1 <?php 2 3 /** 4 * Singleton of Database 5 */ 6 class Database 7 { 8 // We need a static private variable to store a Database instance. 9 privatestatic $instance; 10 11 // Mark as private to prevent it from being instanced. 12 private function__construct() 13 { 14 // Do nothing. 15 } 16 17 private function__clone() 18 { 19 // Do nothing. 20 } 21 22 public static function getInstance() 23 { 24 if (!(self::$instance instanceof self)) { 25 self::$instance = new self(); 26 } 27 28 return self::$instance; 29 } 30 } 31 32 $a =Database::getInstance(); 33 $b =Database::getInstance(); 34 35 // true 36 var_dump($a === $b);
使用場景:使用方法 new實例化類,每次實例化只需調用工廠類中的方法實例化便可。
優勢:因爲一個類可能會在不少地方被實例化。當類名或參數發生變化時,工廠模式可簡單快捷的在工廠類下的方法中 一次性修改,避免了一個個的去修改實例化的對象。
1 <?php 2 3 interface InterfaceShape 4 { 5 function getArea(); 6 function getCircumference(); 7 } 8 9 /** 10 * 矩形 11 */ 12 class Rectangle implements InterfaceShape 13 { 14 private $width; 15 private $height; 16 17 public function __construct($width, $height) 18 { 19 $this->width = $width; 20 $this->height = $height; 21 } 22 23 public function getArea() 24 { 25 return $this->width* $this->height; 26 } 27 28 public function getCircumference() 29 { 30 return 2 * $this->width + 2 * $this->height; 31 } 32 } 33 34 /** 35 * 圓形 36 */ 37 class Circle implements InterfaceShape 38 { 39 private $radius; 40 41 function __construct($radius) 42 { 43 $this->radius = $radius; 44 } 45 46 47 public function getArea() 48 { 49 return M_PI * pow($this->radius, 2); 50 } 51 52 public function getCircumference() 53 { 54 return 2 * M_PI * $this->radius; 55 } 56 } 57 58 /** 59 * 形狀工廠類 60 */ 61 class FactoryShape 62 { 63 public static function create() 64 { 65 switch (func_num_args()) { 66 case1: 67 return newCircle(func_get_arg(0)); 68 case2: 69 return newRectangle(func_get_arg(0), func_get_arg(1)); 70 default: 71 # code... 72 break; 73 } 74 } 75 } 76 77 $rect =FactoryShape::create(5, 5); 78 // object(Rectangle)#1 (2) { ["width":"Rectangle":private]=> int(5) ["height":"Rectangle":private]=> int(5) } 79 var_dump($rect); 80 echo "<br>"; 81 82 // object(Circle)#2 (1) { ["radius":"Circle":private]=> int(4) } 83 $circle =FactoryShape::create(4); 84 var_dump($circle); 85
使用場景:用戶登陸,須要寫日誌,送積分,參與活動 等使用消息隊列,把用戶和日誌,積分,活動之間解耦合
什麼是觀察者模式?一個對象經過提供方法容許另外一個對象即觀察者 註冊本身)使自己變得可觀察。當可觀察的對象更改時,它會將消息發送到已註冊的觀察者。這些觀察者使用該信息執行的操做與可觀察的對象無關。結果是對象能夠相互對話,而沒必要了解緣由。觀察者模式是一種事件系統,意味着這一模式容許某個類觀察另外一個類的狀態,當被觀察的類狀態發生改變的時候,觀察類能夠收到通知而且作出相應的動做;觀察者模式爲您提供了避免組件之間緊密耦。看下面例子你就明白了!
