我的簡歷及水平:。 http://www.cnblogs.com/hackdragon/p/3662599.htmlhtml
接到一個程序和網頁交互的項目,用ADO.NET Entity Framework (如下簡稱EF)很快就搞完了,可是對方的空間提供的MSSQL數據庫比較昂貴,因此就採用ACCESS數據庫,可是我查了資料發現 EF不支持Access數據庫,(之前以爲LINQ TO SQL 不支持 這個應該支持),寫完的代碼不想用OLEDB在寫了,因而網上一頓查,試驗了ALINQ和其餘不少的,老是不能符合項目的須要。不是更新不行就算插入失敗,要不就是常常查詢錯誤。最後沒辦法,我本身決定寫一個實體支持ACCESS數據庫,我以爲懶人應該有須要這個的,固然大俠們估計有更好的辦法來更懶一些。web
#region 上下文 /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public partial class SqlDoorEntities1 : ObjectContext { #region 構造函數 /// <summary> /// 請使用應用程序配置文件的「SqlDoorEntities1」部分中的鏈接字符串初始化新 SqlDoorEntities1 對象。 /// </summary> public SqlDoorEntities1() : base("name=SqlDoorEntities1", "SqlDoorEntities1") { OnContextCreated(); } /// <summary> /// 初始化新的 SqlDoorEntities1 對象。 /// </summary> public SqlDoorEntities1(string connectionString) : base(connectionString, "SqlDoorEntities1") { OnContextCreated(); } /// <summary> /// 初始化新的 SqlDoorEntities1 對象。 /// </summary> public SqlDoorEntities1(EntityConnection connection) : base(connection, "SqlDoorEntities1") { OnContextCreated(); } #endregion #region 分部方法 partial void OnContextCreated(); #endregion #region ObjectSet 屬性 /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public ObjectSet<CmdMsg> CmdMsg { get { if ((_CmdMsg == null)) { _CmdMsg = base.CreateObjectSet<CmdMsg>("CmdMsg"); } return _CmdMsg; } } private ObjectSet<CmdMsg> _CmdMsg; /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public ObjectSet<Door> Door { get { if ((_Door == null)) { _Door = base.CreateObjectSet<Door>("Door"); } return _Door; } } private ObjectSet<Door> _Door; /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public ObjectSet<Manager> Manager { get { if ((_Manager == null)) { _Manager = base.CreateObjectSet<Manager>("Manager"); } return _Manager; } } private ObjectSet<Manager> _Manager; /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public ObjectSet<Users> Users { get { if ((_Users == null)) { _Users = base.CreateObjectSet<Users>("Users"); } return _Users; } } private ObjectSet<Users> _Users; #endregion #region AddTo 方法 /// <summary> /// 用於向 CmdMsg EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 ObjectSet<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToCmdMsg(CmdMsg cmdMsg) { base.AddObject("CmdMsg", cmdMsg); } /// <summary> /// 用於向 Door EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 ObjectSet<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToDoor(Door door) { base.AddObject("Door", door); } /// <summary> /// 用於向 Manager EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 ObjectSet<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToManager(Manager manager) { base.AddObject("Manager", manager); } /// <summary> /// 用於向 Users EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 ObjectSet<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToUsers(Users users) { base.AddObject("Users", users); } #endregion } #endregion
ObjectContext 繼承於IDisposable 那麼我寫一個本身的 ObjectContext 這樣的類 我給他起個名字叫EFToAccess 那麼多 構造方法 咱們就須要2個一個 是 給定的鏈接字符串 一個是默認從webconfig中讀取的連接字符串就能夠了。本人偷懶,直接讀取指定的路徑了。數據庫的簡單讀寫可能都依賴一個where查詢,那麼怎麼實現本身的where查詢就很關鍵,因而我看資料研究了2天Lambda Expression 表達式。最後仍是看了 博客園的一篇 擴展LINQ to SQL:使用Lambda Expression批量刪除數據纔會用,如今也不是很明白,懶人就是拿來主義,不怎麼消化,我如今也沒多少時間消化知識,估計這樣的人也很多吧。下面是我本身用的的方法,利用VS生成的代碼 2個替換1個刪除搞定 (ObjectContext替換「你本身的類名個人是SqlDoorEntities」,ObjectSet替換成IEnumerable,刪除無用的構造函數)數組
public class SqlDoorEntities : EFToAccess { public SqlDoorEntities():base("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="
+AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "bin\\DataDoor.mdb")
