
" File: _vimrc
" Author: xuleaper<> " Description: xuleaper's personal vim config file. " Last Modified: $Id: _vimrc 467 2012-09-08 03:49:05Z $ " Blog: " Since:2010-06-15 " History: " 2012-06-08 " +vundle支持,更加靈活的管理插件 " 2012-01-20 " +整理vimrc結構 " 2011-09-08 " +在網絡配置文件的基礎上,編寫本身的vimrc "============================= " vimrc_structure " | " +--Environment setting " | " +--Multi_language setting " | " +--GUI_laguage setting " | " +--AutoCmd " | " +--Plugin configure " | " +--Script's function " | " +--Key shortcut " | " ---Bundle setting "============================= if exists("mingcheng") finish endif let g:mingcheng = 1 if v:version < 700 echoerr 'This _vimrc requires Vim 7 or later.' quit endif " ============ " Environment " ============ " Color Scheme if has('syntax') colorscheme zenburn " 默認編輯器配色 au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter,WinEnter * colo desert " 各不一樣類型的文件配色不一樣 au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter,WinEnter *.wiki colo void " 保證語法高亮 syntax on endif " 保留歷史記錄 set history=500 " 行控制 set linebreak set nocompatible set textwidth=80 set wrap " 標籤頁 set tabpagemax=9 set showtabline=2 " 控制檯響鈴 set noerrorbells set novisualbell set t_vb= " 行號和標尺 set number set ruler set rulerformat=%15(%c%V\ %p%%%) " 命令行於狀態行 set ch=2 set stl=\ [File]\ %F%m%r%h%y[%{&fileformat},%{&fileencoding}]\ %w\ \ [PWD]\ %r%{GetPWD()}%h\ %=\ [Line]%l/%L\ %=\[%P] set ls=2 " 始終顯示狀態行 set wildmenu "命令行補全以加強模式運行 " 定義 <Leader> 爲逗號 let mapleader = "," let maplocalleader = "," " Search Option set hlsearch " Highlight search things set magic " Set magic on, for regular expressions set showmatch " Show matching bracets when text indicator is over them set mat=2 " How many tenths of a second to blink set noincsearch " 製表符 set tabstop=4 set expandtab set smarttab set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 " 狀態欄顯示目前所執行的指令 set showcmd " 縮進 set autoindent set smartindent " 自動從新讀入 set autoread " 插入模式下使用 <BS>、<Del> <C-W> <C-U> set backspace=indent,eol,start " 設定在任何模式下鼠標均可用 set mouse=a " 自動改變當前目錄 if has('netbeans_intg') set autochdir endif " 備份和緩存 set nobackup "set noswapfile " 自動完成 set complete=.,w,b,k,t,i set completeopt=longest,menu " 代碼摺疊 set foldmethod=marker " 共享外部剪貼板 set clipboard+=unnamed "設置快速編輯.vimrc文件 ,e 編輯.vimrc " 快速修改 vimrc 文件 if has("win32") map <silent> <leader>e :e $VIM/_vimrc<cr> else map <silent> <leader>e :e $VIM/.vimrc<cr> endif "保存.vimrc文件後會自動調用新的.vimrc autocmd! bufwritepost _vimrc source $VIM/_vimrc " ====================== " Multi_language setting " default encoding UTF " ====================== if has("multi_byte") set encoding=utf-8 "set fenc=cp936 " English messages only "language messages zh_CN.utf-8 if has('win32') language chinese let &termencoding=&encoding endif set fencs=utf-8,gbk,chinese,latin1 set formatoptions+=mM set nobomb " 不使用 Unicode 簽名 if v:lang =~? '^\(zh\)\|\(ja\)\|\(ko\)' set ambiwidth=double endif else echoerr "Sorry, this version of (g)vim was not compiled with +multi_byte" endif " 永久撤銷,Vim7.3 新特性 if has('persistent_undo') set undofile " 設置撤銷文件的存放的目錄 if has("unix") set undodir=/tmp/,~/tmp,~/Temp else set undodir=d:/temp/ endif set undolevels=1000 set undoreload=10000 endif " Diff 模式的時候鼠標同步滾動 for Vim7.3 if has('cursorbind') set cursorbind end "============ " GUI setting " =========== if has('gui_running') " 只顯示菜單 set guioptions=mcr " 高亮光標所在的行 set cursorline if has("win32") " Windows 兼容配置 source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim source $ViMRUnTIME/delmenu.vim " f11 最大化 nmap <f11> :call libcallnr('fullscreen.dll', 'ToggleFullScreen', 0)<cr> nmap <Leader>ff :call libcallnr('fullscreen.dll', 'ToggleFullScreen', 0)<cr> " 字體配置 exec 'set guifont='.iconv('Consolas', &enc, 'gbk').':h12:cANSI' exec 'set guifontwide='.iconv('Microsoft\ YaHei', &enc, 'gbk').':h12:cGB2312' endif " Under Linux/Unix etc.if has("unix")&&!has('gui_macvim')set guifont=Courier\ 10\ Pitch\ 11 endif " Under the Mac(MacVim) if has("mac") || has("gui_macvim") if has("gui_macvim") "MacVim下的字體配置set guifont=Courier_New:h14 set guifontwide=YouYuan:h14 " 半透明和窗口大小 set transparency=2 set lines=200 columns=120 "使用MacVim原生的全屏幕功能let s:lines=&lines let s:columns=&columns func!FullScreenEnter()set lines=999 columns=999set fu endf func!FullScreenLeave()let&lines=s:lines let&columns=s:columns set nofu endf func!FullScreenToggle()if&fullscreen call FullScreenLeave()else call FullScreenEnter() endif endf set guioptions+=e " Mac 下,按 <Leader>ff 切換全屏 nmap <f11> :call FullScreenToggle()<cr> nmap <Leader>ff :call FullScreenToggle()<cr> " I like TCSH :^)set shell=/bin/tcsh " Set input method off set imdisable "SetQuickTemplatePathlet g:QuickTemplatePath= $HOME.'/.vim/templates/'" 若是爲空文件,則自動設置當前目錄爲桌面 lcd ~/Desktop/ endif endif endif "=========" AutoCmd "=========if has("autocmd") filetype plugin indent on " 括號自動補全 func! AutoClose() :inoremap ( ()<ESC>i :inoremap """<ESC>i :inoremap ' ''<ESC>i :inoremap { {}<ESC>i :inoremap [ []<ESC>i :inoremap ) <c-r>=ClosePair(')')<CR> :inoremap } <c-r>=ClosePair('}')<CR> :inoremap ] <c-r>=ClosePair(']')<CR> endf func! ClosePair(char) if getline('.')[col('.') - 1] == a:char return "\<Right>" else return a:char endif endf """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" augroup vimrcEx au! autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=80 autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | \ exe "normal g`\"" | \ endif augroup END """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Auto close quotation marks for PHP, Javascript, etc, file au FileType php,javascript,c,cpp exe AutoClose() " JavaScript 語法高亮 au FileType html,javascript let g:javascript_enable_domhtmlcss = 1 au BufRead,BufNewFile *.js setf jquery " 給各語言文件添加 Dict if has('win32') let s:dict_dir = $VIM.'\vimfiles\dict\' elselet s:dict_dir = $HOME."/.vim/dict/" endif let s:dict_dir ="setlocal dict+=".s:dict_dir au FileType php exec s:dict_dir."php_funclist.dict" au FileType css exec s:dict_dir."css.dict" au FileType javascript exec s:dict_dir."javascript.dict"" 格式化 JavaScript 文件 au FileType javascript map <f12> :call g:Jsbeautify()<cr> au FileType javascript set omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS "增長ActionScript語法支持 au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter,WinEnter,FileType*.as setf actionscript " CSS3 語法支持 au BufRead,BufNewFile *.css set ft=css syntax=css3 "增長Objective-C 語法支持 au BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter,WinEnter,FileType*.m,*.h setf objc " 將指定文件的換行符轉換成 UNIX 格式 au FileType php,javascript,html,css,python,vim,vimwiki set ff=unix "自動最大化窗口if has('gui_running')if has("win32") au GUIEnter* simalt ~x "elseif has("unix") "au GUIEnter* winpos 00"set lines=999 columns=999 "Win32下的 gVim 窗口設置透明度 au GUIEnter* call libcallnr("vimtweak.dll","SetAlpha",225) endif endif endif " ================= "PluginConfigure" ================= "neocomplcache setting source $VIM/vimfiles/bundle/neocomplcache/neocomplcache.conf " VIM HTML 插件 let g:no_html_toolbar = 'yes' """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" VimWiki 配置 if !exists("g:vimwiki_list") let g:vimwiki_list = [ \{"path": "~/Wiki/Default/", "path_html": "~/Sites/wiki/", \ "html_footer": "~/Wiki/Default/footer.tpl", "html_header": "~/Wiki/Default/header.tpl", \ "auto_export": 1}, \{"path": "~/Wiki/WebWW/", "path_html": "~/Sites/webww/", "auto_export": 1} \] let g:vimwiki_auto_checkbox = 0 if has('win32') "注意!" 