x=10 def myfun1(x): y=x**2 x=27 return y print('f=',myfun1(5)) print ('x=',x) f= 25 x= 10
z=10 def myfun2(x): global z y=x**2+z z=27 return y print('f=',myfun2(5)) print ('z=',z) f= 25 x= 10 f= 35 z= 27
x=1 y=2 z=3 def myfun3(x,y,z): out=x**2+y**2+z**2 return out print('f=',myfun3(x,y,z)) f= 14
x=1 y=2 z=3 def myfun4(x=0,y=0,z=0): out=x**2+y**2+z**2 return out print('f=',myfun4(x,y)) print('f=',myfun4(x,y,z)) print('f=',myfun4(y=y,z=z)) #below 3 funcation shuld be same result print('f=',myfun4(y=x,z=y),myfun4(0,1,2),myfun4(y=1,z=2)) f= 5 f= 14 f= 13 f= 5 5 5
#String are immutable. x="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" #字符長度 print(len(x)) y='hello' #字符合並 print(x+y) #字符切片 print(x[0]) x[-1] x[3:11] x[:5] x[4:] #大寫 print(x.upper()) #split z="This is a Test" print(z.split(" ")) #conver number to string print(type(45.784)) print(type(str(45.784))) print(x[0]) a x[-1] Out[13]: 'z' x[3:11] Out[14]: 'defghijk' x[:5] Out[15]: 'abcde' x[4:] Out[16]: 'efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' print(x.upper()) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ z="This is a Test" print(z.split(" ")) ['This', 'is', 'a', 'Test'] print(type(45.784)) <class 'float'> print(type(str(45.784))) <class 'str'>
Lists are mutable
Has a single index
Has a length
Has a data type
Has a number of rows
Has a numnber of column
Has a data type
Has a lengthexpress
x=["Dog",3,7,123,"House"] print(x) #List切片 print(x[0]) print(x[-1]) print(x[1:3]) #修改List y=x #這個只是符賦地址信息,兩個變量指向同一List print('x=',x) print('y=',y) x[2]="Hello" #結果是兩個變量會同時被修改 print('x=',x) print('y=',y) y=list(x) #內存複製 x[2]=7.123 print('x=',x) print('y=',y) #convert string to List s="Hello" print(list(s)) ########################################## x=["Dog",3,7,123,"House"] print(x) ['Dog', 3, 7, 123, 'House'] #List切片 print(x[0]) Dog print(x[-1]) House y=x #這個只是符賦地址信息,兩個變量指向同一List print('x=',x) x= ['Dog', 3, 7, 123, 'House'] print('y=',y) y= ['Dog', 3, 7, 123, 'House'] x[2]="Hello" #結果是兩個變量會同時被修改 print('x=',x) x= ['Dog', 3, 'Hello', 123, 'House'] print('y=',y) y= ['Dog', 3, 'Hello', 123, 'House'] y=list(x) #內存複製 x[2]=7.123 print('x=',x) x= ['Dog', 3, 7.123, 123, 'House'] print('y=',y) y= ['Dog', 3, 'Hello', 123, 'House'] s="Hello" print(list(s)) ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
Product Structrue SKU Product Name Brand Manufacturer As a list [width,depth,height,units] Weight Units #Create Single Object class VGSM: SKU="DAR023" Name="VG Skim Milk" Brand="Very Good Brands" Manufacturer="Georgia Dairy,Inc." Dimension=[8,8,10,"in"] Weight=2.2 WtUnits="lbs" print(VGSM.SKU) print(VGSM.Dimension[2]) print(VGSM.Weight) ######################### DAR023 10 2.2
