Linux 系統下,進程申請內存並非直接物理內存給咱們運行,而是隻標記當前進程擁有該段內存,當真正使用這段段內存時纔會分配,此時的內存是虛擬內存。node
當咱們須要訪問一個內存地址時,若是虛擬內存地址對應的物理內存還未分配,CPU 會執行 page fault
,將指令從磁盤加載到物理內存中並進行驗籤操做(App Store 發佈狀況下)。git
在App 啓動過程當中,會調用各類函數,因爲這些函數分佈在各個 TEXT 段中且不連續,此時須要執行屢次 page fault
建立分頁,將代碼讀取到物理內存中,而且這些分頁中的部分代碼不會在啓動階段被調用。以下圖所示,假設咱們在啓動階段須要調用 Func A、B、C
,則需執行3次 page default
優化的思路很簡單,即把啓動階段須要用到的函數按順序排放,減小 page fault
執行次數和分頁數量,並使 page fault
在相鄰頁執行,以下圖所示,相較於以前,減小了一次 page fault
Xcode 的連接器提供了一個 Order File
Link Map 是 App 編譯過程的中間產物,記載了二進制文件的佈局,咱們能夠經過 Link Map 文件分析可執行文件的構成是怎樣,裏面的內容都是些什麼,哪些庫佔用空間較高等等,須要手動在 Build Settings 將 Write Link Map File 設置爲 Yes。app
默認生成的 Link Map 文件在 build 目錄下,能夠經過修改 Path To Link Map 指定存放地址。iphone
// Link Map對應安裝包地址
# Path: /Users/yehuangbin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IOSDevelopTools-bpjwhcswecoziihayzwjgxztowne/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/IOSDevelopTools.app/IOSDevelopTools
// 對應的架構
# Arch: arm64
// 編譯後生成的.o文件列表,包括系統和用戶自定的類,UIKit庫等等。
# Object files:
[ 0] linker synthesized
[ 1] /Users/yehuangbin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IOSDevelopTools-bpjwhcswecoziihayzwjgxztowne/Build/Intermediates.noindex/IOSDevelopTools.build/Debug-iphoneos/IOSDevelopTools.build/Objects-normal/arm64/YECallMonitor.o
[ 2] /Users/yehuangbin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IOSDevelopTools-bpjwhcswecoziihayzwjgxztowne/Build/Intermediates.noindex/IOSDevelopTools.build/Debug-iphoneos/IOSDevelopTools.build/Objects-normal/arm64/YECallRecordCell.o
[ 3] /Users/yehuangbin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IOSDevelopTools-bpjwhcswecoziihayzwjgxztowne/Build/Intermediates.noindex/IOSDevelopTools.build/Debug-iphoneos/IOSDevelopTools.build/Objects-normal/arm64/YECallRecordModel.o
[ 4] /Users/yehuangbin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IOSDevelopTools-bpjwhcswecoziihayzwjgxztowne/Build/Intermediates.noindex/IOSDevelopTools.build/Debug-iphoneos/IOSDevelopTools.build/Objects-normal/arm64/YECallTraceCore.o
[ 5] /Users/yehuangbin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IOSDevelopTools-bpjwhcswecoziihayzwjgxztowne/Build/Intermediates.noindex/IOSDevelopTools.build/Debug-iphoneos/IOSDevelopTools.build/Objects-normal/arm64/fishhook.o
[ 6] /Users/yehuangbin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/IOSDevelopTools-bpjwhcswecoziihayzwjgxztowne/Build/Intermediates.noindex/IOSDevelopTools.build/Debug-iphoneos/IOSDevelopTools.build/Objects-normal/arm64/ViewController.o
// Section是各類數據類型所在的內存空間,Section主要分爲兩大類,__Text和__DATA。__Text指的是程序代碼,__DATA指的是已經初始化的變量等。
# Sections:
# Address Size Segment Section
0x10000572C 0x0000B184 __TEXT __text
0x1000108B0 0x000002C4 __TEXT __stubs
0x100010B74 0x000002DC __TEXT __stub_helper
0x100010E50 0x00000088 __TEXT __const
0x100010ED8 0x000006EC __TEXT __cstring
0x1000115C4 0x000019EF __TEXT __objc_methname
0x100012FB4 0x00000134 __TEXT __ustring
0x1000130E8 0x000000F6 __TEXT __objc_classname
0x1000131DE 0x00000CBF __TEXT __objc_methtype
0x100013EA0 0x00000160 __TEXT __unwind_info
0x100014000 0x00000030 __DATA __got
0x100014030 0x000001D8 __DATA __la_symbol_ptr