一、若是在 Windows 下,盤符必須大寫 "2、路徑末尾最好加上目錄分隔符let s:vimwiki_root ="$VIM/Vimwiki"let g:vimwiki_list =[ \{"path": s:vimwiki_root."/Default/", \ "html_footer": s:vimwiki_root."/Default/footer.html", \ "html_header": s:vimwiki_root."/Default/header.html", \ "path_html": s:vimwiki_root."/Default/_output/","auto_export":1}, \{"path": s:vimwiki_root."/WebWW/", \"path_html": s:vimwiki_root."/WebWW/html/", "auto_export": 1} \] let g:vimwiki_w32_dir_enc = 'cp936' endif au FileType vimwiki set ff=unix fenc=utf8 noswapfile nobackup "au FileType vimwiki imap <C-t><c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr> nmap <C-i><C-i>:VimwikiTabGoHome<cr> nmap <Leader>ii :VimwikiTabGoHome<cr> endif " on Windows, default charset is gbk if has("win32") let g:fontsize#encoding = "cp936" endif """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " PYTHON 相關的設置"設置= + - * 先後自動空格 "設置,後面自動添加空格 au FileType python inoremap <buffer>=<c-r>=EqualSign('=')<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer>+<c-r>=EqualSign('+')<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer>-<c-r>=EqualSign('-')<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer>*<c-r>=EqualSign('*')<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer>/<c-r>=EqualSign('/')<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer>><c-r>=EqualSign('>')<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer><<c-r>=EqualSign('<')<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer>:<c-r>=Swap()<CR> au FileType python inoremap <buffer>,,<space>" ================== " script's functions "=================== " 獲取當前目錄 func! GetPWD() return substitute(getcwd(), "", "", "g") endf " 跳過頁頭註釋,到首行實際代碼 func! GotoFirstEffectiveLine() let l:c = 0 while l:c<line("$") && ( \ getline(l:c) =~ '^\s*$' \ || synIDattr(synID(l:c, 1, 0), "name") =~ ".*Comment.*" \ || synIDattr(synID(l:c, 1, 0), "name") =~ ".*PreProc$" \ ) let l:c = l:c+1 endwhile exe "normal ".l:c."Gz\<CR>" endf " 返回當前時期 func! GetDateStamp() return strftime('%Y-%m-%d') endfunction " 全選 func! SelectAll() let s:current = line('.') exe "norm gg" . (&slm == "" ? "VG" : "gH\<C-O>G") endfunc " From an idea by Michael Naumann func! VisualSearch(direction) range let l:saved_reg = @" execute "normal! vgvy" let l:pattern = escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]') let l:pattern = substitute(l:pattern, "\n$", "", "") if a:direction == 'b' execute "normal ?" . l:pattern . "^M" elseif a:direction == 'gv' call CmdLine("vimgrep " . '/'. l:pattern . '/' . '**/*.') elseif a:direction == 'f' execute "normal /" . l:pattern . "^M" endif let @/ = l:pattern let @" = l:saved_reg endfunc "函數後面加上!是防止vimrc文件從新載入時報錯 "實現光標位置自動交換:) --> ): function! Swap() if getline('.')[col('.') - 1] =~ ")" return "\<ESC>la:" else return ":" endif endf """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "實現+-*/先後自動添加空格,逗號後面自動添加空格,適用python "支持+= -+ *= /+格式 function! EqualSign(char) if a:char =~ '=' && getline('.') =~ ".*(" return a:char endif let ex1 = getline('.')[col('.') - 3] let ex2 = getline('.')[col('.') - 2] if ex1 =~ "[-=+><>\/\*]" if ex2 !~ "\s" return "\<ESC>i".a:char."\<SPACE>" else return "\<ESC>xa".a:char."