1 <?php 2 3 /* 4 觀察者接口 5 */ 6 interface InterfaceObserver 7 { 8 function onListen($sender, $args); 9 function getObserverName(); 10 } 11 12 // 可被觀察者接口 13 interface InterfaceObservable 14 { 15 function addObserver($observer); 16 function removeObserver($observer_name); 17 } 18 19 // 觀察者抽象類 20 abstract class Observer implements InterfaceObserver 21 { 22 protected $observer_name; 23 24 function getObserverName() 25 { 26 return $this->observer_name; 27 } 28 29 function onListen($sender, $args) 30 { 31 32 } 33 } 34 35 // 可被觀察類 36 abstract class Observable implements InterfaceObservable 37 { 38 protected $observers = array(); 39 40 public function addObserver($observer) 41 { 42 if ($observerinstanceofInterfaceObserver) 43 { 44 $this->observers[] = $observer; 45 } 46 } 47 48 public function removeObserver($observer_name) 49 { 50 foreach ($this->observersas $index => $observer) 51 { 52 if ($observer->getObserverName() === $observer_name) 53 { 54 array_splice($this->observers, $index, 1); 55 return; 56 } 57 } 58 } 59 } 60 61 // 模擬一個能夠被觀察的類 62 class A extends Observable 63 { 64 public function addListener($listener) 65 { 66 foreach ($this->observersas $observer) 67 { 68 $observer->onListen($this, $listener); 69 } 70 } 71 } 72 73 // 模擬一個觀察者類 74 class B extends Observer 75 { 76 protected $observer_name = 'B'; 77 78 public function onListen($sender, $args) 79 { 80 var_dump($sender); 81 echo "<br>"; 82 var_dump($args); 83 echo "<br>"; 84 } 85 } 86 87 // 模擬另一個觀察者類 88 class C extends Observer 89 { 90 protected $observer_name = 'C'; 91 92 public function onListen($sender, $args) 93 { 94 var_dump($sender); 95 echo "<br>"; 96 var_dump($args); 97 echo "<br>"; 98 } 99 } 100 101 $a = new A(); 102 // 注入觀察者 103 $a->addObserver(new B()); 104 $a->addObserver(new C()); 105 106 // 能夠看到觀察到的信息 107 $a->addListener('D'); 108 109 // 移除觀察者 110 $a->removeObserver('B'); 111 112 // 打印的信息: 113 // object(A)#1 (1) { ["observers":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(B)#2 (1) { ["observer_name":protected]=> string(1) "B" } [1]=> object(C)#3 (1) { ["observer_name":protected]=> string(1) "C" } } } 114 // string(1) "D" 115 // object(A)#1 (1) { ["observers":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(B)#2 (1) { ["observer_name":protected]=> string(1) "B" } [1]=> object(C)#3 (1) { ["observer_name":protected]=> string(1) "C" } } } 116 // string(1) "D"
1 //老的代碼 2 3 class User { 4 5 private $name; 6 7 function __construct($name) { 8 9 $this->name = $name; 10 11 } 12 13 public function getName() { 14 15 return $this->name; 16 17 } 18 19 } 20 //新代碼,開放平臺標準接口 21 22 interface UserInterface { 23 24 function getUserName(); 25 26 } 27 28 class UserInfo implements UserInterface { 29 30 protected $user; 31 32 function __construct($user) { 33 34 $this->user = $user; 35 36 } 37 38 public function getUserName() { 39 40 return $this->user->getName(); 41 42 } 43 44 } 45 $olduser = new User('張三'); 46 47 echo $olduser->getName()."n"; 48 49 $newuser = new UserInfo($olduser); 50 51 echo $newuser->getUserName()."n"; 52
1 <?php 2 3 namespace IMooc; 4 class MaleUserStrategy implements UserStrategy { 5 function showAd() 6 { 7 echo "IPhone6"; 8 } 9 10 function showCategory() 11 { 12 echo "電子產品"; 13 } 14 }