0x100014208 0x000001C0 __DATA __const
0x1000143C8 0x000004A0 __DATA __cfstring
0x100014868 0x00000038 __DATA __objc_classlist
0x1000148A0 0x00000008 __DATA __objc_catlist
0x1000148A8 0x00000028 __DATA __objc_protolist
// 變量名、類名、方法名等符號表
# Symbols:
# Address Size File Name
0x10000572C 0x00000080 [ 1] +[YECallMonitor shareInstance]
0x1000057AC 0x0000005C [ 1] ___30+[YECallMonitor shareInstance]_block_invoke
0x100005808 0x00000024 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor start]
0x10000582C 0x00000024 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor stop]
0x100005850 0x00000200 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor getThreadCallRecord]
0x100005A50 0x000002F8 [ 1] ___36-[YECallMonitor getThreadCallRecord]_block_invoke
0x100005D48 0x000000A4 [ 1] ___copy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s
0x100005DEC 0x00000068 [ 1] ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32s40s48s
0x100005E54 0x0000002C [ 1] -[YECallMonitor setDepth:]
0x100005E80 0x0000002C [ 1] -[YECallMonitor setMinTime:]
0x100005EAC 0x00000024 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor clear]
0x100005ED0 0x00000028 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor enable]
0x100005EF8 0x0000026C [ 1] -[YECallMonitor setFilterClassNames:]
0x100006164 0x00000230 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor findStartDepthIndex:arr:]
0x100006394 0x00000610 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor recursive_getRecord:]
0x1000069A4 0x00000240 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor setRecordDic:record:]
# Dead Stripped Symbols:
# Size File Name
<<dead>> 0x00000008 [ 2] 8-byte-literal
<<dead>> 0x00000006 [ 2] literal string: depth
<<dead>> 0x00000012 [ 2] literal string: stringWithFormat:
<<dead>> 0x00000007 [ 2] literal string: string
<<dead>> 0x00000034 [ 2] literal string: stringByPaddingToLength:withString:startingAtIndex:
<<dead>> 0x0000000E [ 2] literal string: appendString:
<<dead>> 0x00000004 [ 2] literal string: cls
<<dead>> 0x0000000E [ 2] literal string: .cxx_destruct
<<dead>> 0x00000002 [ 2] literal string: +
<<dead>> 0x00000002 [ 2] literal string: -
<<dead>> 0x00000020 [ 2] CFString
<<dead>> 0x00000020 [ 2] CFString
<<dead>> 0x0000000B [ 2] literal string: v24@0:8@16
<<dead>> 0x00000008 [ 2] literal string: @16@0:8
<<dead>> 0x00000008 [ 2] literal string: v16@0:8
<<dead>> 0x00000005 [ 3] literal string: init
<<dead>> 0x0000000A [ 3] literal string: setDepth:
<<dead>> 0x00000006 [ 3] literal string: class
<<dead>> 0x00000004 [ 3] literal string: cls
<<dead>> 0x00000004 [ 3] literal string: sel
<<dead>> 0x00000009 [ 3] literal string: costTime
<<dead>> 0x00000006 [ 3] literal string: depth
<<dead>> 0x00000006 [ 3] literal string: total
<<dead>> 0x0000000A [ 3] literal string: callCount
<<dead>> 0x00000022 [ 3] literal string: initWithCls:sel:time:depth:total:
能夠看到此時 Symbols 的符號表並非按照啓動時執行的函數順序加載的,而是按照庫的編譯順序所有載入。工具
SanitizerCoverage內置在LLVM中,能夠在函數、基本塊和邊界這些級別上插入對用戶定義函數的回調,詳細介紹能夠再 Clang 11 documentation 找到。