\<SPACE>" endif else if ex2 !~ "\s" return "\<SPACE>".a:char."\<SPACE>\<ESC>a" else return a:char."\<SPACE>\<ESC>a" endif endif endf """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""SwitchToBuf()實現它在全部標籤頁的窗口中查找指定的文件名,若是找到這樣一個窗口, "就跳到此窗口中;不然,它新建一個標籤頁來打開vimrc文件"上面自動編輯.vimrc文件用到的函數 function! SwitchToBuf(filename) let bufwinnr = bufwinnr(a:filename) if bufwinnr != -1 exec bufwinnr . "wincmd w" return else " find in each tab tabfirst let tab =1while tab <= tabpagenr("$")let bufwinnr = bufwinnr(a:filename)if bufwinnr !=-1exec"normal ". tab ."gt"exec bufwinnr ."wincmd w"return endif tabnext let tab = tab +1 endwhile " not exist, new tab exec "tabnew " . a:filename endif endfunction """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "Last change用到的函數,返回時間,可以自動調整位置function!TimeStamp(...)let sbegin =''let send =''if a:0>=1let sbegin = a:1.'\s*' endif if a:0>=2let send =' '.a:2 endif let pattern ='Last Change: .\+' \. send let pattern ='^\s*'. sbegin . pattern .'\s*$'let now = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', \localtime())let row = search(pattern,'n')if row ==0let now = a:1.' Last Change: ' \. now . send call append(2, now)elselet curstr = getline(row)let col = match( curstr ,'Last')let spacestr = repeat(' ',col -1)let now = a:1. spacestr .'Last Change: ' \. now . send call setline(row, now) endif endfunction " ============= "KeyShortcut" ============= nmap <C-t> :tabnew<cr> nmap <C-p> :tabprevious<cr> nmap <C-n> :tabnext<cr> nmap <C-k> :tabclose<cr> nmap <C-Tab> :tabnext<cr> for i in range(1, &tabpagemax) exec 'nmap <A-'.i.'> '.i.'gt' endfor "插件快捷鍵 nmap <C-d>:NERDTree<cr> nmap <C-e>:BufExplorer<cr> nmap <F2>:BufExplorer<cr>" 插入模式按 F4 插入當前時間 imap <F4> <C-r>=GetDateStamp()<cr> map <F6> zM "關閉全部折 map <F7> zR " 打開全部摺疊 nmap <F8> :TagbarToggle<cr> map <F12> :!ctags -R<CR> map <C-F12> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR> "新建 XHTML PHPJavascript文件的快捷鍵 nmap <C-c><C-h>:NewQuickTemplateTab xhtml<cr> nmap <C-c><C-p>:NewQuickTemplateTab php<cr> nmap <C-c><C-j>:NewQuickTemplateTab javascript<cr> nmap <C-c><C-c>:NewQuickTemplateTab css<cr> nmap <Leader>ca :Calendar<cr> nmap <Leader>mr :MRU<cr> nmap <Leader>dd :NERDTreeToggle<cr> nmap <Leader>bf :BufExplorer<cr> nmap <Leader>tb :TagbarToggle<cr>" 直接查看第一行生效的代碼 nmap <C-g><C-f> :call GotoFirstEffectiveLine()<cr> "按下 Q 不進入Ex模式,而是退出 nmap Q :x<cr>"================== "Bundle setting " ================= set nocompatible " be iMproved filetype off " required! set rtp+=$VIM/vimfiles/bundle/vundle/ call vundle#rc('$VIM/vimfiles/bundle') "letVundle manage Vundle" required! Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' "MyBundles here:" original repos on github "========================================Bundle'tpope/vim-fugitive'Bundle'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion'Bundle'rstacruz/sparkup',{'rtp':'vim/'}Bundle'tpope/vim-rails.git'Bundle'HenningM/cvim-pathogen.git'Bundle'ichernev/a.vim'Bundle'hotoo/calendar-vim.git'Bundle'mattn/zencoding-vim.git'" vim-scripts repos Bundle 'mru' Bundle 'L9' Bundle 'FuzzyFinder' Bundle 'snipmate-snippets' Bundle 'SuperTab' Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache' Bundle 'Shougo/vimproc' Bundle 'MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils' Bundle 'tomtom/tlib_vim' Bundle 'garbas/vim-snipmate' Bundle 'dhallman/bufexplorer' " non github repos Bundle'git://'"======================================== call pathogen#infect("$vim/vimfiles/bundle") filetype plugin indent on " required!