


iPhone User Deleting Old Completed Reminders Using Shortcuts
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Reminders on the iPhone and iPad is a simple, no-nonsense task-management app. Sometimes, though, simplicity comes at a cost. One glaring example is the Reminders app doesn’t automatically delete old reminders. Fortunately, there’s a work-around!

iPhone和iPad上的提醒是一個簡單的,毫無意義的任務管理應用程序。 但是,有時候,簡單性是有代價的。 一個明顯的例子是「提醒」應用程序不會自動刪除舊的提醒。 幸運的是,有一個解決方法!

The Reminders app allows you to hide completed reminders, and calls it a day. You can tap the Menu button in a List to toggle between the 「Show Completed」 or 「Hide Completed」 options. However, hiding a completed reminder isn’t the same as deleting it. They also still show up in iCloud and on other devices.

提醒應用程序可讓您隱藏完整的提醒,並每天調用。 您可以點擊列表中的菜單按鈕,以在「顯示完成」或「隱藏完成」選項之間切換。 但是,隱藏完成的提醒與刪除提醒不同。 它們仍仍顯示在iCloud和其他設備上。

Thankfully, you can delete completed reminders via the Shortcuts app. Never heard of it?

值得慶幸的是,您可以通過「快捷方式」應用程序刪除已完成的提醒。 從來沒有聽說過?

Shortcuts is Apple’s built-in automation app for iPhone and iPad. You can use it to write simple scripts that perform complex actions. For example, you can write a script to resize photos or send a pre-composed message.

快捷方式是Apple內置的iPhone和iPad自動化應用程序。 您可以使用它來編寫執行復雜操作的簡單腳本。 例如,您可以編寫腳本來調整照片大小或發送預先編寫的消息。

The Shortcuts app also has a few actions for the Reminders app. Using these, you can pull a list of all completed reminders, and then delete them all at once.

快捷方式應用程序還爲提醒應用程序提供了一些操作。 使用這些,您可以拉出所有已完成提醒的列表,然後立即將其全部刪除。

As this shortcut is quite simple, we recommend you create it yourself. We’ll walk you through the process below. Alternatively, you can download the Delete Completed pre-configured shortcut and install it in the Shortcuts app.

由於此快捷方式非常簡單,因此建議您自行創建。 我們將引導您完成以下過程。 或者,您可以下載「刪除已完成的」預配置快捷方式,並將其安裝在「快捷方式」應用中

Open the 「Shortcuts」 app on your iPhone or iPad and go to the 「My Shortcuts」 tab. Tap the plus sign (+) at the top right to create a new shortcut.

在iPhone或iPad上打開「快捷方式」應用,然後轉到「我的快捷方式」標籤。 點擊右上角的加號(+)創建新的快捷方式。

Tap the plus sign (+) to create a new shortcut.

Tap 「Add Action.」


Tap "Add Action."

Search for and select 「Find Reminders.」


Tap "Find Reminders."

First, tap 「Add Filter,」 and then tap 「List.」


Tap "Add Filter," and then tap "List."

Next, tap 「Is Completed.」


Tap "Is Completed."

To add the next action, tap the plus sign (+).


Tap the plus sign to create a new action.

Here, tap 「Remove Reminders.」


Tap "Remove Reminders" in the "Action" menu.

Now, you’ve successfully built a shortcut! Tap 「Next」 at the top right.

現在,您已經成功構建了快捷方式! 點擊右上角的「下一步」。

Tap "Next" after you create you shortcut.

On this screen, give your shortcut a name (we went with 「Clear Reminders」). You can also tap the icon to customize its glyph and color. When you’re finished, tap 「Done」 to save.

在此屏幕上,爲您的快捷方式命名(我們使用了「清除提醒」)。 您也可以點擊圖標來自定義其字形和顏色。 完成後,點擊「完成」進行保存。

Tap "Done" after you name your shortcut.

You can run your new shortcut by tapping it at the top of the 「All Shortcuts」 tab. To run ours, we tap 「Clear Reminders.」

您可以通過點擊「所有快捷方式」選項卡頂部的新快捷方式來運行它。 要運行我們的,請點擊「清除提醒」。

Tap your shortcut in the "All Shortcuts" menu.

A popup will tell you how many completed reminders you have. Tap 「Remove」 to delete them all, but keep in mind, you can’t undo this action.

彈出窗口將告訴您您有多少完成的提醒。 點按「刪除」將其全部刪除,但是請記住,您無法撤消此操作。

Tap "Remove" to delete all of your completed reminders.

You can do this once a week or every month to clear all completed reminders.


Want to learn more about the Shortcuts app? Here’s how it works on an iPhone.

想更多地瞭解快捷方式應用程序? 這是在iPhone上的工作方式

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/686386/how-to-delete-completed-reminders-on-iphone-and-ipad/
