Android裏的C++代碼常常會看到AutoMutex _l(mLock); c++
AutoMutex其實就是Thread的一種自動的互斥鎖,定義在framework/base/include/utils/thread.h中; 函數
* Automatic mutex. Declare one of these at the top of a function.
* When the function returns, it will go out of scope, and release the
* mutex.
typedef Mutex::Autolock AutoMutex; spa
Autolock是Mutex的內嵌類(Java叫內部類), 對象
// Manages the mutex automatically. It'll be locked when Autolock is
// constructed and released when Autolock goes out of scope.
class Autolock {
inline Autolock(Mutex& mutex) : mLock(mutex) { mLock.lock(); }
inline Autolock(Mutex* mutex) : mLock(*mutex) { mLock.lock(); }
inline ~Autolock() { mLock.unlock(); }
Mutex& mLock;
}; it
看紅色部分的註釋就明白了,在函數代碼中使用 AutoMutex 就能夠鎖定對象,而代碼執行完AutoMutex所在的代碼域以後,就自動釋放鎖,它的原理是充分的利用了c++的構造和析構函數~ io