#__init__(self,xxx)是標準格式 ##__xxx private variabe #Attribute:Version,def #Method: class Product: Version="Ver 1.2 Rev 3" def __init__(self,sku,name,brand,manu,dims,wt,wtunits): self.SKU=sku self.Name=name self.Brand=brand self.Manufacturer=manu self.Dimensions=dims self.Weight=wt self.WtUnits=wtunits def Print(self): out="\nName:\t\t"+self.Name+"\nSku:\t\t"+self.SKU+"\n"+\ "Brand:\t\t"+self.Brand+"nManufacturer:\t"+self.Manufacturer+"\n"+\ "Dimensions\n"+\ "\tWidth:\t"+str(self.Dimensions[0])+self.Dimensions[3]+"\n"+\ "\tDepth:\t"+str(self.Dimensions[1])+self.Dimensions[3]+"\n"+\ "\tHeight:\t"+str(self.Dimensions[2])+self.Dimensions[3]+"\n\n"+\ "\tWeight:\t"+str(self.Weight)+self.WtUnits+"\n" print(out) #Encapsulation of Object def SetPhone(self,PhoneNum): # Phone number format is XXX-XXX-XXXX dgts="0123456789" BadFmt=False if type(PhoneNum)!=type("abc") or len(PhoneNum)!=12: BadFmt=True if PhoneNum[3]!="-" or PhoneNum[7]!="-": BadFmt=True if not ( PhoneNum[0] in dgts and PhoneNum[1] in dgts and \ PhoneNum[2] in dgts and PhoneNum[4] in dgts and \ PhoneNum[5] in dgts and PhoneNum[6] in dgts and\ PhoneNum[8] in dgts and PhoneNum[9] in dgts and \ PhoneNum[10] in dgts and PhoneNum[11] in dgts): BadFmt=True if BadFmt: print("Wrong phone number format. Use \"xxx-xxx-xxxx\"") return False self.__PhoneNumber = PhoneNum return True def GetPhone(self): return self.__PhoneNumber def PrintShelfVolume(self): volume = self.Dimensions[0]*self.Dimensions[1]*self.Dimensions[2] out = "Shelf Volume = " + str(volume) + " " + \ self.Dimensions[3] + " cubed\n" print(out) return volume def FootprintArea(self): return self.Dimensions[0]*self.Dimensions[1]
Milk23=Product("DAR023","VG Skim Milk","Very Good Brands","Georgia Dairy,Inc.",[8,8,10,"in"],2.2,"lbs") Cer12=Product("CER012","VG Corn Flakes","Very Good Brands","House Products, Inc.",[9,3,11,"in"],18,"oz") print("Milk23.Weight:",Milk23.Weight) print("Cer12.Dimensions:",Cer12.Dimensions) ############################################################ Milk23.Weight: 2.2 Cer12.Dimensions: [9, 3, 11, 'in']
Cer12.Print() #List all Attribute and Method of Product dir(Cer12) Name: VG Corn Flakes Sku: CER012 Brand: Very Good BrandsnManufacturer: House Products, Inc. Dimensions Width: 9in Depth: 3in Height: 11in Weight: 18oz Out[8]: ['Brand', 'Dimensions', 'FootprintArea', 'GetPhone', 'Manufacturer', 'Name', 'Print', 'PrintShelfVolume', 'SKU', 'SetPhone', 'Version', 'Weight', 'WtUnits', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__']
#Input data Milk23.SetPhone("305-798-2345") #Output data print(Milk23.GetPhone()) #Wrong Foramtion will poput Waring #Milk23.SetPhone("12345678") 305-798-2345
# Define the MilkProduct class class MilkProduct(Product): Category = "Dairy" Storage = "Refrigerated" def __init__(self,sku,name,brand=None,manu=None,dims=None,wt=None, \ wtunits=None,vol=None,fatcat="Whole",expir=None,servsize=None, \ numserve=None,cals=None,fatgrams=None,fatcals=None,phone=None): #call defination of Product Object Product.__init__(self,sku,name,brand,manu,dims,wt,wtunits) self.Volume = vol self.FatCategory = fatcat self.ExpirationDate = expir self.ServingSize = servsize self.NumberServings = numserve self.Calories = cals self.FatGrams = fatgrams self.FatCalories = fatcals if phone!=None: self.SetPhone(phone) #%% Define the LaundreyDetergentProduct class class LaundryDetergentProduct(Product): Category = "Laundry" def __init__(self,sku,name,brand=None,manu=None,dims=None,wt=None, \ wtunits=None,numloads=None,sudslevel="Not HE",form="Powder", \ scent=None,phone=None): Product.