Knative 中提供了自動擴縮容靈活的實現機制,本文從 三橫兩縱
的維度帶你深刻了解 KPA 自動擴縮容的實現機制。讓你輕鬆駕馭 Knative 自動擴縮容。web
注:本文基於最新 Knative v0.11.0 版本代碼解讀websocket
在 Knative 中,建立一個 Revision 會相應的建立 PodAutoScaler 資源。在KPA中經過操做 PodAutoScaler 資源,對當前的 Revision 中的 POD 進行擴縮容。app
經過Revision 建立PodAutoScaler, 在 KPA 控制器中主要包括兩個資源(Decider 和 Metric)和一個操做(Scale)。主要代碼以下socket
func (c *Reconciler) reconcile(ctx context.Context, pa *pav1alpha1.PodAutoscaler) error { ...... decider, err := c.reconcileDecider(ctx, pa, pa.Status.MetricsServiceName) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error reconciling Decider: %w", err) } if err := c.ReconcileMetric(ctx, pa, pa.Status.MetricsServiceName); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error reconciling Metric: %w", err) } // Metrics services are no longer needed as we use the private services now. if err := c.DeleteMetricsServices(ctx, pa); err != nil { return err } // Get the appropriate current scale from the metric, and right size // the scaleTargetRef based on it. want, err := c.scaler.Scale(ctx, pa, sks, decider.Status.DesiredScale) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error scaling target: %w", err) } ...... }
再看一下Scale操做,在Scale方法中,根據擴縮容POD數、最小實例數和最大實例數肯定最終須要擴容的POD實例數,而後修改deployment的Replicas值,最終實現POD的擴縮容, 代碼實現以下:函數
// Scale attempts to scale the given PA's target reference to the desired scale. func (ks *scaler) Scale(ctx context.Context, pa *pav1alpha1.PodAutoscaler, sks *nv1a1.ServerlessService, desiredScale int32) (int32, error) { ...... min, max := pa.ScaleBounds() if newScale := applyBounds(min, max, desiredScale); newScale != desiredScale { logger.Debugf("Adjusting desiredScale to meet the min and max bounds before applying: %d -> %d", desiredScale, newScale) desiredScale = newScale } desiredScale, shouldApplyScale := ks.handleScaleToZero(ctx, pa, sks, desiredScale) if !shouldApplyScale { return desiredScale, nil } ps, err := resources.GetScaleResource(pa.Namespace, pa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef, ks.psInformerFactory) if err != nil { return desiredScale, fmt.Errorf("failed to get scale target %v: %w", pa.Spec.ScaleTargetRef, err) } currentScale := int32(1) if ps.Spec.Replicas != nil { currentScale = *ps.Spec.Replicas } if desiredScale == currentScale { return desiredScale, nil } logger.Infof("Scaling from %d to %d", currentScale, desiredScale) return ks.applyScale(ctx, pa, desiredScale, ps) }
這是一個關於Decider的故事。Decider建立以後會同時建立出來一個定時器,該定時器默認每隔 2 秒(能夠經過TickInterval 參數配置)會調用Scale方法,該Scale方法實現以下:ui
func (a *Autoscaler) Scale(ctx context.Context, now time.Time) (desiredPodCount int32, excessBC int32, validScale bool) { ...... metricName := spec.ScalingMetric var observedStableValue, observedPanicValue float64 switch spec.ScalingMetric { case autoscaling.RPS: observedStableValue, observedPanicValue, err = a.metricClient.StableAndPanicRPS(metricKey, now) a.reporter.ReportStableRPS(observedStableValue) a.reporter.ReportPanicRPS(observedPanicValue) a.reporter.ReportTargetRPS(spec.TargetValue) default: metricName = autoscaling.Concurrency // concurrency is used by default observedStableValue, observedPanicValue, err = a.metricClient.StableAndPanicConcurrency(metricKey, now) a.reporter.ReportStableRequestConcurrency(observedStableValue) a.reporter.ReportPanicRequestConcurrency(observedPanicValue) a.reporter.ReportTargetRequestConcurrency(spec.TargetValue) } // Put the scaling metric to logs. logger = logger.With(zap.String("metric", metricName)) if err != nil { if err == ErrNoData { logger.Debug("No data to scale on yet") } else { logger.Errorw("Failed to obtain metrics", zap.Error(err)) } return 0, 0, false } // Make sure we don't get stuck with the same number of pods, if the scale up rate // is too conservative and MaxScaleUp*RPC==RPC, so this permits us to grow at least by a single // pod if we need to scale up. // E.g. MSUR=1.1, OCC=3, RPC=2, TV=1 => OCC/TV=3, MSU=2.2 => DSPC=2, while we definitely, need // 3 pods. See the unit test for this scenario in action. maxScaleUp := math.Ceil(spec.MaxScaleUpRate * readyPodsCount) // Same logic, opposite math applies here. maxScaleDown := math.Floor(readyPodsCount / spec.MaxScaleDownRate) dspc := math.Ceil(observedStableValue / spec.TargetValue) dppc := math.Ceil(observedPanicValue / spec.TargetValue) logger.Debugf("DesiredStablePodCount = %0.3f, DesiredPanicPodCount = %0.3f, MaxScaleUp = %0.3f, MaxScaleDown = %0.3f", dspc, dppc, maxScaleUp, maxScaleDown) // We want to keep desired pod count in the [maxScaleDown, maxScaleUp] range. desiredStablePodCount := int32(math.Min(math.Max(dspc, maxScaleDown), maxScaleUp)) desiredPanicPodCount := int32(math.Min(math.Max(dppc, maxScaleDown), maxScaleUp)) ...... return desiredPodCount, excessBC, true }
該方法主要是從 MetricCollector 中獲取指標信息,根據指標信息計算出須要擴縮的POD數。而後設置在 Decider 中。另外當 Decider 中 POD 指望值發生變化時會觸發 PodAutoscaler 從新調和的操做,關鍵代碼以下:this
...... if runner.updateLatestScale(desiredScale, excessBC) { m.Inform(metricKey) } ......
在KPA controller中設置調和Watch操做:阿里雲
...... // Have the Deciders enqueue the PAs whose decisions have changed. deciders.Watch(impl.EnqueueKey) ......
PUSH 收集指標實現比較簡單,在main.go中 暴露服務,將接收到的 metric 推送到 MetricCollector 中:
// Set up a statserver. statsServer := statserver.New(statsServerAddr, statsCh, logger) .... go func() { for sm := range statsCh { collector.Record(sm.Key, sm.Stat) multiScaler.Poke(sm.Key, sm.Stat) } }()
PULL 收集指標是如何收集的呢? 還記得上面提到的Metric資源吧,這裏接收到Metric資源又會建立出一個定時器,這個定時器每隔 1 秒會訪問 queue-proxy 9090 端口採集指標信息。關鍵代碼以下:
// newCollection creates a new collection, which uses the given scraper to // collect stats every scrapeTickInterval. func newCollection(metric *av1alpha1.Metric, scraper StatsScraper, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) *collection { c := &collection{ metric: metric, concurrencyBuckets: aggregation.NewTimedFloat64Buckets(BucketSize), rpsBuckets: aggregation.NewTimedFloat64Buckets(BucketSize), scraper: scraper, stopCh: make(chan struct{}), } logger = logger.Named("collector").With( zap.String(logkey.Key, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", metric.Namespace, metric.Name))) c.grp.Add(1) go func() { defer c.grp.Done() scrapeTicker := time.NewTicker(scrapeTickInterval) for { select { case <-c.stopCh: scrapeTicker.Stop() return case <-scrapeTicker.C: stat, err := c.getScraper().Scrape() if err != nil { copy := metric.DeepCopy() switch { case err == ErrFailedGetEndpoints: copy.Status.MarkMetricNotReady("NoEndpoints", ErrFailedGetEndpoints.Error()) case err == ErrDidNotReceiveStat: copy.Status.MarkMetricFailed("DidNotReceiveStat", ErrDidNotReceiveStat.Error()) default: copy.Status.MarkMetricNotReady("CreateOrUpdateFailed", "Collector has failed.") } logger.Errorw("Failed to scrape metrics", zap.Error(err)) c.updateMetric(copy) } if stat != emptyStat { c.record(stat) } } } }() return c }