在 build settings 裏的 「Other C Flags」 中添加 -fsanitize-coverage=func,trace-pc-guard
。若是含有 Swift 代碼的話,還須要在 「Other Swift Flags」 中加入 -sanitize-coverage=func
和 -sanitize=undefined
。需注意,全部連接到 App 中的二進制都須要開啓 SanitizerCoverage,這樣才能徹底覆蓋到全部調用。
開啓後,函數的調用會執行 void __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard(uint32_t *guard) {}
回調,咱們可在該回調中插入本身的統計代碼,收集函數名,啓動完成後再將數據導出。借鑑玉令天下的實現代碼,稍微修改了下,如需自取 AppCallCollecter,代碼以下:
static OSQueueHead qHead = OS_ATOMIC_QUEUE_INIT;
static BOOL stopCollecting = NO;
typedef struct {
void *pointer;
void *next;
} PointerNode;
void __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard_init(uint32_t *start,
uint32_t *stop) {
static uint32_t N; // Counter for the guards.
if (start == stop || *start) return; // Initialize only once.
printf("INIT: %p %p\n", start, stop);
for (uint32_t *x = start; x < stop; x++)
*x = ++N; // Guards should start from 1.
// This callback is inserted by the compiler on every edge in the
// control flow (some optimizations apply).
// Typically, the compiler will emit the code like this:
// if(*guard)
// __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard(guard);
// But for large functions it will emit a simple call:
// __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard(guard);
void __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard(uint32_t *guard) {
// If initialization has not occurred yet (meaning that guard is uninitialized), that means that initial functions like +load are being run. These functions will only be run once anyways, so we should always allow them to be recorded and ignore guard
if (stopCollecting) {
// If you set *guard to 0 this code will not be called again for this edge.
// Now you can get the PC and do whatever you want:
// store it somewhere or symbolize it and print right away.
// The values of `*guard` are as you set them in
// __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard_init and so you can make them consecutive
// and use them to dereference an array or a bit vector.
*guard = 0;
// __builtin_return_address 獲取當前調用棧信息,取第一幀地址
void *PC = __builtin_return_address(0);
PointerNode *node = malloc(sizeof(PointerNode));
*node = (PointerNode){PC, NULL};
OSAtomicEnqueue(&qHead, node, offsetof(PointerNode, next));
extern NSArray <NSString *> *getAllFunctions(NSString *currentFuncName) {
NSMutableSet<NSString *> *unqSet = [NSMutableSet setWithObject:currentFuncName];
NSMutableArray <NSString *> *functions = [NSMutableArray array];
while (YES) {
PointerNode *front = OSAtomicDequeue(&qHead, offsetof(PointerNode, next));
if(front == NULL) {
Dl_info info = {0};
// dladdr獲取地址符號信息
dladdr(front->pointer, &info);
NSString *name = @(info.dli_sname);
if([unqSet containsObject:name]) {
BOOL isObjc = [name hasPrefix:@"+["] || [name hasPrefix:@"-["];
NSString *symbolName = isObjc ? name : [@"_" stringByAppendingString:name];
[unqSet addObject:name];
[functions addObject:symbolName];
return [[functions reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];;
#pragma mark - public
extern NSArray <NSString *> *getAppCalls(void) {
stopCollecting = YES;
// 內存屏障,防止cpu的亂序執行調度內存(原子鎖)