__init__(self,sku,name,brand,manu,dims,wt,wtunits) self.NumberLoads = numloads self.SudsingLevel = sudslevel self.PhysicalForm = form self.Scent = scent if phone!=None: self.SetPhone(phone)
#%% Create two instances Milk23 = MilkProduct("DAR023","VG Skim Milk","Very Good Brands", \ "Georgia Dairy",[8,8,10,"in"],2.2,"lbs","1Gal","Skim","2014-09-27", \ 8,16,90,0,0,"305-735-4353") Det16 = LaundryDetergentProduct("LAU016","VG Laundry Detergent", \ "Very Good Brands",dims=[9,3,11,"in"],wt=18,wtunits="oz", \ numloads=72,sudslevel="HE",form="Liquid")
SKUDict = { "Milk23":"VG Skim Milk", "Milk24":"VG 1% Milk", "Milk25":"VG 2% Milk", "Milk26":"VG Whole Milk", "Cer12":"VG Corn Flakes", "Cer13":"VG Toasted Oats", "Cer14":"VG Toasted Rice" } print(SKUDict["Cer12"]) #Revise the Key Value SKUDict["Cer12"] = "VG Corn Flakes (test)" print(SKUDict["Cer12"]) #Add new item into Dictionary SKUDict['Cer15'] = "VG Rice Flakes" VG Corn Flakes VG Corn Flakes (test)
# Create an empty dictionary use {} or dict() SKUDict = {} SKUDict = dict() SKUDict["Milk23"] = "VG Skim Milk" SKUDict["Milk24"] = "VG 1% Milk" SKUDict["Milk25"] = "VG 2% Milk" SKUDict["Milk26"] = "VG Whole Milk" SKUDict["Cer12"] = "VG Corn Flakes" SKUDict["Cer13"] = "VG Toasted Oats" SKUDict["Cer14"] = "VG Toasted Rice" SKUDict['Cer15'] = "VG Rice Flakes" #Get the Dictionary kyes and values SKUDict.keys() SKUDict.values() #Remove keys and values SKUDict.pop('Milk25') SKUDict.popitem() #key in Dictionary check 'Milk23' in SKUDict 'Milk2' in SKUDict dir(SKUDict) # Copying the dictionary name does not copy # the dictionary data! TestDict = SKUDict TestDict SKUDict SKUDict['Cer15'] = "Hello!" TestDict #Actual Copy dictionary TestDict = dict(SKUDict) TestDict SKUDict SKUDict['Milk23'] = "Hello!" SKUDict TestDict
CEOs = ["David M. Zaslav","Michael T. Fries","Mario J. Gabelli", "Satya Nadella","Nicholas Woodman","Gregory B. Maffei", "Lawrence J. Ellison","Steven M. Mollenkopf","David T. Hamamoto", "Leslie Moonves","Philippe P. Dauman","Robert A. Iger", "Joseph W. Brown Jr.","Marissa A. Mayer","Leonard S. Schleifer", "Joshua W. Sapan","Marc Benioff","Jeffrey M. Leiden", "Herve Hoppenot","Jeffrey L. Bewkes","Gary W. Loveman", "Eric J. Foss","Zachary Nelson","Martine Rothblatt", "William J. McMorrow","W. Nicholas Howley","Steve Ells", "Howard M. Lorber","Rex W. Tillerson","Brian C. Cornell", "Montgomery F. Moran","James Dimon","Jonathan Oringer", "Paul M. Rady","Brian L. Roberts","Craig A. Leavitt", "Lamberto Andreotti","Ari Bousbib","Ronald N. Tutor", "Stephen A. Wynn","Thomas B. Barker","Stephen P. MacMillan", "Wayne T. Smith","Larry J. Merlo","Robert J. Hugin", "Michael J. Saylor","John D. Wren","Brian Harris", "K. Rupert Murdoch","Laurence D. Fink","Leslie H. Wexner", "James L. Dolan","W. James McNerney, Jr","Carol Meyrowitz", "James P. Gorman","Peter Liguori","David M. Cote", "A. Jayson Adair","Brian D. Jellison","James