Now then, let's get started.
1. Open the
Play scene which you had created in the previous post. If you've not created the
Play scene, create a New Scene and save it as Play, of course you can name it whatever you want.
2. Once you open the scene, you should have a
Main Camera, I would suggest you to
Position it at
(0, 1, -15)
3. Add a
Directional Light to the scene by navigating to
Gameobject->Light->Directional Light. Position it at
(0, 1, -15) as well.
4. Add a
Cube to the scene from
Gameobject->3D Object->Cube. Rename it as
Player. Position it at
(-1, 1, -10). Add a
Rigidbody component to this Player and uncheck the
Use Gravity checkbox.
5. Create another
Cube object and rename it as
Fire. Position it at
(2, 1, -10). Check the
Is Trigger checkbox of the Fire's
Box Collider component.
You can add a material to this
Fire if you want, just like I did.
6. It is now time to add a
Text UI component named Health, to indicate a
Health Bar HUD.
7. Place the
text so that it is visible on the
top left corner of the
Game screen. Make sure you move the anchor points with the text as well
The above image shows you the things that I configured. You can follow it if you like or you can configure it the way you want.
1 signifies the position of the Health text
2 I have renamed the
Text to
3 Signifies the
Position of the HelathText
Rect Transform and also it's
Anchor's min maxpositions. Also the
Text content is changed to
4 Best Fit is checked so as to make the Text
dynamic. Max and Min size are set.
Color of the font has been changed to
(Overlook the error in the console)
8. Create another
Text element under the
Canvas named
GameOver. Position it wherever you want to with the anchor points placed at the four corners. Also check the
Best Fitcheckbox
. Change the font color if you want to
9. It is time to add a
Slider, which will be used to indicate the
Health of the Player
. Place it besides the
Health text and resize it as per your needs with the anchors placed around the corners.
10. We will disable the slider handle
as we don't need it.
11. Change the
Slider Fill color to Green
12. Create a
C# script named
MovementScript in the
Scripts folder. Attach it to the
PlayerGameObject. Open this script and add the below code to it.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class MovementScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Slider healthBarSlider; //reference for slider
public Text gameOverText; //reference for text
private bool isGameOver = false; //flag to see if game is over
void Start(){
gameOverText.enabled = false; //disable GameOver text on start
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//check if game is over i.e., health is greater than 0
transform.Translate(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime*10f, 0, 0); //get input
//Check if player enters/stays on the fire
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other){
//if player triggers fire object and health is greater than 0
if("Fire" && healthBarSlider.value>0){
healthBarSlider.value -=.011f; //reduce health
isGameOver = true; //set game over to true
gameOverText.enabled = true; //enable GameOver text
- In the
Start function we disable the
GameOver text as we need it to be displayed only when the health is
- The code above is very simple. The
Update function gets input from the
keyboard as long as the
isGameOver flag is
false. Press
Right Arrow to move the
Player to
Right and
Left Arrow to move it
OnTriggerStay function checks for
contact between the
Player and
Fire object as long as the
slider value is greater than
zero. If the
Player is in contact with the
Fire, it's health will reduce at a rate of
0.01 units/frame. This value is reflected on the
Slider. If the health value is
zero, we will enable the
GameOver text.
(Note: The slider value is set to 1 by default)
13. Save the script and return to Unity. Add the
Slider and
GameOver text elements to the script reference fields as below:
Now, your
Health Bar HUD is all ready to be tested. Press the
Play button to test your scene. Use the left and right arrow keys to move the Player.
See you around.
Also check out,
Unity 4.6 New GUI - Create a Blinking / Flashing Text
Dynamic Canvas Using Canvas Scaler / Reference Resolution - New Unity 4.6 GUI
Unity 4.6 GUI - Create A Dynamic Menu With The New UI
Unity 4.6 GUI - Create A Health Bar HUD
Unity 4.6 GUI - Create A Level Select Scroll Menu
Unity 4.6 GUI - Create An Animated Menu
Unity 4.6 GUI - Create A Level Lock/Unlock System