NSString* curFuncationName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FUNCTION__];
return getAllFunctions(curFuncationName);
extern void appOrderFile(void(^completion)(NSString* orderFilePath)) {
stopCollecting = YES;
NSString* curFuncationName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FUNCTION__];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.01 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
NSArray *functions = getAllFunctions(curFuncationName);
NSString *orderFileContent = [functions.reverseObjectEnumerator.allObjects componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];
NSLog(@"[orderFile]: %@",orderFileContent);
NSString *filePath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"orderFile.order"];
[orderFileContent writeToFile:filePath
在項目啓動後調用 appOrderFile
方法,將調用列表寫到沙盒中,經過在 Devices 下載 xcappdata 文件便可獲取該列表。
-[YECallMonitor ignoreClassArr]
-[YECallMonitor setFilterClassNames:]
-[YECallMonitor start]
-[YECallMonitor setMinTime:]
___30+[YECallMonitor shareInstance]_block_invoke
+[YECallMonitor shareInstance]
-[AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]
-[AppDelegate setWindow:]
-[AppDelegate window]
最後在 Order File
從重排後的 Link Map Symbols 部分能夠看到此時的載入順序跟咱們的 order file 文件是一致的。
# Symbols:
# Address Size File Name
0x100007CCC 0x000000AC [ 4] _getThreadMethodStack
0x100007D78 0x00000234 [ 4] _after_objc_msgSend
0x100007FAC 0x0000016C [ 4] _before_objc_msgSend
0x100008118 0x000001AC [ 1] -[YECallMonitor ignoreClassArr]
0x1000082C4 0x00000298 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor setFilterClassNames:]
0x10000855C 0x000000A0 [ 5] _get_protection
0x1000085FC 0x000003D0 [ 5] _perform_rebinding_with_section
0x1000089CC 0x00000320 [ 5] _rebind_symbols_for_image
0x100008CEC 0x00000058 [ 5] __rebind_symbols_for_image
0x100008D44 0x00000104 [ 5] _prepend_rebindings
0x100008E48 0x000000F8 [ 5] _rebind_symbols
0x100008F40 0x000000E0 [ 4] ___startMonitor_block_invoke
0x100009020 0x00000074 [ 4] _startMonitor
0x100009094 0x00000044 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor start]
0x1000090D8 0x00000044 [ 4] _setMinConsumeTime
0x10000911C 0x00000054 [ 1] -[YECallMonitor setMinTime:]
0x100009170 0x00000074 [ 1] ___30+[YECallMonitor shareInstance]_block_invoke
0x1000091E4 0x0000009C [ 1] +[YECallMonitor shareInstance]
0x100009280 0x00000208 [ 11] -[AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]
0x100009488 0x00000070 [ 11] -[AppDelegate setWindow:]
0x1000094F8 0x00000058 [ 11] -[AppDelegate window]
0x100009550 0x000000D4 [ 9] _main
經過 system trace 工具對比下優化先後的啓動速度,因爲 Demo 工程內容少,沒法看出明顯區別,這裏用公司項目做爲對比:
能夠看到執行 page fault
少了將近 1/3,速度提高了 1/4,說明對啓動優化上仍是有必定效果,尤爲是在大項目中。
網上還有其餘方案來實現二進制重排,原理大同小異,抖音經過手動插樁獲取的符號數據(包括C++靜態初始化、+Load、Block等)會更加準確,但就其複雜度來講感受性價比不高,而手淘的方案比較特殊,經過修改 .o 目標文件實現靜態插樁,須要對目標代碼較爲熟悉,通用性不高。
因爲在 iOS 上,一頁有16KB(Mac 爲4KB),能夠存放大量代碼,因此在啓動階段執行 page fault
的次數並不會不少,二進制重排相比於其餘優化手段,提高效果不明顯,應優先從其餘方面去進行啓動優化,可參考筆者以前的文章 iOS性能提高全面探索(啓動優化),完成這些性價比較高的優化後,再考慮是否作重排優化,不過從技術學習的層面本篇內容仍是值得研究的 😁。
今年計劃完成10個優秀第三方源碼解讀,會陸續提交到 iOS-Framework-Analysis ,歡迎 star 項目陪伴筆者一塊兒提升進步,如有什麼不足之處,敬請告知 🏆。