A positive integer may be expressed as a sum of different prime numbers (primes), in one way or another. Given two positive integersn and k, you should count the number of ways to express n as a sum ofk different primes. Here, two ways are considered to be the same if they sum up the same set of the primes. For example, 8 can be expressed as 3 + 5 and 5 + 3 but the are not distinguished.express
When n and k are 24 and 3 respectively, the answer is two because there are two sets {2, 3, 19} and {2, 5, 17} whose sums are equal to 24. There are not other sets of three primes that sum up to 24. Forn = 24 and k = 2, the answer is three, because there are three sets {5, 19}, {7, 17} and {11, 13}. Forn = 2 and k = 1, the answer is one, because there is only one set {2} whose sum is 2. Forn = 1 and k = 1, the answer is zero. As 1 is not a prime, you shouldn’t count {1}. Forn = 4 and k = 2, the answer is zero, because there are no sets of two different primes whose sums are 4.數組
Your job is to write a program that reports the number of such ways for the givenn and k.less
The input is a sequence of datasets followed by a line containing two zeros separated by a space. A dataset is a line containing two positive integersn and k separated by a space. You may assume that n ≤ 1120 andk ≤ 14.ui
The output should be composed of lines, each corresponding to an input dataset. An output line should contain one non-negative integer indicating the number of the ways forn and k specified in the corresponding dataset. You may assume that it is less than 231.code
Sample Inputorm
24 3 24 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 18 3 17 1 17 3 17 4 100 5 1000 10 1120 14 0 0
Sample Output遞歸
2 3 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 55 200102899 2079324314
#include<iostream> /*保存輸入數num的最大值*/ #define maxNum 1120+5 /*保存須要分解的項數times的最大值*/ #define maxK 14 using namespace std; /*保存素數篩*/ int SIGN[maxNum]; /*保存結果*/ int N = 0; /*離線求出素數篩*/ void PrimeSum(){ SIGN[0] = SIGN[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < maxNum; ++i) if (!SIGN[i]) for (int j = i * 2; j < maxNum; j += i) SIGN[j] = 1; } /*遞歸調用求出可分解出的種數*/ void Fun(int num, int times, int up){ /*當times爲1的時候,遞歸結束。分解種數+1*/ if (times == 1){ if (!SIGN[num] && num != up) N++; } /*若是times不爲1,則繼續遞歸*/ else for (int i = up + 1; i <= num / times; ++i) if (!SIGN[i]) /*此處不能用--times,由於當times爲1時,--times則爲0, 遞歸結束回溯時,循環條件中的分母值爲0,循環結束,異常*/ Fun(num - i, times - 1, i); } int main(){ PrimeSum(); int num, times; while (cin >> num >> times && (num + times) && times <= maxK){ N = 0; Fun(num, times, 1); cout << N << endl; } return 0; }
#include<iostream> /*保存輸入數num的最大值*/ #define maxNum 1120+5 using namespace std; /*保存素數篩*/ int SIGN[maxNum]; /*保存素數集*/ int PRIM[maxNum]; /*保存待分解的數和分解的項數對應的結果*/ int DP[maxNum][50]; /*保存素數集的大小*/ int num = 0; void PrimeSum(){ /*離線求出素數篩*/ SIGN[0] = SIGN[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < maxNum; ++i) if (!SIGN[i]) for (int j = i * 2; j < maxNum; j += i) SIGN[j] = 1; /*離線求出素數集*/ for (int k = 0;k<maxNum;++k) if (!SIGN[k]) PRIM[num++] = k; } int main(){ /*輸入前處理*/ PrimeSum(); /*將待處理數和需分解的項數對應值存入二維數組, 輸入對應值時查詢輸出便可,可將數組寫下來分析 便可明白原理*/ DP[0][0] = 1; for (int i = 0; i<num; i++) for (int j = maxNum; j >= PRIM[i]; j--) for (int k = 15; k>0; k--) DP[j][k] += DP[j - PRIM[i]][k - 1]; int sum, n; /*輸入數據,查詢便可輸出結果,保證較低的時間複雜度*/ while (cin>>sum>>n, sum + n) cout << DP[sum][n] << endl; return 0; }