1 <?php 2 3 namespace IMooc; 4 5 class FemaleUserStrategy implements UserStrategy { 6 function showAd() 7 { 8 echo "2014新款女裝"; 9 } 10 function showCategory() 11 { 12 echo "女裝"; 13 } 14 } 15
1 <?php 2 3 namespace IMooc; 4 5 interface UserStrategy { 6 function showAd(); 7 function showCategory(); 8 } 9 10 11 <?php 12 interface FlyBehavior{ 13 public function fly(); 14 } 15 16 class FlyWithWings implements FlyBehavior{ 17 public function fly(){ 18 echo "Fly With Wings \n"; 19 } 20 } 21 22 class FlyWithNo implements FlyBehavior{ 23 public function fly(){ 24 echo "Fly With No Wings \n"; 25 } 26 } 27 class Duck{ 28 private $_flyBehavior; 29 public function performFly(){ 30 $this->_flyBehavior->fly(); 31 } 32 33 public function setFlyBehavior(FlyBehavior $behavior){ 34 $this->_flyBehavior = $behavior; 35 } 36 } 37 38 class RubberDuck extends Duck{ 39 } 40 // Test Case 41 $duck = new RubberDuck(); 42 43 /* 想讓鴨子用翅膀飛行 */ 44 $duck->setFlyBehavior(new FlyWithWings()); 45 $duck->performFly(); 46 47 /* 想讓鴨子不用翅膀飛行 */ 48 $duck->setFlyBehavior(new FlyWithNo()); 49 $duck->performFly();
使用場景:當某一功能或方法draw,要知足不一樣的功能需求時,可使用裝飾器模式;實現方式:在方法的類中建addDecorator(添加裝飾器),beforeDraw,afterDraw 3個新方法, 後2個分別放置在要修改的方法draw首尾.而後建立不一樣的裝器類(其中要包含相同的,beforeDraw,afterDraw方法)能過addDecorator添加進去,而後在beforeDraw,afterDraw中循環處理,與觀察者模式使用有點類似
1 <?php 2 namespace IMooc; 3 4 interface DrawDecorator 5 { 6 function beforeDraw(); 7 function afterDraw(); 8 }
1 <?php 2 namespace IMooc; 3 4 class Canvas 5 { 6 public $data; 7 protected $decorators = array(); 8 9 //Decorator 10 function init($width = 20, $height = 10) 11 { 12 $data = array(); 13 for($i = 0; $i < $height; $i++) 14 { 15 for($j = 0; $j < $width; $j++) 16 { 17 $data[$i][$j] = '*'; 18 } 19 } 20 $this->data = $data; 21 } 22 23 function addDecorator(DrawDecorator $decorator) 24 { 25 $this->decorators[] = $decorator; 26 } 27 28 function beforeDraw() 29 { 30 foreach($this->decorators as $decorator) 31 { 32 $decorator->beforeDraw(); 33 } 34 } 35 36 function afterDraw() 37 { 38 $decorators = array_reverse($this->decorators); 39 foreach($decorators as $decorator) 40 { 41 $decorator->afterDraw(); 42 } 43 } 44 45 function draw() 46 { 47 $this->beforeDraw(); 48 foreach($this->data as $line) 49 { 50 foreach($line as $char) 51 { 52 echo $char; 53 } 54 echo "<br />\n"; 55 } 56 $this->afterDraw(); 57 } 58 59 function rect($a1, $a2, $b1, $b2) 60 { 61 foreach($this->data as $k1 => $line) 62 { 63 if ($k1 < $a1 or $k1 > $a2) continue; 64 foreach($line as $k2 => $char) 65 { 66 if ($k2 < $b1 or $k2 > $b2) continue; 67 $this->data[$k1][$k2] = ' '; 68 } 69 } 70 } 71 }
1 <?php 2 namespace IMooc; 3 4 class ColorDrawDecorator implements DrawDecorator 5 { 6 protected $color; 7 function __construct($color = 'red') 8 { 9 $this->color = $color; 10 } 11 function beforeDraw() 12 { 13 echo "<div style='color: {$this->color};'>"; 14 } 15 function afterDraw() 16 { 17 echo "</div>"; 18 } 19 }
1 <?php 2 define('BASEDIR', __DIR__); 3 include BASEDIR.'/IMooc/Loader.php'; 4 spl_autoload_register('\\IMooc\\Loader::autoload'); 5 6 $canvas = new IMooc\Canvas(); 7 $canvas->init(); 8 $canvas->addDecorator(new \IMooc\ColorDrawDecorator('green')); 9 $canvas->rect(3,6,4,12); 10 $canvas->draw();