失去了才後悔莫及……╮( ̄▽ ̄」)╭php
但是但是!去Openshift網站My Application裏,查!不!到!數!據!庫!信!息!啊!(PД`q。)·。’゜mongodb
還記得redhat client tool 麼?官方建議(也算是強制了)使用的Openshift命令行管理工具,讓它幫一幫你吧。瀏覽器
C:\Program Files\PowerCmd>rhc --help
Usage: rhc [--help] [--version] [--debug] <command> [<args>] Command line interface for OpenShift. Getting started: setup Connects to OpenShift and sets up your keys and domain app create Create an application apps List all your applications cartridge list List available cartridges cartridge add Add a cartridge to your application server Display information about the status of the OpenShift service. account logout End the current session Working with apps: app restart Restart the application app show Show information about an application tail Tail the logs of an application port-forward Forward remote ports to the workstation threaddump Trigger a thread dump for JBoss and Ruby applications. snapshot Save the current state of your application locally git-clone Clone and configure an application's repository locally Management commands: account Display details about your OpenShift account alias Add or remove a custom domain name for the application app Commands for creating and managing applications authorization Display the authorization tokens created under your account cartridge Manage your application cartridges domain Manage the domain and namespace for your applications. sshkey Manage multiple keys for the registered rhcloud user.
看到這句了麼 ?
apps List all your applications
C:\Program Files\PowerCmd>rhc apps
blog @ http://blog-hikerpig.rhcloud.com/ (uuid: !這個不能告訴你喲!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created: Mar 23 11:29 AM Gears: 1 (defaults to small) Git URL: ssh://!這個不能告訴你喲!8@blog-hikerpig.rhcloud.com/~/git/blog.git/ Initial Git URL: git://github.com/openshift/wordpress-example.git SSH: !這個不能告訴你喲!@blog-hikerpig.rhcloud.com Aliases: www.hikerpig.asia mysql-5.1 (MySQL Database 5.1) ------------------------------ Gears: Located with php-5.3, phpmyadmin-3.4, mongodb-2.2 Connection URL: mysql://$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_HOST:$OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_PORT/ Database Name: blog Password: !!看這裏看這裏!! Username: !!看這裏看這裏!! ------------還有好長長長長------------------