centos r8169驅動問題

  centos 對r8169驅動 不是很好web

一 1 下載官方驅動   執行./autorun.sh
    2 修改 vim /etc/modprobe.conf
       alias eth0 r8169  =>alias eth0 r8168

Using kmod-r8168 from elrepo.org on CentOS

ELRepo is a RPM repository for Enterprise Linux packages. ELRepo supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its derivatives (CentOS, Scientific Linux and others). It is the easiest way to get the r8168 driver for the standard upstream kernels.vim

NOTE: If you are using a special kernel like Virtuozzo, OpenVZ or something similar. You MUST compile the module yourself!centos

To install ELRepo for RHEL5, CentOS-5 or SL5:ide

rpm -Uvh http://elrepo.org/elrepo-release-0.1-1.el5.elrepo.noarch.rpm

Import the public key:spa

rpm --import http://elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org

To install kmod-r8168 Realtek r8168 driver:orm

yum --enablerepo=elrepo install kmod-r8168

After reboot the new driver is used. It stays active even after kernel upgrades.ci
