1. 事件、輕量級事件oop
2. 信號量、輕量級信號post
3. 互斥鎖ui
4. 消息、輕量級消息spa
The exampleserver
The event example code shows how a task waits for an event. This event對象
can be set by any other process or interrupt in the system. The example
simulates an ISR event using another simple task.
Explanation of the example
The example application creates two tasks. The service_task task
creates an event group, opens it and enters a loop in which it waits
for an event bit. When the appropriate event bit is set, it clears it
and prints "Tick.". The simulated_ISR_task task opens a connection to
the event group and periodically sets the corresponding event bit with
a delay in between.
The lwsem example
The lwsem example code shows how lightweight semaphores works. The code is written in a way that two different semaphores are synchronized to ensure mutual exclusion of a common memory space.
Explaining the example
The light weight semaphores example uses four tasks:
1 read_task
3 write_task
The read_task starts by creating two lightweight semaphores (WRITE_SEM and
READ_SEM) that govern the access to a data memory location (FIFO.Data). The
WRITE_SEM starts enabled, while the REA_SEM is disabled.
Result = _lwsem_create(&fifo.READ_SEM, 0);
Result = _lwsem_create(&fifo.WRITE_SEM, 1);
&fifo.READ_SEM = pointer to the lightweight semaphore to create
0 = Initial semaphore counter
Then 3 write task are created with initial_data equal to ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ correspondingly.
If the READ_SEM is available (_lwsem_wait), the read_task prints on the HyperTerminal
whatever the shared memory space contains.
Result = _lwsem_wait(&fifo.READ_SEM);
Finally the WRITE_SEM is posted
The write task verifies if the WRITE_SEM is available (_lwsem_wait), then writes at the
shared memory space, task initial_value.
Result = _lwsem_wait(&fifo.WRITE_SEM)
fifo.DATA = (uchar)initial_data;
Finally the READ_SEM is posted
The following figure shows how the tasks behave in the lwsem example.
互斥鎖是一個可選組件。當任務訪問共享資源時,互斥鎖提供了任務之間的相互排斥。互斥對象提供輪詢、FIFO排隊、優先級排隊、spin-only limited-spin排隊,優先級繼承,優先級保護。任務不能解鎖互斥鎖,除非它首次鎖定的互斥鎖。
The example
The mutex example code is used to demonstrate how to use a mutex to
synchronize two tasks. It creates a mutex and two tasks. Both tasks use
STDOUT to print out messages. Each task will lock the mutex before
printing and unlock it after printing to ensure that the outputs from
tasks are not mixed together.
Explanation of the example
The application demo creates the main task first. The main task then
creates two print tasks. The flows of the tasks are described in the
next figure.
The main task first initializes the mutex with the following line:
_mutex_init(&print_mutex, &mutexattr)
Then the main task creates a print task with parameter sting1, and
creates a second print task with parameter strings withthe following
_task_create(0, PRINT_TASK, (uint_32)string1);
_task_create(0, PRINT_TASK, (uint_32)string2);
Then the main task blocks itself.
The two print tasks both use the STDOUT. If they used it in the same
time, there would be conflicts, so a mutex is used to synchronize the
two tasks.
Each print task will try to lock the mutex before printing the message;
it will wait for the mutex as long as needed. Once the mutex is locked
it prints the message and then unlocks the mutex so that the other task
can lock it. This process is repeated indefinitely.
The lwmsgq example
This client/server model shows communication and task synchronization
using message passing.
Server task initializes the message queues, creates three client tasks,
and then waits for a message.
After receiving a message, the task returns the message to the sender.
Client task sends a message to the server_task and then waits for a
Explanation of the example
The flow of the tasks is described in the next figure. There is a
server task that receives all the incoming data and responds to them.
There are three client tasks. Each client sends a message to the server
and receives the answer back from it.