{ } #region IEnumerable 屬性 /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public IEnumerable<CmdMsg> CmdMsg { get { if ((_CmdMsg == null)) { _CmdMsg = base.CreateObjectSet<CmdMsg>("CmdMsg"); } return _CmdMsg; } } private IEnumerable<CmdMsg> _CmdMsg; /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public IEnumerable<Door> Door { get { if ((_Door == null)) { _Door = base.CreateObjectSet<Door>("Door"); } return _Door; } } private IEnumerable<Door> _Door; /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public IEnumerable<Manager> Manager { get { if ((_Manager == null)) { _Manager = base.CreateObjectSet<Manager>("Manager"); } return _Manager; } } private IEnumerable<Manager> _Manager; /// <summary> /// 沒有元數據文檔可用。 /// </summary> public IEnumerable<Users> Users { get { if ((_Users == null)) { _Users = base.CreateObjectSet<Users>("Users"); } return _Users; } } private IEnumerable<Users> _Users; #endregion #region AddTo 方法 /// <summary> /// 用於向 CmdMsg EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 IEnumerable<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToCmdMsg(CmdMsg cmdMsg) { base.AddObject("CmdMsg", cmdMsg); } /// <summary> /// 用於向 Door EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 IEnumerable<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToDoor(Door door) { base.AddObject("Door", door); } /// <summary> /// 用於向 Manager EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 IEnumerable<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToManager(Manager manager) { base.AddObject("Manager", manager); } /// <summary> /// 用於向 Users EntitySet 添加新對象的方法,已棄用。請考慮改用關聯的 IEnumerable<T> 屬性的 .Add 方法。 /// </summary> public void AddToUsers(Users users) { base.AddObject("Users", users); } #endregion }
爲了讓代碼和EF使用方法基本一致,因此不得不作一些工做讓我寫的類基本知足項目須要。首先實現一個讓Lambda Expression 表達式變成字符串的函數ide
string GetWhereString(Expression Func) { ConditionBuilder conditionBuilder = new ConditionBuilder(); conditionBuilder.Build(Func); for (int i = 0; i < conditionBuilder.Arguments.Length; i++) { object ce = conditionBuilder.Arguments[i]; if (ce == null) conditionBuilder.Arguments[i] = "null"; else if (ce is ValueType) conditionBuilder.Arguments[i] = ce.ToString(); else if (ce is string || ce is char) conditionBuilder.Arguments[i] = string.Format("'{0}'", ce.ToString()); else if (ce is DateTime) conditionBuilder.Arguments[i] = string.Format("#{0}#", ce.ToString()); } return string.Format(conditionBuilder.Condition, conditionBuilder.Arguments); }
實現咱們本身的where 這裏若是咱們本身生成類 那麼咱們的實體類類能夠直接有一個where 方法,可是我爲了能讓咱們懶人使用VS生成的實體類只能這麼實現了。爲了代碼利用率,咱們還須要另外2個函數。ui
IEnumerable<TEntity> SelectAll<TEntity>() where TEntity : new() { TEntity TDefault = new TEntity(); string entitySetName = TDefault.GetType().Name; string strSqlQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0}", entitySetName); m_LastSqlCommand = strSqlQuery; return SelectWhere<TEntity>(strSqlQuery); }
public IEnumerable<TEntity> Where<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> Func) where TEntity : new() { TEntity TDefault = new TEntity(); string entitySetName = TDefault.GetType().Name; string strWhere = GetWhereString(Func).Replace("Where", entitySetName); string strSqlQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} ", entitySetName, strWhere); m_LastSqlCommand = strSqlQuery; return SelectWhere<TEntity>(strSqlQuery); }
IEnumerable<TEntity> SelectWhere<TEntity>(string strSqlQuery) where TEntity : new() { TEntity TDefault = new TEntity(); //確認基礎類型是不是 EntityObject類型 Type TBase = TDefault.GetType(); while ((TBase.BaseType) != null) { if (TBase.Name == "EntityObject") break; TBase = TBase.BaseType; } bool IsPCEH = false; if (TBase != null && TBase.Name == "EntityObject") IsPCEH = true; PropertyInfo[] properties = TDefault.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); List<TEntity> Records = new List<TEntity>(); string entitySetName = TDefault.GetType().Name; try { OleDbCommand Cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSqlQuery, AccessConn); OleDbDataReader sqlReader = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); #region 數據庫查詢開始 while (sqlReader.Read()) { TEntity TValue = new TEntity(); //輸入是EntityObject類型,那麼加入屬性改變事件 if (IsPCEH) { EntityObject EO = TValue as EntityObject; EO.PropertyChanged += PropertyChangedEH; } for (int i = 0; i < sqlReader.FieldCount; i++) { string strField = sqlReader.GetName(i); //根據字段名 反射 類的屬性 PropertyInfo p = properties.Where(P => string.Compare(P.Name, strField, true) == 0).First(); #region 數據轉換 switch (p.PropertyType.Name.ToString().ToLower()) { case "int16": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetInt16(i), null); break; case "int32": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetInt32(i), null); break; case "int64": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetInt64(i), null); break; case "string": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetString(i), null); break; case "double": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetDouble(i), null); break; case "float": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetFloat(i), null); break; case "decimal": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetDecimal(i), null); break; case "datetime": if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetDateTime(i), null); break; default: if (!sqlReader.IsDBNull(i)) p.SetValue(TValue, sqlReader.GetValue(i), null); break; } #endregion } Records.Add(TValue); } #endregion Cmd.Clone(); m_IsDetectionChange = true; } catch (Exception) { throw; } return Records; }
//表名 //主鍵 //屬性 值1 值2 主鍵類型名字 Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object[]>>> m_ArrDetection = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object[]>>>();
void PropertyChangedEH(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { //沒有開啓返回 if (!m_IsDetectionChange) return; //反射全部屬性 PropertyInfo[] properties = sender.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); //查詢主鍵 PropertyInfo EntityKey = GetEntityKeyFormAllProperty(properties); //沒有主鍵的返回(表必需要有主鍵) if (EntityKey == null) return; //表名字 string Table = sender.GetType().Name; //主鍵值 string MainKey = EntityKey.GetValue(sender, null).ToString(); if (MainKey == null || MainKey == "") return; //沒有表 就添加 if (!m_ArrDetection.ContainsKey(Table)) m_ArrDetection[Table] = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object[]>>(); //沒有主鍵 就添加 if (!m_ArrDetection[Table].ContainsKey(MainKey)) m_ArrDetection[Table][MainKey] = new Dictionary<string, object[]>(); //主鍵是不用更新的(通常數據庫主鍵都是自動增加的吧,尤爲快速開發的項目) if (e.PropertyName == MainKey) return; PropertyInfo p = properties.Where(P => string.Compare(P.Name, e.PropertyName, true) == 0).First(); //賦值 m_ArrDetection[Table][MainKey][e.PropertyName] = new object[2] { p.GetValue(sender, null), EntityKey.Name }; }
private bool IsEntityKeyProperty(PropertyInfo Info) { foreach (Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(Info)) { if (attr is System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmScalarPropertyAttribute) { System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmScalarPropertyAttribute Key = (System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EdmScalarPropertyAttribute)attr; if (Key.EntityKeyProperty == true) { return true; } } } return false; } private PropertyInfo GetEntityKeyFormAllProperty(PropertyInfo[] properties) { foreach (PropertyInfo Info in properties) { if (IsEntityKeyProperty(Info)) return Info; } return null; }
public ActionResult Index() { int UID = GetUerID(); List<Door> Arr = new List<Door>(); try { // TODO: Add insert logic here using (SqlDoorEntities Database = new SqlDoorEntities()) { //EF寫法 //IEnumerable<Door> Records = Database.Door.Where(R => R.U_ID == UID); IEnumerable<Door> Records = Database.Where<Door>(R => R.U_ID == UID); foreach (Door Record in Records) Arr.Add(Record); } } catch (Exception E) { return Content(E.Message); } return View(Arr); }
固然你能夠直接用EF的方式 ,缺點就是直接把整個表的數據都讀取過來了。下面我依次說說 數據庫的 增長 刪除 修改;
public IEnumerable<TEntity> CreateObjectSet<TEntity>(string entitySetName) where TEntity : new() { return SelectAll<TEntity>(); }
實現AddObject 直接一個簡單把對象插入到數組中。實現的時候可讓SaveChanges()在處理
List<object> m_ArrAdd = new List<object>(); public void AddObject(string strName, object o) { m_ArrAdd.Add(o); }
public int SaveChanges() { if (m_ArrDel.Count > 0) { DeleteAll(); m_ArrDel.Clear(); } if (m_ArrAdd.Count > 0) { AddAll(); m_ArrAdd.Clear(); } if (m_ArrDetection.Count > 0) { AutoUpdate(); m_ArrDetection.Clear(); } m_IsDetectionChange = false; return 0; }
其實也沒什麼,就是看看數組中哪一個有了須要增刪改的 就處理下,接着寫添加全部的函數。
int AddAll() { foreach (object O in m_ArrAdd) { AddNew(O); } return 0; }
