sweet.js 帶給javascript 相似Scheme and Rust語言中的衛生宏功能
macro def { case $name:ident $params $body => { function $name $params $body } } def add (a, b) { return a + b; }
macro class { case $className:ident { constructor $constParam $constBody $($methodName:ident $methodParam $methodBody) ... } => { function $className $constParam $constBody $($className.prototype.$methodName = function $methodName $methodParam $methodBody; ) ... } } class Person { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } say(msg) { console.log(this.name + " says: " + msg); } } var bob = new Person("Bob"); bob.say("Macros are sweet!");
能夠把macros看做是語法層面的函數. 像普通函數同樣,你定義一個宏,而後用語法參數調用他,獲得一個新的語法. 運行sweet.js宏,將會展開全部的宏定義,生成可運行在任何js環境中的原生js。git
兩種方式定義宏: 簡單的基於模式匹配的規則宏 and 更牛的程式判斷的宏(熟悉Scheme or Racket的話,他們分別對應着 syntax-rules 和 syntax-case).github
Rule macros 原理:匹配一個語法模式,獲得一個基於模板的新語法.數組
macro <name> { rule { <pattern> } => { <template> } } macro id { rule { // after the macro name, match: // (1) a open paren // (2) a single token and bind it to `$x` // (3) a close paren ($x) } => { // just return the token that is bound to `$x` $x } } id (42) // --> expands to 42
在模版中,$開頭的模式匹配任意的 token,綁定到name上.ruby
id ([1, 2, 3]) // --> expands to [1, 2, 3]
macro swap { rule { {$a <=> $b} } => { var tmp = $a; $a = $b; $b = tmp; } } var a = 10; var b = 20; swap {a <=> b}
var a$1 = 10; var b$2 = 20; var tmp$3 = a$1; a$1 = b$2; b$2 = tmp$3;
var tmp = 10; var b = 20; swap {tmp <=> b} // --> naive expansion var tmp = 10; var b = 20; var tmp = tmp; tmp = b; b = tmp;
var tmp = 10; var b = 20; swap {tmp <=> b} // --> hygienic expansion var tmp$1 = 10; var b$2 = 20; var tmp$3 = tmp$1; tmp$3 = b$2; b$2 = tmp$1;
macro m { rule { ($x:expr) } => { $x } } m (2 + 5 * 10) // --> expands to 2 + 5 * 10
macro m { rule { ($x ...) } => { // ... } } m (1 2 3 4)
要支持,? 加上(,)
macro m { rule { ($x (,) ...) } => { [$x (,) ...] } } m (1, 2, 3, 4)
macro m { rule { ( $($id:ident = $val:expr) (,) ...) } => { $(var $id = $val;) ... } } m (x = 10, y = 2+10)
macro m { rule { ($x:lit) } => { $x } rule { ($x:lit, $y:lit) } => { [$x, $y] } } m (1); m (1, 2);
macro m { rule { ($base) } => { [$base] } rule { ($head $tail ...) } => { [$head, m ($tail ...)] } } m (1 2 3 4 5) // --> [1, [2, [3, [4, [5]]]]]
更厲害的case macro能夠用徹底的js能力來處理語法:
macro <name> { case { <pattern> } => { <body> } }
case macro 和rule macro不一樣之處,macro name也會被匹配到,而不光是其後的body內容:
macro m { case { $name $x } => { ... } } m 42 // `$name` will be bound to the `m` token // in the macro body
macro m { case { _ $x } => { ... } }
另外一個不一樣之處是case macro的body部分包含一個模板和js的混合體,用來建立和操縱語法,下面是一個身份定義宏:
macro id { case {_ $x } => { return #{ $x } } }
macro m { case {_ $x } => { var y = makeValue(42, #{$x}); return [y] } } m foo // --> expands to 42
(這些函數大體等於 Scheme/Racket 中的函數 datum->syntax)
用這些函數建立的新語法對象,很方便就能夠在#{}模版中引用. 使用提供的letstx宏,綁定語法對象syntax objects到模式匹配變量:
macro m { case {_ $x } => { var y = makeValue(42, #{$x}); letstx $y = [y], $z = [makeValue(2, #{$x})]; return #{$x + $y - $z} } } m 1 // --> expands to 1 + 42 - 2
打破衛生的方法是經過在「正確的位置」從語法對象上偷取詞法上下文,To clarify, consider aif the anaphoric if macro that binds its condition to the identifier it in the body.
var it = "foo"; long.obj.path = [1, 2, 3]; aif (long.obj.path) { console.log(it); } // logs: [1, 2, 3]
This is a violation of hygiene because normally it should be bound to the surrounding environment ("foo" in the example above) but aif wants to capture it. To do this we can create an it binding in the macro that has the lexical context associated with the surrounding environment. The lexical context we want is actually found on the aif macro name itself. So we just need to create a new it binding using the lexical context of aif:
macro aif { case { // bind the macro name to `$aif_name` $aif_name ($cond ...) {$body ...} } => { // make a new `it` identifier using the lexical context // from `$aif_name` var it = makeIdent("it", #{$aif_name}); letstx $it = [it]; return #{ // create an IIFE that binds `$cond` to `$it` (function ($it) { if ($cond ...) { // all `it` identifiers in `$body` will now // be bound to `$it` $body ... } })($cond ...); } } }
macro function { case {_ $name ($params ...) { $body ...} } => { return #{ function $name ($params ...) { console.log("Imma let you finish..."); $body ... } } } }
let function = macro { case {_ $name ($params ...) { $body ...} } => { return #{ function $name ($params ...) { console.log("Imma let you finish..."); $body ... } } } }
你能夠用中綴infix規則匹配以前的語法,用(|) 分離左右兩邊。
macro unless { rule infix { return $value:expr | $guard:expr } => { if (!($guard)) { return $value; } } } function foo(x) { return true unless x > 42; return false; }
macro m { case infix { $lhs | $name $rhs } => { ... } }
macro m { rule infix { $lhs | $rhs } => { ... } rule { $rhs } => { ... } }
macro m { rule infix { ($args ...) | $call:expr } => { $call($args ...) } } (42) m foo; // This works bar(42) m foo; // This is a match error
Sweet.js目前支持聲明式的宏定義,然而據Mozilla研究所的Tim Disney所說,計劃將要支持命令式的定義。這意味着宏能夠包含編譯時運行的任意JavaScript代碼。