上面從KPA實現的 3個橫向角度進行了分析,KPA 實現了0-1擴容以及1-N 擴縮容,下面咱們從這兩個縱向的角度進一步分析。
咱們知道,在 Knative 中,流量經過兩種模式到達POD: Serve 模式和 Proxy 模式。
Proxy 模式: POD數爲 0 時(另外針對突發流量的場景也會切換到 Proxy 模式,這裏先不作詳細解讀),切換到 Proxy 模式。
Serve 模式:POD數不爲 0 時,切換成 Serve 模式。
mode := nv1alpha1.SKSOperationModeServe // We put activator in the serving path in the following cases: // 1\. The revision is scaled to 0: // a. want == 0 // b. want == -1 && PA is inactive (Autoscaler has no previous knowledge of // this revision, e.g. after a restart) but PA status is inactive (it was // already scaled to 0). // 2\. The excess burst capacity is negative. if want == 0 || decider.Status.ExcessBurstCapacity < 0 || want == -1 && pa.Status.IsInactive() { logger.Infof("SKS should be in proxy mode: want = %d, ebc = %d, PA Inactive? = %v", want, decider.Status.ExcessBurstCapacity, pa.Status.IsInactive()) mode = nv1alpha1.SKSOperationModeProxy }
在POD數爲0時,流量請求模式爲Proxy 模式。這時候流量是經過 Activitor 接管的,在 Activitor 中,會根據請求數的指標信息,經過WebSockt調用 KPA中提供的指標接口,將指標信息發送給 KPA 中的 MetricCollector。
在 Activitor 中 main 函數中,訪問 KPA 服務 代碼實現以下
// Open a WebSocket connection to the autoscaler. autoscalerEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("ws://%s.%s.svc.%s%s", "autoscaler", system.Namespace(), pkgnet.GetClusterDomainName(), autoscalerPort) logger.Info("Connecting to Autoscaler at ", autoscalerEndpoint) statSink := websocket.NewDurableSendingConnection(autoscalerEndpoint, logger) go statReporter(statSink, ctx.Done(), statCh, logger)
經過 WebSockt 發送請求指標代碼實現:
func statReporter(statSink *websocket.ManagedConnection, stopCh <-chan struct{}, statChan <-chan []autoscaler.StatMessage, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) { for { select { case sm := <-statChan: go func() { for _, msg := range sm { if err := statSink.Send(msg); err != nil { logger.Errorw("Error while sending stat", zap.Error(err)) } } }() case <-stopCh: // It's a sending connection, so no drainage required. statSink.Shutdown() return } } }
第二步:根據指標計算 POD 數
在 Scale 方法中,根據 PUSH 獲取的指標信息,計算出指望的POD數。修改 Decider 指望 POD 值,觸發 PodAutoScaler 從新調和。
在KPA controller中,從新執行 reconcile 方法,執行 scaler 對當前Revision進行擴容操做。而後將流量模式切換成 Server 模式。最終實現 0-1 的擴容操做。
在 POD 數不爲0時,流量請求模式爲 Server 模式。這時候會經過PULL 的方式訪問當前 revision 中全部 POD queue proxy 9090 端口,拉取業務指標信息, 訪問服務 URL 代碼實現以下:
... func urlFromTarget(t, ns string) string { return fmt.Sprintf( "http://%s.%s:%d/metrics", t, ns, networking.AutoscalingQueueMetricsPort) }
第二步:根據指標計算 POD 數
在 Scale 方法中,根據 PULL 獲取的指標信息,計算出指望的POD數。修改 Decider 指望 POD 值,觸發 PodAutoScaler 從新調和。
第三步: 擴縮容
在 KPA controller中,從新執行 reconcile 方法,執行 scaler 對當前Revision進行擴縮容操做。若是縮容爲 0 或者觸發突發流量場景,則將流量模式切換成 Proxy 模式。最終實現 1-N 擴縮容操做。
相信經過上面的介紹,對Knative KPA的實現有了更深刻的理解,瞭解了其實現原理不只有助於咱們排查相關的問題,更在於咱們能夠基於這樣的擴縮容機制實現自定義的擴縮容組件,這也正是 Knative 自動擴縮容可擴展性靈魂所在。