下面該實現咱們的insert into 了 直接使用也是能夠的 就不用使用糾結的SaveChanges()了。
public int AddNew<TEntity>(TEntity TDefault) where TEntity : class { PropertyInfo[] properties = TDefault.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo EntityKey = GetEntityKeyFormAllProperty(properties); if (EntityKey == null) throw new Exception("未設置主鍵,沒法使用本函數請使用其餘函數!"); string TabName = TDefault.GetType().Name; string EntityValue = ""; string strRows = ""; string strValues = ""; #region Rows Values foreach (PropertyInfo Info in properties) { object ce = Info.GetValue(TDefault, null); string strLeft = Info.Name; string strRight = ""; if (ce == null) continue; else if (ce is DateTime) strRight = string.Format("#{0}#", ce.ToString()); else if (ce is ValueType) strRight = ce.ToString(); else if (ce is ValueType) strRight = ce.ToString(); else if (ce is string || ce is char) strRight = string.Format("'{0}'", ce.ToString()); if (strLeft == EntityKey.Name) { EntityValue = strRight; continue; } if (strRight.Length == 0) continue; if (strLeft == "EntityKey" || strLeft == "EntityState") continue; strRows = strRows + strLeft + ","; strValues = strValues + strRight + ","; } #endregion if (strRows.Length < 2 || strValues.Length < 2) throw new Exception("SQL語句錯誤"); strRows = strRows.Remove(strRows.Length - 1); strValues = strValues.Remove(strValues.Length - 1); string strSqlQuery = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2})", TabName, strRows, strValues); m_LastSqlCommand = strSqlQuery; try { OleDbCommand Cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSqlQuery, AccessConn); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return 0; }
public void DeleteObject(object TDefault) { PropertyInfo[] properties = TDefault.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo EntityKey = GetEntityKeyFormAllProperty(properties); if (EntityKey == null) throw new Exception("未設置主鍵,沒法使用本函數請使用其餘函數!"); string EntityValue = EntityKey.GetValue(TDefault, null).ToString(); if (EntityValue == null || EntityValue == "") throw new Exception("反射取值失敗!"); string entitySetName = TDefault.GetType().Name; string KeyName = TDefault.GetType().Name; if (!m_ArrDel.ContainsKey(KeyName)) m_ArrDel.Add(KeyName,new List<string>()); m_ArrDel[KeyName].Add(string.Format("(({0})={1})", EntityKey.Name, EntityValue)); }
Dictionary<string, List<string>> m_ArrDel = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
public int Delete<TEntity>(TEntity TDefault) { PropertyInfo[] properties = TDefault.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo EntityKey = GetEntityKeyFormAllProperty(properties); if (EntityKey == null) throw new Exception("未設置主鍵,沒法使用本函數請使用其餘函數!"); string EntityValue = EntityKey.GetValue(TDefault, null).ToString(); if (EntityValue == null || EntityValue == "") throw new Exception("反射取值失敗!"); string entitySetName = TDefault.GetType().Name; string strSqlQuery = string.Format("DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1}={2} ", entitySetName, EntityKey, EntityValue); m_LastSqlCommand = strSqlQuery; try { OleDbCommand Cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSqlQuery, AccessConn); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return 0; }
這裏是根據主鍵更新的,沒有實現update …where…,由於每每都是查詢到記錄,而後根據這個記錄更新的,因此還須要更多代碼的實現Select等,爲了這個小的項目進度沒有寫完。上面代碼已經告訴了,能夠偵測到查詢到的屬性的變動因此SaveChanges()保存更改時,咱們就直接根據數組進行更改了。
public int AutoUpdate() { List<string> ArrSqlText = new List<string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, object[]>>> TabKVP in m_ArrDetection) { //遍歷表名 string TabName = TabKVP.Key; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, object[]>> KeyKVP in TabKVP.Value) { string strSet = ""; string strMainKeyName = ""; #region 把數據列出來例如: a=1,c="2" foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object[]> ValueKVP in KeyKVP.Value) { if (strMainKeyName.Length == 0) strMainKeyName = ValueKVP.Value[1].ToString(); object Va = ValueKVP.Value[0]; string strLeft = ValueKVP.Key; string strRight = ""; #region 根據值確認是否添加引號 if (ValueKVP.Value == null) continue; else if (Va is DateTime) strRight = string.Format("#{0}#", Va.ToString()); else