打開CMD.exe命令行窗口,經過 chcp命令改變代碼頁命令行
UTF-8的代碼頁爲65001,ANSI/OEM - 簡體中文 GBK爲936,window default OEM - 美國爲437code
refer to http://zfj-rails.iteye.com/blog/778022ci
* 437 — The original IBM PC code page
* 932 — Supports Japanese
* 936 — GBK Supports Simplified Chinese
* 949 — Supports Korean
* 950 — Supports Traditional Chinese
* 1200 — UTF-16LE Unicode little-endian
* 1201 — UTF-16BE Unicode big-endian
* 65000 — UTF-7 Unicode
* 65001 — UTF-8 Unicode
* 10000 — Macintosh Roman encoding (followed by several other Mac character sets)
* 10007 — Macintosh Cyrillic encoding
* 10029 — Macintosh Central European encoding
* 20127 — US-ASCII The classic US 7 bit character set with no char larger than 127
* 28591 — ISO-8859-1 (followed by ISO-8859-2 to ISO-8859-15)cmd
使用chcp 936在CMD.exe命令行窗口。it
也能夠該註冊表,在開始運行裏輸入regedit 找到分支 HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Console/%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe,再雙擊右邊CodePage選項將數值改成十六進制3a8或十進制"936io
十六進制"000003a8"或十進制"936",表示「936 (ANSI/OEM - 簡體中文 GBK)」。
十六進制"000001b5"或十進制"437",表示「437 (OEM - 美國)」。class