#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # use for calculate the amount of w or not # # # ################################################################################ use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; sub usage{ print STDOUT "use for calculate the amount of w or not\n"; print STDOUT "perl $0 -a prof -w character -n -c -r -cn -rn -h\n"; print STDOUT "\t-a str file to calculate, required\n"; print STDOUT "\t-w str character to search, required\n"; print STDOUT "\t-n calculate amount of not w\n"; print STDOUT "\t-c calculate by column\n"; print STDOUT "\t-r calculate by row\n"; print STDOUT "\t-cn the file contain colnames\n"; print STDOUT "\t-rn the file contain rownames\n"; print STDOUT "\t-h help info\n"; exit(1); } our ($opt_a, $opt_w, $opt_n, $opt_c, $opt_r, $opt_cn, $opt_rn, $opt_h); my (@total_c, @total_r, @seq); my ($i, $j, $cn); GetOptions("a:s" => \$opt_a, # 指定文本 "w:s" => \$opt_w, # 指定字符串 "n" => \$opt_n, # 統計不是指定字符串的個數 "c" => \$opt_c, # 按列統計 "r" => \$opt_r, # 按行統計 "cn" => \$opt_cn, # 指定文本有列名 "rn" => \$opt_rn, # 指定文本有行名 "h" => \$opt_h); # 幫助 &usage unless(defined $opt_a && defined $opt_w); &usage unless($opt_c || $opt_r); &usage if($opt_h); if (defined $opt_c) { open I, $opt_a or die "can not open $opt_a"; $cn = <I> if (defined $opt_cn); $opt_rn = 0 if (!defined $opt_rn); $j = 0; while (<I>) { chomp; @seq = split/\t/; $j = $#seq if ($#seq - $opt_rn > $j); for ($i = $opt_rn; $i <= $#seq; ++$i) { if (defined $opt_n) { ++$total_c[$i - $opt_rn] if ($seq[$i] ne $opt_w); } else { ++$total_c[$i - $opt_rn] if ($seq[$i] eq $opt_w); } } } if (defined $cn) { print $cn; @seq = split /\t/, $cn; print "\t" if ($seq[0] eq ""); } $total_c[0] = 0 if (!defined $total_c[0]); print "$total_c[0]"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $j - $opt_rn; ++$i) { $total_c[$i] = 0 if (!defined $total_c[$i]); print "\t$total_c[$i]"; } print "\n"; close I; } if (defined $opt_r) { open I, $opt_a or die "can not open $opt_a"; $cn = <I> if (defined $opt_cn); $j = 0; $opt_rn = 0 if (!defined $opt_rn); while (<I>) { chomp; @seq = split/\t/; $total_r[$j] = 0; for ($i = $opt_rn; $i <= $#seq; ++$i) { if (defined $opt_n) { ++$total_r[$j] if ($seq[$i] ne $opt_w); } else { ++$total_r[$j] if ($seq[$i] eq $opt_w); } } if ($opt_rn) { print "$seq[0]\t$total_r[$j]\n"; } else { print "$total_r[$j]\n"; } ++$j; } close I; }