if (Va is ValueType) strRight = Va.ToString(); else if (Va is string || Va is char) strRight = string.Format("'{0}'", Va.ToString()); #endregion if (strRight.Length == 0) continue; if (strLeft == "EntityKey" || strLeft == "EntityState") continue; strSet += strLeft + "=" + strRight + ","; } #endregion if (strSet.Length < 2) continue; strSet = strSet.Remove(strSet.Length - 1); //根據當前的主鍵[ID] 生成一個SQL語句 string strSqlQuery = string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2}={3} ", TabName, strSet, strMainKeyName, KeyKVP.Key); ArrSqlText.Add(strSqlQuery); } } foreach (string strSqlQuery in ArrSqlText) { m_LastSqlCommand = strSqlQuery; try { OleDbCommand Cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSqlQuery, AccessConn); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch { } } return 0; }
固然咱們還有直接把對象直接賦值拷貝的時候( a = b),這時候是偵測不到屬性的變化的,因此咱們要另一個函數來支持更新,就是讓他實現偵測到屬性的變化。
public void CopyPropertiesFrom(object destObject, object sourceObject) { if (destObject.GetType().Name != destObject.GetType().Name) throw new Exception("類型不一樣"); PropertyInfo[] destProperties = destObject.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo[] sourceProperties = sourceObject.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); PropertyInfo EntityKey = GetEntityKeyFormAllProperty(destProperties); if (EntityKey == null) throw new Exception("未設置主鍵,沒法使用本函數請使用其餘函數!"); for (int i = 0; i < destProperties.Length; i++) { if (destProperties[i]==null|| destProperties[i].Name == EntityKey.Name) continue; if (destProperties[i].Name == "EntityKey" || destProperties[i].Name == "EntityState") continue; object DstV = destProperties[i].GetValue(destObject,null); object SrcV = sourceProperties[i].GetValue(sourceObject, null); if (SrcV == null) continue;//源 是NULL 不拷貝 if (DstV.ToString() == SrcV.ToString()) continue; destProperties[i].SetValue(destObject, SrcV,null); //Action<object, object> LmdSetProp = LmdSet(destObject.GetType(), destProperties[i].Name); //LmdSetProp(destObject, SrcV); } }
#region 顯示用戶 [Authorize(Roles = "manager")] public ActionResult Index() { List<Users> Users = new List<Users>(); Users u = new Users(); try { using (SqlDoorEntities Database = new SqlDoorEntities()) { IEnumerable<Users> Records = Database.Users; if (Records.Count() > 0) { foreach (Users U in Records) Users.Add(U); } } } catch { } return View(Users); } #endregion #region 建立用戶 [Authorize(Roles = "manager")] [HttpPost] public ActionResult CreateUser(Users collection) { try { // TODO: Add insert logic here using (SqlDoorEntities Database = new SqlDoorEntities()) { IEnumerable<Users> Records = Database.Where<Users>(R => R.U_Number == collection.U_Number); if (Records.Count() > 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "已經有了記錄了!"); return RedirectToAction("Index"); } Database.AddToUsers(collection); Database.SaveChanges(); //collection.U_LastIP = GetWebClientIp(); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); } catch (Exception E) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "數據庫錯誤!" + E.Message); } return View(); } [Authorize(Roles = "manager")] public ActionResult CreateUser() { return View(); } #endregion #region 編輯用戶 [Authorize(Roles = "manager")] [HttpPost] public ActionResult EditUser(int id, Users collection) { try { // TODO: Add insert logic here using (SqlDoorEntities Database = new SqlDoorEntities()) { Users Record = Database.Where<Users>(R => R.U_ID == id).FirstOrDefault(); //Database.Update<Users>(Record); Database.CopyPropertiesFrom(Record, collection); Database.SaveChanges(); } return Content("OK"); } catch (Exception E) { return Content(E.Message); } } #endregion #region 刪除用戶 [Authorize(Roles = "manager")] public ActionResult DeleteUser(int id) { try { // TODO: Add insert logic here using (SqlDoorEntities Database = new SqlDoorEntities()) { Users Record = Database.Where<Users>(R => R.U_ID == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (User != null) { Database.DeleteObject(Record); Database.SaveChanges(); } } } catch { } return RedirectToAction("Index"); } #endregion