M. Cracchiolo", "Kenneth I. Chenault","Lloyd C. Blankfein","Barry D. Zyskind", "Darren R. Huston","Howard Schultz","Kenneth C. Frazier", "Randall L. Stephenson","Leonard Bell","Peter M. Carlino", "Alex Gorsky","David J. Lesar","Margaret C. Whitman", "Richard D. Fairbank","Jay S. Fishman","Andrew N. Liveris", "Alan G. Lafley","William R. Berkley","John G. Stumpf", "Michael F. Neidorff","Paul C. Saville","Indra K. Nooyi", "C. Douglas McMillon","Phebe N. Novakovic","John C. Martin", "Jeffrey R. Immelt","John S. Watson","John J. Legere", "George A. Scangos","Alan B. Miller","Lowell C. McAdam", "Muhtar Kent","Ian C. Read","Virginia M. Rometty", "Paul A. Ricci","Stuart A. Miller","Shantanu Narayen", "Marillyn A. Hewson","Alan H. Auerbach","Ryan M. Lance", "Richard H. Anderson","Richard E. Muncrief","Marc N. Casper", "Ronald F. Clarke","Thomas F. Farrell, II","John R. Strangfeld", "Samuel R. Allen","Kevin M. Sheehan","Richard A. Gonzalez", "Miles S. Nadal","Paal Kibsgaard","Gregory D. Wasson", "Brad D. Smith","Hamid R. Moghadam","John T. Chambers", "Scott A. McGregor","Dave Schaeffer","Gary E. Dickerson", "Alex A. Molinaroli","Marc Holliday","Patricia A. Woertz", "Miles D. White","Thomas M. Rutledge","Glenn K. Murphy", "Irene B. Rosenfeld","Gregory E. Johnson","Mary T. Barra", "John D. Finnegan","Jeffrey Weiner","Martin L. Flanagan", "Greg C. Garland","Robert A. Walker","Douglas R. Oberhelman", "Mark T. Bertolini","Martin B. Anstice","Fabrizio Freda", "Mark Fields","Wesley G. Bush","John Richels", "Jay T. Flatley","Stephen J. Hemsley","Richard K. Templeton", "Arne M. Sorenson","James T. Prokopanko","Gregory J. Goff", "Lorenzo Delpani","David Simon","John J. Koraleski", "Richard J. Kramer","Laura J. Alber","Mark G. Parker", "Robert D. Lawler","Martin S. Craighead","Brian T. Moynihan", "Steven A. Kandarian","Michael L. Corbat","Brian D. Goldner", "Mikkel Svane","David M. Cordani","John B. Hess", "Daniel S. Glaser","Inge G. Thulin","Robert A. Niblock", "Frederick W. Smith, III","Paul L. Berns","Stephen P. Holmes", "Joseph L. Hooley","John J. Donahoe","Robert A. Bradway", "William P. Sullivan","Kent J. Thiry","Charles E. Bunch", "Michael S. Burke","Robert J. Willett","Klaus Kleinfeld", "David G. DeWalt","Joseph R. Swedish","Gary R. Heminger", "Ajay Banga","Trevor Fetter","Mario Longhi", "Ellen J. Kullman","Eric C. Wiseman","Ian M. Cook", "Thomas J. Wilson","G. Frederick Wilkinson","Hubert Joly", "George Paz","William A. Cooper","Michael I. Roth", "Jeff M. Fettig","Donald E. Washkewicz","Robert L. Parkinson, Jr.", "Howard W. Lutnick","James D. Taiclet, Jr.","Steven E. Simms", "Terry J. Lundgren","James J. Volker","Scott D. Sheffield", "John F. Lundgren","Christopher M. Crane"] #%% CEOFirstNames = ["David","Michael","Mario", "Satya","Nicholas","Gregory", "Lawrence","Steven","David", "Leslie","Philippe","Robert", "Joseph","Marissa","Leonard", "Joshua","Marc","Jeffrey", "Herve","Jeffrey","Gary", "Eric","Zachary","Martine", "William","Nicholas","Steve", "Howard","Rex","Brian", "Montgomery","James","Jonathan", "Paul","Brian","Craig", "Lamberto","Ari","Ronald", "Stephen","Thomas","Stephen", "Wayne","Larry","Robert", "Michael","John","Brian", "Rupert","Laurence","Leslie", "James","James","Carol", "James","Peter","David", "Jayson","Brian","James", "Kenneth","Lloyd","Barry", "Darren","Howard","Kenneth", "Randall","Leonard","Peter", "Alex","David","Margaret", "Richard","Jay","Andrew", "Alan","William","John", "Michael","Paul","Indra", "Douglas","Phebe","John", "Jeffrey","John","John", "George","Alan","Lowell", "Muhtar","Ian","Virginia", "Paul","Stuart","Shantanu", "Marillyn","Alan","Ryan", "Richard","Richard","Marc", "Ronald","Thomas","John", "Samuel","Kevin","Richard", "Miles","Paal","Gregory", "Brad","Hamid","John", "Scott","Dave","Gary", "Alex","Marc","Patricia", "Miles","Thomas","Glenn", "Irene","Gregory","Mary", "John","Jeffrey","Martin", "Greg","Robert","Douglas", "Mark","Martin","Fabrizio", "Mark","Wesley","John", "Jay","Stephen","Richard", "Arne","James","Gregory", "Lorenzo","David","John", "Richard","Laura","Mark", "Robert","Martin","Brian", "Steven","Michael","Brian", "Mikkel","David","John", "Daniel","Inge","Robert", "Frederick","Paul","Stephen", "Joseph","John","Robert", "William","Kent","Charles", "Michael","Robert","Klaus", "David","Joseph","Gary", "Ajay","Trevor","Mario", "Ellen","Eric","Ian", "Thomas","Frederick","Hubert", "George","William","Michael", "Jeff","Donald","Robert", "Howard","James","Steven", "Terry","James","Scott", "John","Christopher"] #%% CEOLastNames = ["Zaslav","Fries","Gabelli", "Nadella","Woodman","Maffei", "Ellison","Mollenkopf","Hamamoto", "Moonves","Dauman","Iger", "Brown","Mayer","Schleifer", "Sapan","Benioff","Leiden", "Hoppenot","Bewkes","Loveman", "Foss","Nelson","Rothblatt", "McMorrow","Howley","Ells", "Lorber","Tillerson","Cornell", "Moran","Dimon","Oringer", "Rady","Roberts","Leavitt", "Andreotti","Bousbib","Tutor", "Wynn","Barker","MacMillan", "Smith","Merlo","Hugin", "Saylor","Wren","Harris", "Murdoch","Fink","Wexner", "Dolan","McNerney","Meyrowitz", "Gorman","Liguori","Cote", "Adair","Jellison","Cracchiolo", "Chenault","Blankfein","Zyskind", "Huston","Schultz","Frazier", "Stephenson","Bell","Carlino", "Gorsky","Lesar","Whitman", "Fairbank","Fishman","Liveris", "Lafley","Berkley","Stumpf", "Neidorff","Saville","Nooyi", "McMillon","Novakovic","Martin", "Immelt","Watson","Legere", "Scangos","Miller","McAdam", "Kent","Read","Rometty", "Ricci","Miller","Narayen", "Hewson","Auerbach","Lance", "Anderson","Muncrief","Casper", "Clarke","Farrell","Strangfeld", "Allen","Sheehan","Gonzalez", "Nadal","Kibsgaard","Wasson", "Smith","Moghadam","Chambers", "McGregor","Schaeffer","Dickerson", "Molinaroli","Holliday","Woertz", "White","Rutledge","Murphy", "Rosenfeld","Johnson","Barra", "Finnegan","Weiner","Flanagan", "Garland","Walker","Oberhelman", "Bertolini","Anstice","Freda", "Fields","Bush","Richels", "Flatley","Hemsley","Templeton", "Sorenson","Prokopanko","Goff", "Delpani","Simon","Koraleski", "Kramer","Alber","Parker", "Lawler","Craighead","Moynihan", "Kandarian","Corbat","Goldner", "Svane","Cordani","Hess", "Glaser","Thulin","Niblock", "Smith","Berns","Holmes", "Hooley","Donahoe","Bradway", "Sullivan","Thiry","Bunch", "Burke","Willett","Kleinfeld", "DeWalt","Swedish","Heminger", "Banga","Fetter","Longhi", "Kullman","Wiseman","Cook", "Wilson","Wilkinson","Joly", "Paz","Cooper","Roth", "Fettig","Washkewicz","Parkinson", "Lutnick","Taiclet","Simms", "Lundgren","Volker","Sheffield", "Lundgren","Crane", ] #%% """ The for loop in Python: for Variable in Iterable: code line 1 code line 2 etc. In some other languages: for(i=0;i<n;i++) { code line 1 code line 2 etc. } """ #%% def GetItems(InputList,IndexList): Out = [] for Item in IndexList: Out.append(InputList[Item]) return Out GetItems(CEOs,[1,3,15]) #%% def mean(Data): n = len(Data) Ans = 0.0 for x in Data: #Ans=Ans+x Ans += x Ans /= n return Ans #%% def sd(Data): Xbar = mean(Data) n = len(Data) Ans = 0.0 for x in Data: Ans += (x-Xbar)**2 Ans /= (n-1) Ans = Ans**0.5 return Ans #%% range(10) range(len(CEOs)) range(50,len(CEOs)) #%% def cor(X,Y): Xbar = mean(X) Ybar = mean(Y) sdX = sd(X) sdY = sd(Y) Cov = 0.0 for i in range(len(X)): Cov += (X[i]-Xbar)*(Y[i]-Ybar) Cov /= (len(X)-1) Ans = Cov/(sdX*sdY) return Ans #%% # map(function,list) list(map(len,CEOFirstNames)) cor(list(map(len,CEOFirstNames)),list(map(len,CEOLastNames))) ################################################## Out[27]: -0.04476377466422977
""" The if statement loop in Python: if logical expression: code block elif logical expression: # Optional code block else: code block # Optional # In Excel # =if(logical expression, value if true, value if false) """ #%% def GetListItems(InputList,IndexList): if not isinstance(InputList,list): print("Error: InputList is not a list! An empty list is returned.") return [] if not isinstance(IndexList,list): if isinstance(IndexList,int): tmp = IndexList IndexList = [] IndexList.append(tmp) else: print("Error: IndexList is not a list! An empty list is returned.") return [] Out = [] n = len(InputList) for Item in IndexList: if isinstance(Item,int): if Item >= -n and Item < n: Out.append(InputList[Item]) else: print("Warning: Index out of range! The value None is returned.") Out.append(None) else: print("Warning: Index is not an integer! The value None is returned.") Out.append(None) return Out GetListItems(CEOs,[1,3,15]) GetListItems(CEOs,"abc") x = {} x['a'] = 5 x['b'] = "abc" GetListItems(x,[1,3,15]) GetListItems(CEOs,[1,3,200]) GetListItems(CEOs,[1,3,-10]) GetListItems(CEOs,[1,-201,-30]) GetListItems([],[1,3,15]) GetListItems(CEOs,15) GetListItems(CEOs,[15]) ################################################################### Error: IndexList is not a list! An empty list is returned. Error: InputList is not a list! An empty list is returned. Warning: Index out of range! The value None is returned. Warning: Index out of range! The value None is returned. Warning: Index out of range! The value None is returned. Warning: Index out of range! The value None is returned. Warning: Index out of range! The value None is returned. Out[29]: ['Joshua W. Sapan']