The namespace scope indicates which language the namespace applies to;bash
a scope of '*' indicates that the namespace applies to all target languagesapp
Field ::= FieldID? FieldReq? FieldType Identifier ('=' ConstValue)? XsdFieldOptions ListSeparator? FieldID ::= IntConstant ':' FieldReq ::= 'required' | 'optional' FieldType ::= Identifier | BaseType | ContainerType
default | optional | required | |
是否生成 isset 函數 | 否 | 是 | 否 |
從 TProtocol 讀取該字段時發現爲空(read 失敗) |
無事 | 無事 | error |
將該字段寫入 TProtocol 時發現爲空(write 失敗) |
error | 無事 | error |
語法:Interface Description Language (IDL)ui